Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


I rushed towards the front door calling, “Bye Aunty!” over my shoulder on my way out. I jogged towards my truck when I heard an annoying honk. I looked up ready to flip someone off when I saw the bright smile of a stupid boy. “Spence? What are you doing here?” I asked tapping my foot.

“Driving you to school,” he said as he pet the seat besides his. A smile crept onto my face, he was so sweet. I walked over and hopped in next to him. His Volkswagen’s top was down again so my hair flew back ruining my delicate styling. I looked at Spencer to see how he dressed normally. He was wearing a green and white striped Abercrombie v-neck and light blue skinny jeans. He also had on a rocking pair of sunglasses. I noticed he was patting his hand on the steering wheel and I looked at the radio to see it was on only playing too softly for my ears. I reached down and cranked the knob so I could hear it and “Walking on Sunshine” started to blast in my ears. Spencer started singing along. He was horrible; I smiled and started to sing too.

When we pulled into the parking lot I couldn’t help but look at the motorcycle that was playing “I’m Sexy and I Know It” so loudly I couldn’t hear the woots and whistles of the people passing it. As Spencer and I approached I could feel him tense besides me. I too realized who was sitting on the bike. It was Blake Ford and some blonde, wow, déjà vu. Spencer stormed over and tried to yank Blake off of the suffocating cheer leader but he ignored the attempt. Spencer gave up and waited for them to part, by now I was standing beside him and my stage fright had started to kick in from so many people watching, nearly everyone at school was gathered around us.

“What?” Blake asked.

“What? What?” Spencer was yelling now. “That is my girlfriend! You’ve seen her over a gazillion times!”

“You haven’t been together that long, and besides, we both know that you were only dating her to cover up the fact that you’re gay,” Blake shrugged. Spencer paled before turning to me and grabbing my hand.

“Let’s go, please….” He begged.

“Okay,” I agreed, “but first,” I interrupted. I turned around and got right in Blake’s face, “You think you’re cool? Well I’ve dated guys like you and I have to wonder, why is it you can’t hold down a relationship for more than two weeks? Hmm? You’re just jealous of Spencer because he knows how to treat a girl.” I kicked his bike and it fell over taking Blake and the blonde down with it. I flipped him off and walked over to Spencer, linking my arm through his, I began to tug him towards English.

“What’d you tell him?” he whispered to me.

“I just damaged his pride, although I wish I would have insulted his manhood too,” I said as I sighed. Spencer’s mouth dropped.

“Really? You don’t find him attractive then?” Spencer asked awe struck.

“Of course not, guys like that just feed on people to make themselves feel better,” I said although I did think he had a camera-worthy butt.

“Cool,” Spencer concluded.

 The day passed rather quickly until science. I sat in my seat and waited for the bell to ring. Two minutes and Mr. Blake Ford would be late to class. Spencer was filling Tyler in on the adventures of this morning when the door opened and the class fell silent. Everyone had heard about this morning, some sided with me and others sided with Blake and his small dick. Blake walked up to me and sat on the desk in front of mine and then leaned down so he was eye level with me.

“Lindsay Fallhaven?” he purred.

“Finally come up with a comeback?” I asked conversationally.

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