Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


*Damion’s POV*

I wandered around my grandma’s doing her odd jobs while I tried to think of some way to get Lindsay back home to Texas. Her parents told me that it was certain that we could be together again if I could just do that. Man, the things I do to get on the parent’s good side. I frowned as I massaged my grandma’s feet. She’d told me to go back to Texas, as if I didn’t belong here. Well does she? No, so how can I make her see that….

“Ouch! Be careful,” grandma scolded.

“Sorry,” I said. Anyways, she told me she’d call the cops. Now Lindsay had never been one to take drastic measures. She’d always use logic that hurt my brain in order to get what she wanted. Man, I can’t stand that chick! Then why am I trying so hard to get her back? Because her parents… but what if I don’t go back?

*Lindsay’s POV*

Tyler didn’t seem so bad anymore; in fact I didn’t mind being his girlfriend. I kind of wonder how we’ve been together so long (two days), but Spencer says it’s because I refuse to let him in my pants. Today it’s Sunday and apparently the triplets always go out for ice cream on Sundays, though I hang out with Spencer all the time and had never heard him mention it before. I wonder where their parents are, but whenever I bring it up I’m met with silence.

Now I’m driving with Tyler to a small ice cream shop that looks really cute from the outside. We walk inside and I feel the rush of cool air meet me. Tyler and I sit down to wait for Spencer and Blake to show up.

*ring ring*

“Tyler are you going to get your phone?” I ask. He hasn’t been able to stop looking at my lips. I haven’t even shared my first real kiss with him, he’d probably tire of me soon.

“Yah,” he said pulling the phone out of his pocket, “Hello? Spence—yah, no I—we’re here where are you?—What do you mean?—Dude, yes, that works!” He flipped the phone closed and shoved it in his pocket.

“Spencer might be a little late,” as he said that Blake walked in… stumbled in with a familiar girl hanging off of him. I recognized it as Vanessa, Spencer’s ex.

“Heh, thanks Blakey, that was more fun than I could have imagined,” she said as they sat down.

“No problem, I never mind showing a girl a good time,” he glanced at me, “especially virgins.” Was he trying to imply something? I was about to ask when Emma pranced in, Spencer gliding in behind her.

“Lindsay!” she squealed and came over to sit next to me. She noticed that Tyler and Blake had already occupied the seats. She began to pout and tried to push Blake away. “Move fat ass!” she huffed and I realized she would never get him to move. I would try to help her but it was just too amusing. She kept tripping and Spencer sat opposite me, looking just as amused.

“Good luck,” Blake said and chuckled. Emma gave me a pleading look.

“I’m good with words, not boys,” I said.

“So no good in bed?” Blake asked. Seriously, what is up with him and insulting my womanly skills? That did it. I stood up and tipped his chair, he fell into Vanessa and they both fell to the floor. Emma cracked up as Blake cursed, “What the hell was that for?”

“What are you trying to imply?”

“Do you need to ask? Besides, I’m just joking,” Emma had stopped laughing, she knew how sensitive this subject was to me.

“Not funny,” I said. Emma grabbed the chair before Blake could get up and beckoned Spencer to take Vanessa’s. I just realized that the triplets had set up a triple date. It sure was going well, I thought inwardly. Tyler stood up.

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