Chapter 4 (Mate)

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*Aiden now has blue eyes not brown*
Vanessa's pov
I went out back and sat on the railing. I looked up at the gloomy gray sky "Please rain." I said seconds later I heard a thunder clap than it started raining. I let out a sigh of relief I started crying even though I couldn't cry. I was soon to die, my mom was dead and I found my mate and ran away from him. I started sobbed, I was hurting. "Vanessa are you okay?" I heard some ask..jasper. "I'm fine." I said lying "Your emotions are going haywire, come inside." He said I shook my head. "I'm okay." I said "At least take this." He said I heard him walk over to me, felt him place a hood on my head and the arms of a jacket around me. "Come inside when your ready." He said I just nodded. I put my arms though the jacket and zipped it up. It sniffed it, it smelled really good. It smelled like my mate, OMGSH he probably think I don't like him. I ran away, he probably thinks I'm crazy. After a while it stopped raining, so I stopped crying. I went back inside, everyone was in the living room I stood by the door way. "I'm sorry for you all hearing my sobs it won't happen again." I said wiping my face with the hoodies sleeve. "Honey don't apologize for crying." Esme said "Do I have somewhere to stay here, if not it's fine. I can't sleep anyway." I said "Yeah Aiden can show you." She said Aiden stood up, I started freaking out internally. I looked at Edward Edward get me out of this, make an excuse. I can't be around him not yet not like this. Edward stood up "No, I can show her I don't think Aiden knows where it is anyway come one Vanessa." Edward said walking over to me. I heard a light growl come from my mate but he sat back down. I followed Edward to my room. It was big I loved it, I smiled. "I love it, sadly I won't be here long." I said looking around.

I walked into my closet and saw tons of clothes and shoes

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I walked into my closet and saw tons of clothes and shoes. I smiled but it soon faded "Edward.." I said turning to him. He had his hands on his pockets looking around the closet, his eyes fell on me. "Yes?" He asked "My mate..Aiden...since I'm going to die what will happened to him?" I asked he narrowed his eyebrows. "Your not going to die." He said "But Alice said-" I said but he cut me off. He huffed "Alice's vision aren't always right they can change.Vanessa you can't run from Aiden, if you run from him and you won't be able to spend time with him before you do POSSIBLY possibly die." He said "When you leave can you tell him to come up here?" I asked he nodded and started leaving. "Before you go..can I have a hug?" I asked shyly he turned to me and gave a smug smile. He walked back over to me and lightly hugged me. I hugged him back tightly. "Thank you." I said "Anytime." He said pulling away. After he left I quickly changed into some day clothes, I pulled hair up into a high ponytail. I heard a knock on my closet door, I looked and saw Aiden. I dropped the clothes I was holding. "Hi.." I said he walked in "Hey.." He said I looked him up and down. He was wearing a fitting black shirt, jeans, and high top black vans. "I think we should start over..I kinda was not myself before. I'm Vanessa." I said holding my hand out he slowly took it. "I'm Aiden." He said shaking it causing sparks to fly through my arm. I slowly let go of his hand.."So your half vampire?" I asked picking up the clothes I dropped but them in the dirty clothes basket. "Yes I am, your full vampire?" He asked I smiled "Well duh!" I said looking at him.   He smiled oh my my. His smile was heart stopping. "What are some things you like? And some things you hate?" He asked crossing his arms over his chest. "Well I like the color red, I use to love sleeping, I like to read, I your blue eyes because my eyes use to be blue too." I said looking at him he smiled nodding for me to continue. "Now some things you hate." He said "I hate broccoli, lead pencils, alligators, jelly fish..the list goes on." I said fixing some of the clothes. "Now you." I added looking at him. He was looking at some clothes, he pulled them of the rack. "Uh what did you say I'm sorry." He said putting them on the rack again. "Now you." I said again "I like the color blue, I like hiking, I like your red hair it's beautiful, I like to read also. Somethings I hate are those cliffhanger books ugh they are so annoying, I actually like broccoli." He said "How old are you?" I asked "170 or 17." He said I smiled "How bout you?" He asked "180." I said smirking proudly. "Oh your older.." He said I smiled winking. "Some boys like older women, do you?" I asked placing my hands on my hips. He laughed, it sounded like bells. "I personally don't like older women, but you can be an exception." He said "Good." I said I grabbed his hand pulling him into my room. "So, Aiden.." I said sitting on the bed. He sat on the other side. I laid back so did Aiden our head lightly touched. "So, Vanessa..." He mocked me. "The Volturi don't know about you?" I asked "No they don't." He replied we stared at the ceiling. "Alice told me they are going to kill you, I won't let them though." He said "But you have to let them..I know we barely know each other but I don't want you to fight for me." I said looking at him, he looked at me. "But I will!" He said I sat up and turned toward him, he did the same. "I didn't ask you to!" I said standing up. "You don't need to. I'm your mate, and I will fight for you no matter what! Your my heart now! And with out my heart I can't live!" He said I fell quiet, he was right mates will do anything and everything for there mate. I went over to him "Fine but I don't want you to get hurt." I said plucking a piece of lint off his shirt. "Don't worry about me I will be fine, it's you I'm worried about." He said brushing some hair being my ear. "I'm fine, I'm a big girl." I said smiling up at him. He shook his head smiling also. "Do you have any powers?" He asked "I have good tracking skills, I have enhanced self prevention, and that's all that I know of. How about you?" I asked "Give me your hands." He said I set my hands on his. We started levitating, I wrapped my arms around him tightly. "Please put us down." I said closing my eyes. I felt my feet touch the floor I open my eyes. "Your scared of height?" He asked unwrapping my arms from around him and taking my hands again. "Yeah I am." I said "I'm tired." He said running his face and yawning. "Your powers make you tired?" I asked he nodded. "Well you can sleep, I will be around." I said he laid on my bed, "But stay with me." He said I nodded smiling. I climbing into bed with him, he rested his head on my chest held me close. "Oh if you actually sleep, than I have that power to." He said I nodded I started playing his hair, I actually liked him being this close. This mate bound is new, and it's weird. Before I knew it he was out like a light and lightly snoring. I felt a wave of tiredness come over me, my eyes started falling shut than I was sleeping. 

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