Chapter 11 (The Dream pt 2)

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Vanessa's pov
I heard Aj crying, I got up and walked to his room. "Hey there fat man.." I said lifting him into my arms. He instantly stopped crying, I hate being out here alone. In the cabin I mean..I wish Aiden was still here. Flashbacks of Felix snapping his neck replayed in my head, causing me to cringe. "Your thinking about him aren't you?" I heard a voice say. I turn and see Edward. I smile sadly "Yeah I am." I said looking down at my now sleeping baby boy. "You should come to the main house..." He said i laughed lightly and shook my head. "Uh.." I said "Please? Carlisle and Esme miss you." He said trying to persuade me. "I just saw them yesterday." I replied laughing. "Come on. Nessie wants to see you." He added "Ugh fine." I said "But you have hold his car seat." I said "Great." He said I set Aj back in his crib. I got his diaper bag together, and his car seat ready. I put a little hat on his head and gloves on his hands. "Nessa it's not dead winter, he doesn't need all that." Edward said about to take the gloves off. "Take those gloves off and your dead Cullen, my baby will not go out there in the dead of spring when it drops to 32 degrees at night. Nope got me messed up." I ranted while putting socks on his widdle feet. "Okay okay mama bear needs to take a chill pill." He said once Aj was all ready to go I packed a bag and we left. I made sure the lights and stuff was off. In a good 5 minutes we were at the house. I took Aj from Edward "Thanks Eddie." I said he rolled his eyes he hates when I call him that. "Your welcome." He said I walked into the living room seeing everyone including Jacob. "Hey Vanessa." Jake said I smiled "Hey Jake." I said sitting Aj down on the floor, while I sat next to Emmett and rose. I set out bags down but Jasper had other plans. "I'll take those." Jasper said holding his hand out, I handed them to him. "Thank you Jasper." I said he nodded. I unbuckled Aj and Emmett immediately grabbed him and started playing with him. "Emmett, he was sleeping." I said "Well not anymore." Emmett said as he tickled his tummy, causing Aj to burst into fits of giggles. I smiled at the two, everyone having light chatter amongst each other. There was a knock at the door, everyone stopped and looked at each other. "I'll get it, probably for me anyway." Alice said getting up and skipping toward the door. I shook my head and everyone went back to what they were doing. "Vanessa...close your eyes!" Alice said I went to look but Nessie screamed. I turned toward Nessie, she laughed nervously. "Sorry." She said I shook my head once again. I closed my eyes "okay Alice they're closed." I said I heard footsteps everyone fell quiet and I heard a few gasps. I turned my head slightly confused, I listened but heard nothing but a few heart beats. "Hold out your hands.." Alice said I laughed holding out my hands. "Alice I swear if it-" I started to say i felt hands rest on my face..they felt so right. "Open your eyes." Alice said in a whispering tone. I grabbed the hands and slowly open my eyes. I screamed and slapped him. He held his face "Wow that's what I get? A slap." He said standing up. "Alice you said she would be happy to see me." He said walking across the room. I watched him closely..was it really him? "Vanessa.." I heard someone say it was Bella. " to him!" She mouthed to me. I slowly stood up, and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around him once he turned to me. I rested my ear to his chest..his heart is beating but barely. "I knew you missed me." He said kissing my head. "H-how could I-I not?" I said I heard Aj start crying. "Alright Vanessa take back you little crying child." Emmett said I pulled away from him, I grabbed Aj from Emmett and walked back over to him. "Aj I would like you to meet your father...Aiden." I said smiling. Aiden was back I don't know how but he was.

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