Chapter 6 (I'm Sorry)

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Vanessa's pov
My eyes flutter open, I see Alice above me. "Hey!" She said smiling I sit up. "Hi Alice." I say rubbing my eyes. My throat was burning "You need to feed." She said grabbing my arm and pulling me out the window. I landed softly on the ground, I sniffed the air. I smelled deer, I did my usual thing stalk than leap. Once I was full we head back to the house. I ran to my room and changed I curled my hair.

I went back downstairs and everyone looked at me

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I went back downstairs and everyone looked at me. I gave them a confused look "What?" I asked "She doesn't remember.." Bella said "What did I do?" I asked coming over to them. "You bit Aiden than you went crazy!" Bella said images flashed in my head. I cringed "Yeah I did. Where is he? Is he okay? I didn't kill him did I?!" I asked getting worried "He's home, Yes, and No." Carlisle said answering my questions. "Well I have to go see him." I said "You shouldn't do that." Emmett said "Why?" I asked "He kinda doesn't want to see you." Emmett said I gasped dramatically "Well he's going to see me." I said "Can I have like 50$? And the keys to someone's car?" I asked Carlisle went in his wallet and pulled out $50 and handed it to me. "Thank you!" I said I went and hugged him. "Your welcome." He said smiling. "Edward give me your keys." I said "What no! Ask Alice!" He said I glared "Give me your keys now!" I said he rolled his eyes "Here." He said handing them to me. "Thank you. I will make sure to bring it back a crashed up." I said leaving out the front door. "No you won't!" He yelled as I got in the car. I laughed, and pulled off down the street. I went to the mall and bought him some sour patch kids, and a teddy bear. I than smelled him out from the car, I had his scent on the hat I was wearing for some reason. I drove to his house, I got out of the car and walked to his house. I knocked on the door. "Vanessa go away." I heard Aiden say from the other side of the door. That hurt, but I wasn't leaving I made it seem like I was leaving but I went around the house, and hopped in a window. It was his parents room, they must not be home. I than find his room and looked around his room. "I thought I told you to go away." I heard his husky voice say I turned to him and saw him shirtless. "But I'm not going to listen to you." I said I looking at his abs, I snapped out of the trance I was in and held out the things for him. "I brought this stuff for you I'm sorry." I said he looked at the stuff than at me, he took them. "Thank you." He said I nodded "Do you forgive me?" I asked "Yes, how could I not you brought me a teddy bear and sour patch kids." He said I smiled "Yay! I'm really sorry though it won't happened again I promise." I said crossing my heart. "It's fine don't beat yourself up about it." He said sitting his teddy bear in his desk chair. He opened the sour patch kids and started to eat some. "Well I guess I will go before I do something to almost kill you again." I said walking toward the window. "Don't do that..come on." He said grabbing my hand. I felt tingles, I smile. I turn to him "Where are your parents?" I asked "There at work." He said eating another sour patch kid. "Is your hand okay?" I asked grabbing it, it had two little bite marks in it. "Yes it's fine, it still works." He said "Good I don't want my boyfriend having one hand." I replied laughing. He looked down at me, he waist his eyebrow. "Boyfriend?" He asked I looked away "Oh look at that bird!" I said pointing in the hallway. I ran into the hallway Aiden followed. "Did you just call me your boyfriend?" He questioned i laughed "No let's follow that bird." I said running downstairs and into the living room. "I think you did." He said I sat down on the couch. "Okay I did." I said giving up. "Good well I'm glad my girlfriend didn't kill me in the process of drinking my blood." He said I looked at him and punched his arm lightly. "That's was an accident." I said he smiled "I know." He said "But come here." He added wrapping his arm around my waist, he pulled me close to him. He   leaned down and buried his face in my neck and hair. I closed my eyes as he lightly breathed in my scent. "Wow you smell really good, delicious really." He said in my ear I smiled "What do I smell like?" I asked leaning my head against his. "You smell like..Strawberries dipped in chocolate and some really sweet wine." He described wow than I must smell really good. I looked at him "Are you serious?" I asked he nodded "Okay now let me do you." I said I sniffed him he smelled oh my gawd he smelled so good. I rested my forehead against his shoulder. "You smell like cinnamon and some good ass whiskey with a hint of..." I trailed off and breathed in his heavenly scent again. "With a hint of caramel apples." I finished he started laughing. "We are so weird I'm pretty sure normal people don't sniff each other." He said I laughed too he's right. Couples don't sit there and sniff each other. I heard the front door handle jiggle, Aiden had me in his arms in seconds. He used his super speed and we were in his room before the front door even opened. " parents said I can't have girls over." He said I gasped "There's been others?" I asked putting one foot out the window. "Yes..i mean no! Just go!" He said "Come with me." I said he groaned lightly. He ran around the room using vampire speed and grabbed some things. He pushed me through the window, I fell but landed on my feet. He landed next to me, he grabbed my hand and ran through the woods. We stopped when we got a good distance from the house. "I left Edwards car." I said "He'll be fine." Aiden said while pulling on his shirt. I helped him put his shoes on. "Why can't you tie your phone shoes?" I asked finishing up his right foot, going into the left.  "My hand is broken." He lied "Yeah right lets go." I said hopping on his back. He started running it was actually really fun. We came to the house, I hopped of his back. "That was relay fun." I said he laughed "Next time your carrying me." He said I shook my head. "Next time you can carry yourself." I remarked we laughed at how dumb that was. We came to the back of the house and saw wolves, Aiden stopped and pushed me behind him. "Aiden Vanessa it's fine they are just here to talk." Carlisle said coming out onto the back porch. I looked back at the wolves "Mhm, just to talk." I said Aiden grabbed my hand and brung me inside. "Edward your cars at Aidens." I said handing him the keys. "Are you serious?" He asked I nodded smiling "Never will you hold my car again." He added "I'll just steal it than." I said back Bella laughed "Ohh she's a rebel! Edward she's going to steal you car and sell it." Bella said laughing I snickered Better watch your back Edward. I thought to him, he glared at me playfully I laughed. "Come on Aiden! Let go watch a movie! And plan to steal Edwards car!" I said skipping away Aiden just walked behind me. I got upstairs in my room and turned on a movie. The movie wasn't interesting so me and Aiden just talked. "Tell me about yourself..where you come from" he said looking down at me. I laid my head on the pillow and looked up at him. "Well I was born in England, no I don't have an accent." I say he smiled "I use to love when my mom made the little krumpets with tea, it was absolutely wonderful. I could make you some if you'd like?" I explained he nodded "My father loved my mother. He loved her, loved her like she was a goddess, which she was. My dad was my hero, he would always be there to save me from anything, the monsters under my bed, the bullies at school, and anything else I was afraid of. Than he died, my mom was devastated I was too, I got over it faster than my mom did. My mom changed started coming home late, one night she didn't come home at all. I was scared to sleep because of the monsters under my bed." I said my voice got shaky, I lifted up my hand and played with his hand. He intertwined our fingers. "It's okay you can stop if you want." He said I nodded "Maybe we can finish some other time." I said. He agreed and we found another movie. The rest of the day was fine.

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