Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Today was my birthday so Aunty made me a special cake. I ate it and pretended to enjoy it although I was really just looking forward to getting in the car with Spencer this morning to escape it. Aunty kissed me on the cheek and left to go to work.

 Spencer had been driving me to school for the past two months so when I entered the front yard and there was no bright pink beetle waiting for me I got a little scared. I pulled out the cell phone Spencer had lent to me and hit speed dial one.

*ring* *ring*

“Hello?” Spencer asked.

“Hey Spence, it’s Lindsay,”

“Oh, hey Lindsay—a-a-choo!”

“Spencer? Are you okay? You sound horrible,”

“Yah, I’ll be fine, but I’m not coming to school today so Blake will be there to pick you up soon, ‘kay?” Blake and I hadn’t exactly been on speaking terms since the day I hurt his manhood.

“Spence? No, it’s not okay,”

*beep* *beep*

Just then a motorcycle roared to a stop outside of my house. “Spence? Spencer!” I ran back into the house and locked the door before peering out of the window. Then I realized this motorcycle was red and the rider was much taller and lankier than Blake was. My heart sped up when he removed his helmet and his messy hair fell to frame his smooth face in a way that made my heart fill with longing.

I hid behind the door and looked out the peephole instead as he began to walk up the sidewalk. I knew that he knew that I was hiding behind the door but I pretended he didn’t.

“Lindsay? Lindsay, I know you’re in there, we need to talk…. please open the door,” he said, his accent thick and sweet. I suddenly wished that it had been Blake who had come up on his motorcycle. He put his face up to the glass and cupped his hands around his face so he could see in. As his eyes searched for me I wished I had the strength to look into them.

“I know what I did was wrong and I’m sorry,” he said and then I remembered everything. “Please, give me a chance, you won’t regret it!” he cried but he was talking to air because I had sneaked around the back. I looked around and sure enough Blake was pulled up on the curb looking confused. I walked over to him with a finger on my lips; I wanted to get out of here as inconspicuously as possible. He handed me a helmet and pointed to the man on my porch as he silently asked, “Do you know this guy?” I nodded. He shrugged and I got on behind him this time not even hesitating to wrap my arms around him.

Blake revved his bike a couple times before actually moving as if to laugh at the poor boy on my porch. As we lurched forward I made the mistake of looking behind me. I had hoped his face would’ve been sad, or angry, but his face was much worse. His normally beautiful face was morphed in determination. He sprinted towards his bike and the chase began.

He was gaining on us and I was scared. “Blake,” I said. No answer. “Blake!” We were speeding at an illegal speed towards a red light and I realized his plan. “Don’t be stupid!” I screeched. The red motorcycle was creeping towards us now. He was close enough that I could see the details of his body. Just before the light Blake screeched to a stop and almost hit a little girl crossing the street. The rider of the red motorcycle had not been so prepared; he slid straight into the line of traffic and a taxi almost hit him.

Blake chuckled before he turned his bike and sped off towards school. “You’re crazy!” I yelled to make myself heard over the wind.

“Did you want to lose him or not?” That shut me up.

We pulled into the parking lot of the school and I could hear the sounds of a motorcycle not far behind us. I pulled off my helmet and shoved at Blake muttering a thank you before I ran towards the school.

*Blake’s POV*

I leaned against my bike, not really knowing what I planned to do when the red motorcycle came into the parking lot. I knew he would be pretty pissed that I almost got him run over by a taxi, but I didn’t really know the extent of his pissiness until he removed his helmet and stomped over to me.

“Who in the hell are you supposed to be?” he yelled in my face with a strong southern accent.

“I’m Blake Ford, and may I say, it is a great displeasure to make your acquaintance,” I said, trying to copy his accent.

“What’s that? First, you steal my girl, and now you’re making fun of me?”

“I wasn’t trying to steal your girl man, I was just giving her a ride—wait, what the hell am I doing? I don’t need to explain myself to you!” I said standing up. He was taller than me, but I could take him. I raised my fist and let it fly; it caught him square in the jaw. He pulled back and let one loose on my boy. “Low blow, low blow!” I gasped and fell forward.

“That’s how we do it in Texas, bitch!” he yelled and sped towards the school.

*Lindsay’s POV*

As soon as I entered the hallway I realized it was deserted.

“Hello?” I called.

“Surprise!” a bunch of voices chorused.

“Ah, hell,” I said as I realized what was going on. I tried to run away but Spencer’s arms wrapped around me before I could get anywhere. “Man, for a cheerleader you sure a strong,” I choked out. He removed his arms and settled for grabbing both of my hands in his.

“Happy birthday Lindsay,” he said smiling from ear to ear.

“Thanks,” I muttered, “Oh!” I exclaimed as I had felt someone grab my hips.

“Happy birthday baby,” Tyler whispered in my ear.

“Gee, can this day get any better?” I asked. Emma waltzed over yelling happy birthday all the way. When she finally reached me she held out a small box.

“Aw, thanks,” I said. Spencer pouted because I had told him and Tyler not to get me anything. They would have both gone way overboard.

I opened the box to reveal a silver diamond shape with a cursive ‘F’ carved into it.

“Oh, it’s beautiful,” I gasped. Emma and Spencer each held up a c shaped necklace. Spencer’s had an ‘F’ on it and Emma’s had a ‘B’. “You guys!” I said, but my cheerfulness was interrupted by a familiar figure approaching me from the parking lot. Spencer’s gaze turned wary and Emma lost some of her pep. They turned around to see what I was staring at.

“Dibs,” I heard Emma say.

“Hey Baby, you miss me?” he called. I tried to say something but I just stood there frozen. Spencer looked at me again as the tall man came to stand in front of me.

“Who is this guy?” he asked.

“Spencer, meet Damion.”


Who saw that one coming?

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