Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

*beep* *beep* *beep*

  My alarm was squealing in my ear. I moaned, sitting up, I’ve been sleeping on the couch and using my Aunt’s watch as an alarm clock, because she has yet to buy me either one… she works at a local McDonalds, so I couldn’t blame her for not taking the discount food.

  I threw on some clothes before trudging to the kitchen. I read in the school pamphlet that Monday’s were supposed to be uniform day, but, since it was a rich kid’s school, Aunty couldn’t afford a uniform, but they gave us until next Monday to get one.

  Last night was the first night I was able to dream about something other than Damion. Of course, what I did dream about was school…

  I scarffed down my food and gulped some orange juice before snapping up the keys and walking outside, calling, “Bye Aunty!” on my way out. I plugged in the keys and tried to start the car. Nothing. I got out and popped the hood. What I saw didn’t surprise me, this car hadn’t been used since Aunty was 16, there was a dead possum… or at least, I think it was dead. I got a dustpan and scooped it out, it immediately scurried off.

  I tried to start the truck once more. Success. I drove my new rickety old deathtrap from rags to riches, and soon I was parking in an empty lot outside of school. I got out, pocketed the keys, and started walking towards the school, I didn’t get nervous about starting at a new school like everyone else, and I actually liked a change.

  I walked into the school and headed into the office. When I got in, everyone stared at me, until one person spoke out, “Oh, hello, you must be Lindsay Fallhaven, we’ve been expecting you.”

“Yep, that’s me,” they handed me a schedule, and pushed someone at me, who immediately ushered me out the door. “Okay,” my new tour guide said, glancing at my schedule. He looked at me, and started tearing down the hall, not running, but it looked like it. I had to jog to keep up.

  About seven minutes later, we arrived outside of room 208, English. I was starting to understand why first day students needed tour guides, and why the school had ten minutes to get to each class. When he asked if I wanted him to come back after class to take me to history, I politely refused, which granted me a look of relief from him, he nodded gratefully and walked off. I took a deep breath and walked into the classroom.

  Once inside, I wished I had just gone to the local school, the kids all stared at me in horror; the teacher was staring daggers at me. She was a middle-aged wanna-be-redhead who wore way to much purple lipstick and a purple blazer to match.

“Who’re you?”  she demanded.

“Lindsay Fallhaven!” I resisted the urge to salute and say ma’am.

She looked at me with an unsettling glare; the tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife. I could hear the class squirming in their seats. A look of recognition crossed her face and she glanced at her role call sheet. “Lindsay! Please take an open seat!”

  I glanced around nervously; this class was really starting to get to me… there were only two seats open. One was next to a sexy guy with brown hair and a sweet build, he was patting the seat next to him and smiling seductively.

  The other seat was next to a blond guy who was smiling brightly, I swear I heard “Walking on Sunshine” playing, “Spencer, no iPods in class!”

  “Sorry Ms. T, I was just setting the mood, he said, smiling sweetly.

“Oh, ok, never mind darling,” she said going back to working on the board.

I took the seat next to the cute blond guy who seemed to know his way around trouble. “Hey Lindsay, I’m Spencer, Spencer Ford,” he said, still smiling.

“Uh, hi…” I said, oh, smooth move agent slick, I thought. “Why did everyone stare at me like that?” I asked.

“You aren’t wearing the uniform, you looked like a thief,” he said, smiling sheepishly. Oh, that’s why, I thought.

After about 36 minutes of lecturing, “Ms. T” said “O.K. class, you can use the last fifteen minutes of class to get to know Lindsay.”

Seeing that nobody wanted to get to know me, I walked to the wall next to the door and leaned on it. Tick Tock Tick Tock…. After about a minute, I got bored of staring into space and let my mind wander instead. It wandered immediately to Damion.

“Hey there!” eeeep! I jumped, my stuff spilling to the floor.

“Who? What? Where?” I said stupidly, I looked to the source of the voice, being Spencer, standing inches from my face.

“Aaaah!” I said, trying to jump back, but bumping into the wall, knocking me forward, colliding with Spencer, the whole class was looking over here now.

Trying to save the reputation I never had, I yelled, “Get off you perv!” the class was laughing now.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself…” Spencer said shyly. Why was he playing along?


The bell chimed musically, signaling the end of first period, I stood, looking at the map, trying to decipher it. Spencer snatched up my schedule and looked over it, grabbing my hand and running down the hallway. “Where are we going??” I yelled.

“History,” he glanced back, smiling.

“But, I don’t want you to be late…” I said.

“Don’t worry, that’s my next class too.”

Maybe school won’t be so bad.


Ok, if you want this chapter from Spencer’s P.o.v., I’ve got it, just search under my name, Loving your Best Friend. Okk, tell me what you think J

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