Chapter 4

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Chapter four

We skipped onto the pavement outside of the girl’s locker room with my hand in his; it felt oddly comfortable there having just met him. We broke apart and I walked into the room, it was huge! I walked over to an empty locker and threw my crap inside, I slipped into my P.E. clothes and threw my hair into a messy ponytail, afterwards I clicked my lock to the locker claiming it as mine and strode out before half of the girls had even began undressing. I walked out and met up with Spencer so we could begin to jog around the track. I felt a warm presence as someone looped their arm through mine, I looked over to see Tyler, and he was wearing his usual smirk. “What?” I spat, secretly not wanting him to go because he felt warm, but I could hear Spencer giggling. Can guys giggle? Is it physically possible? I pondered until I heard Tyler reply, “Are you fromTennessee? Because you’re the only ten I see!”

“No, I’m from Texas, are you from Wisconsin?”

“No, why would you even ask that?’

“Because you’re cheesy,” I said, wriggling free of his grasp and speeding up with Spencer still by my side, he was full out laughing now. I knew that he hadn’t actually left my side, but he didn’t try to link arms again. This school was amazing, they had small stands by the locker rooms selling Gatorade, water, and other sports drinks, I was looking at them wantingly and Spencer chuckled, “You want me to buy you something?” He asked, I nodded and we jogged over. Tyler was trailing behind us. Spencer paid him three dollars and grabbed two Gatorades, he got a blue one and handed me a green one, I popped the lid and slurped the liquid, Spencer started to walk away and I was about to follow when Tyler appeared in front of me, probably to buy something, and I smacked into him, spilling my Gatorade all over him. He screamed, and I have to admit that it sounded similar to a little girl. I tried to say sorry but all that came out were giggles. He stripped off his shirt and cast it aside before looking back at me, “You like what you see?” he asked, wrapping his arms around me, I almost wanted to say yes, but common sense helped me to instead just try and push him off, it affectively had him tumbling back, but caught me in the fall as well, having me land on top of him. I was about to tell him off, but he looked into my eyes and I stopped after, “Tyler—“ and I was caught in a beautiful violet color, they were amazing. I was only snapped back to my senses when they closed and I found myself only centimeters from his face, his eyes were closed and his lips were puckered, pervert, I thought. I was about to get up when I realized, I kind of wanted to kiss him to, so I did, I kissed him on the lips quickly and jumped up, yum, I thought. His eyes whipped open and he stared at me in shock, which morphed to its natural position, a smirk.  Spencer stood there, for once not smiling, but frowning, almost like a lonely puppy, and Blake glared at Tyler, are maybe it was just my imagination.

I yanked Spencer’s hand out of his pocket and we walked back to the track, he offered me his leftover Gatorade since mine was no more, I accepted it graciously. “Why’d you kiss him?” I knew he’d ask that.

“Why else, to see his reaction,” I covered.

“Oh, I see how it is, YOU”RE EVIL!”

“NO!” I gasped dramatically.

“Ya-huh,” he argued childishly, “What other emotion could drive you to such drastic levels of stupidity?”

“Humor,” I said smiling devilishly.

“I knew it, you are evil,” he said seriously. We both burst out laughing. The bell rang and we were leaving, me for calculus and him for algebra II. I promised him that I’d tutor him after school since he was having… troubles. Calculus was boring, as expected. The final bell rang and I walked down towards the field, Spencer had told me to meet him down there. I plopped onto a bench and waited for less than a minute before warm arms wrapped around my middle and lifted me off the bench, positioning me on my feet and helping me to turn around, it was Spencer, happy as ever.

“Hey, my little gummybear! Glad you could make it,” he said happily.

“Why you!” I said angrily. He kept smiling his little happy smile and I couldn’t help but smile too. I felt a nudge on my back and I fell forward into Spencer, we both tumbled to the ground and I turned to glare at the group of giggling cheerleaders, then I turned to glare at a giggling Spencer and a smile betrayed me. After a minute or so I realized I was still on top of Spencer, and for the second time today I blushed and jumped off, a couple more giggles from the cheerleaders. One of them spoke, “Okay, just relax and show me your best moves, we’ll have Spencer tell you the results tomorrow and if you make it we’ll see where you fit in.” Okay, I thought, no pressure, I’ve never cheered before, but I’ve taken gymnastics, how hard could it be? “Ready? Ok!” I said beginning the average cheerleader dance, “Go! Go! Go! Go!” I said, ending with a back hand spring and landing in the splits.

The cheerleaders simply nodded and walked away, whispering afterthoughts to each other, Spencer walked over, bouncing with joy, “Good job, they were impressed!” I didn’t believe him at all after the way they left, but I acted excited to spare his feeling, “Okay, what’s next?”

“My house,” he said smiling maliciously.


OKAY! I know I took forever to upload and I’m so sorry! BTW! This chapter is dedicated to BonnieLuvs because of the awesome cover she made, thanks and I’ll try to upload tomorrow~ Kayley out

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