Chapter 17 (Daily Check up & She's pregnant?)

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Vanessa's pov
"Vanessa.." I heard my name I groan and wave them away. "Five more minutes." I mumbled "Okay five more minutes." They said with a chuckle. I went back to sleep but 5 minutes wasn't enough. "It's been 5 minutes, time to get up." they said I groaned throwing the covers off me being met instantly by coldness. "It's so warm.." I said putting the covers back on me. "Just get up so you can eat and get your checkup than right back into bed." I finally recognized the voice Carlisle. I hope my eyes and see him standing there smiling. "Fine your lucky I love you and I live under your roof. Because if I didn't boy would you not be standing there, waking me up from my peaceful sleep." I mumbled getting up slipping on my slippers and grabbing the blanket. I mumbled under my breath as I walked into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face than I was ready to go. We went downstairs I grabbed a plate off food Esme made me. I sat on the table and ate resting the plate on my stomach Balancing it. Carlisle started on my feet, I giggled every now and than causing him to laugh. He went to my legs, okay than my stomach he made sure the baby was okay which it was. Than checked me I was fine he said that I've been sleeping a little to much. "You should try drinking blood." He said going in some case and getting me out a bag of blood. "I don't like cold blood!" I whined "Heat it up, not to much though." He said I agreed than went to go hear it up. I heard Carlisle talking to Bella on the phone, I ignored it though. I heated up the blood but I think a little to much. I opened the microwave and set it on the counter, it was bubbling. "Uh oh." I said before I knew it, it exploded all on me. I screamed "Somebody!" I shrieked I heard footsteps than I saw Carlisle, Emmett, and Jasper. "Oh damn." Emmett said I looked at them. "I'm covered in blood!" I whined I licked my hand, the blood was pretty good. "I'll clean this up..Emmett get her cleaned please." Carlisle said "Bring her to the family room when your done. We need to discuss some things...Edward and Bella are coming home early." He said as he grabbed the mop and disinfectant. "Why? I wanna know tell me!" I said licking some blood off my arm. "She's pregnant." A soft voice said coming into the room I looked and saw Alice and Rose. My mouth dropped "Your kidding!! She's is not!" I said shocked Alice nodded "She is I've seen it." Alice said helping Carlisle. "Wow." I said Emmett brought me out of the room. "WAIT?! HOW?!" I yelled I heard laughs. I'm serious how! Emmett handed me a rag an I started wiping my face. "How've you been feeling?" He asked "Pretty good I guess, back pain, hormones, mood swings the normal." I said wiping my arms now. I felt the baby kick me, I winced. "Baby kicking?" Emmett asked as he rung out the rag. I nodded "Wanna feel?" I asked he nodded I grabbed his hand and gently placed it on my belly. I gave my belly a light tap and the baby kicked again. Emmett smiled when he felt it. He would be a great father, him and rose would make wonderful parents. "Weird." He said pulling his hand away I laughed. "Exactly but it amazing." I said he smiled again. "Let's go get you changed smell like human blood." He said I rolled my eyes. He helped me to my room where I picked out my clothes, than changed. I actually took a shower than changed, didn't want to smell like human blood. I sat down on the couch sitting crisis cross. Emmett sat next to me, we talked about some things like how he was a hulk experiment gone wrong. That made him laugh, a lot. "That was a good one." He said "I know I'm funny." I remarked pulling my hair up into a ponytail. Carlisle came and sat down along with Alice, Rose, Alice, Jasper, and Esme. I heard the front door open and than I smelled Aiden, my wonderful boyfriend. Emmett got up so Aiden could sit next to me, he plopped down next to Rose and wrapped his arm around her. She smiled and leaned into him. They are so cute! Aiden sat next to me and grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers. I rested my hand on his shoulder smiling. He's been gone lately and I miss him. "As we all know Bella might be pregnant..." Carlisle said "I missed you." I whispered so only Aiden could hear me, we listened closely while talking to each other. "I missed you more." He said than kissed my head. The baby kicked I smiled I grabbed Aiden's other hand and rested it on my stomach. The baby kicked again Aiden smiled widely. The baby would kick every once in a while, Aiden would rub my stomach and kiss me when I would wince if the baby kicked to hard. "So your saying is Edward's 100 year old ancient semen got Bella pregnant." I asked causing Emmett to burst into laughter along with everyone else. "Basically just like with you and Aiden." Carlisle said "But your egg cells haven't decomposed really yet so there was a chance you could of gotten pregnant-" Carlisle explained with a chuckle Emmett cut him off "Ball is life!" Emmett yelled causing me to laugh my head off. "Emmett...that...was hilarious." I said between laughs. I wiped away some imaginary sweat. "Woo that was funny." I said calming down. I thought about it "BALL IS LIFE!" I screamed I started laughing again. Everyone shook there head at me and smiled. I took in some breath calming down. "Babe guess what?" I said nudging Aiden. "Um you love me?" He said I smiled "Yes but besides that.." I said "Ball is life." He said I started laughing again. I nearly died from laughing so much. "We will never let this go."Emmett said causing me to agreed and high fived him.

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