Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


*Spencer's POV*

 "Spencer, meet Damion," Lindsay said.

 "What? That bitch who broke your heart?" Damion ignored my comment and tried to step towards Lindsay. I blocked his path, "Look, she doesn't want to talk to you, so you can just fly your sad ass back to Texas!" I snapped.

 "And I don't need a gay guy telling me what to do, so you can cry your fag butt over there to your boyfriend!" he said shoving me aside.

 "Oh no he didn't!" I exclaimed. I'd had just about enough of him already, I thought. I leaped at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him to the ground with me. I rolled on top of him and raised my fist to punch his face, but something distracted me. He was bleeding from his mouth, had someone already punched him? He took the opportunity to grab my shoulders and pull my head down so he could head butt me. I gasped in pain and he pushed me off of him. Damion then leaped up and walked over to Lindsay.

 "The guys at this school like to attack me, you haven't been sleeping around, have you? At least wait until we're formally broken up, okay darling?" he scolded Lindsay.

*Lindsay's POV*

 "Spencer?" I asked. I really wanted to run to him and check for serious damage, he lied on his back, staring at the ceiling, but Damion blocked my path and opened his arms.

 "Don't you mean Damion? I flew all the way out from Texas just to see you, the least you can do is say hi," he said with a cool smirk.

 "Move!" I tried to shove him, but he was a lot stronger than me and he caught me easily. He hugged me tightly.

 "C'mon baby," Damion chided," now we wouldn't want... Um, Spencer to get hurt, now would we?" Was he threatening me?

“He’s already hurt, just move so I can help him!” I screamed.

“I assure you, he’s fine,” Damion said, “now, back to us.” He disregarded Tyler who had long since released his hold on my hips but was still standing uncomfortably close. Damion wrapped his muscular arms around my shoulders and pulled my head to his. He moved his lips to my cheek and then to my lips. “Admit it, you miss me,” he whispered when I pulled away.

“Not for a second!” I spat, although I was lying; I’d never really gotten over him. Tyler cleared his throat next to me. “Tyler!” I moaned and grasped his hand, trying to get him to hug me, he looked confused and frightened. I couldn’t blame him, Spencer was still unconscious. “Damion, have you met Tyler? He’s my, um… I l-l-ove him,” I stuttered. Tyler looked at me again, a smirk forming on his face, and I could only imagine how he planned to abuse the words I just made up. I wonder if he thought of them as real. Damion shook me so I would look back at him.

“Lindsay! How could you? I thought what we had was special!” he gasped.

“Excuse me? I’m not the one at wrong in this situation! You obviously never actually cared about me, or you wouldn’t have slept with, with… her!”

“I was drunk, it was a trick!”

“That’s what they all say, seriously, try something more original!”

“It was Wendy! She’s an evil demon!”

“She was my best friend, there’s no way she would!”

“You said to make something up, so I did, just like you,” he muttered, serious again.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“You don’t love him, I know you felt it too… the spark.”

“There never was a spark, and there never will be.” I grabbed Tyler by the hand and began to drag him away. Damion was the one to start it this time. He grabbed me by the hair and threw me to the ground, then grabbed Tyler’s shoulder. He stopped for a second, as if reconsidering.

“You love her too?” Damion choked out. Tyler turned.

“I don’t have to answer to scum like you,” Tyler said. I had never heard him sound so serious. Damion and Tyler met eyes for a second and then Damion returned to me and grabbed my hand, gosh, bipolar much? I thought.

“I’m only staying for a little while, Lindsay; you can have until then to change your mind, if you want. You know where I‘ll be staying. You know my grandma’s villa. I took you to it once—“

“I know the place!” I cut him off, he always rambled when he was nervous. He stood and trudged out of the hallway.

“So, I guess since you love me and all, it would only be polite to ask you out,” Tyler said with a sly smirk.

“I love you too Tyler!”

“Me too!” voices were chorusing from the crowd. Tyler sighed and whispered to me that he’d tell me the details later and walked away. He was wise as he never gave me a chance to answer. I hadn’t noticed Spencer sitting up until I heard his voice.

“Where’d Damion go? Did I scare him off?”

“Yes Spencer, he even peed a little,” I teased.

“Knew it,” he said with a flip of his hair, “tell me all the details later.”


“Shall we?” he asked, extending his arm for me. I took it and he blasted Walking on Sunshine on his iPod. We began to skip down the hallway, skipping along with the beat and singing off tune. I could hear Emma’s voice in the background.

“Wait for me you guys! Ugh!”


Aren’t you glad I updated? So… Tyler? Comment on the triplet you think she’ll end up with… Or will she crawl back to Damion?Top of Form

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