Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


I was walking through the cool night air, the dim lights illuminating my shadows. My hair thrashed behind me as I walked towards my house. The night was quiet, until I heard a motorcycle, probably some idiot and his girlfriend, I thought, but no, life doesn’t like me right now, I turned around to see it hop on the sidewalk and barrel straight towards me. I dove out of the way as he zoomed by, screeching to a halt and using his foot for support (the way they do in action movies) he took off his helmet, his hair falling back around his head, why was I surprised that it was Blake?

He walked over to me and offered his hand, not making eye contact, his hand was warm, and I smiled as I stood up. Why did I feel safe around a guy who almost just ran me over? Ugh, hormones, can’t live with them, can’t live wit- never mind, just the first part. I was about to thank him and ask him why he was here and why he didn’t just stop on the sidewalk like a normal person instead of running me over, but instead he pulled me easily over his shoulder. He was still wearing my masterpiece on his boots (mostly because it’s sharpie and that stuff is permanent) and I couldn’t help but smile a little bit.

“Why aren’t you struggling, this happen often?” he asked, and I could just see his smirk.

“No, I just can’t believe that you’re still wearing those boots,” I said while playing with his hair, it was soft. Wait, earth to Lindsay STOP playing with this creep’s hair!

“The new pair’s on the way and these are my favorite boots, so,” did I sense a blush coming on?

“And the cat?”

“On the motorcycle yah go!” he plopped me onto the seat and shoved a helmet at me. He got on in front of me and put on his own helmet, and I put on the one he gave me. “Hold on tight,”

“Are you crazy? I am NOT riding on th—“ The wind started to rush by us as I yelped, clinging around his body. And I have to say, it felt nice, although I won’t say whether I’m talking about slicing through the air at 80 mph, or Blake. He pulled in front of the house and I hopped off, handing him the helmet, he still had his on, but I’m guessing he was emotionless as usual; however I was still giddy from the rush.

“So, why are we back here?” I asked.

“No idea,” and with that we walked inside. I wish I was back on the motorcycle, because when we walked in, Spencer and Tyler were sitting on the couch. I cringed when they beckoned us to sit opposite them, this felt so familiar. Spencer had his hands in his lap and Tyler sipped tea and I noticed his pinky finger sticking out, cliché. Spencer glared at the small space between us so I scooted away from Blake and Spencer’s face calmed.

“Now, what makes you think that you’re right for my little girl?” Spencer crowed.

“What?” was Blake’s brilliant response.

“Ah, hell,” I muttered.

“No curse words under this roof dammit!” Spencer yelled.

“Hypocrite,” I snapped.

“It doesn’t apply to me,” Spencer added.

“Does he do this often?” I whispered to Blake.

“No,” he sighed and brushed his hand through his hair. HOT! Just then Spencer got up from his spot on the couch and waddled to me.

“Don’t you ever run away from daddy again!” he was referring to himself as daddy, I thought. “Now let’s go take a bath,” Spencer said as he began to tug me towards the hallway.

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