Chapter 1 (Vanessa)

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Vanessa's pov
"Vanessa! Come on we have to train you!" My mom yelled I groaned coming out of the darkness of the house. I stepped into the gloomy afternoon air. "You and rinny will go against each other." She said as rinny hopped down from a tree. She walked over smirking, I don't like this bitch. "First one to get the other in a head lock wins." My mom said I groaned this is so boring I'm going to win anyway. I looked at my nails. "I need to do my nails." I said "Come on! Come at me!" Rinny said I looked up at her. "You come at me." I said pointing at her than motioning for her to come here.

" I said pointing at her than motioning for her to come here

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I looked back at my nails, seeing dirt under one. I went to get it out but sensed rinny coming at me. I stuck my hand up and wrapped my arms around her neck, in seconds I had her in a head lock. "Okay I'm going inside now." I said walking away like nothing happened. "We leave in a couple of hours!" Mom said I rolled my eyes as I walked back inside the house. I went to my room and sat down, I grabbed my purse and jacket. I walked downstairs and saw Riley. My mom is playing him so hard it's sad. Riley is actually really annoying. I walked outside and saw Bree. "Hey Bree." I said she looked up "Hey." She said i walked around in circles wanting to leave. "Mom! Can we leave!" I yelled knowing she could hear me. "Stop being a whiny brat!" Riley said as he came up to me, I rolled my eyes giving him the middle finger. "Fuck off." I said "Vanessa be nice." My mom said walking over. "Since I know the way to forks and you guys wanna leave later can I go now?" I asked pulling my jacket on? "No we-" my mom started saying. I groan "I can't stay here anymore bye." I said turning on my heel and running away. It wasn't to long before everyone caught up. I groan loudly and run faster I wanted to be alone. But we all don't get what we want.
Vanessa's pov
I shook out my wet hair, as I sat down on the ground. I sniffed the air..wolves? Personally this whole thing with the killing isn't my thing, like human or not. I'm not for it but I will kill if I have to. Like on the low I drink animals but if my mom caught me, she would kill me all over again. When they go to fight you won't find me on the battle field, you'll find me watching though. I braided a part of my hair than pulled it into a ponytail with the rest of my hair. I don't want to do this I really don't. Ugh! My moms a bitch and she's dumb, we are going to fail and die because of her. I rubbed my temples, I got up and started walking away into the forest. "Where are you going?" Riley asked "Away from you asshole!" I yelled "Don't got to far brat!" He yelled back I screamed and started walking faster, he's an annoying asshole. I walked until I was lost..well shit. I saw a river I walk over to it and crouch down looking at my reflection. My red eyes shimmered I really miss being human..sleeping, the food, my blue eyes. I growl and splashed the water causing my reflection to ripple. I stood up and looked up I saw a girl. She had brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. I had a feeling she was Bella, I had to ask. "Are you Bella?" I asked my voice coming out soft and gentle. Fear shown in her eyes, she swallowed hard and her eyes flickered around. "Y-y-yeah..I-I am...h-how d-do y-y-you k-know t-t-that?" She stuttered switching from left to right nervously. "Don't worry I won't hurt you.." I said she seemed to relax slightly. I heard footsteps "Bella!" I heard someone yell my head snapped to the right of her, as I saw Edward? My mom described what he looked like..bronze hair, golden eyes, a very nice jawline. Impressive if you ask me. "Who are you?" He asked as he flashed in front of Bella, pushing her behind him protectively. "I gotta go. See ya Bella." I said waving with a soft smile. She waved back but Edward pushed her hand down. I laughed and turned around, I took off running into the forest back to where we were staying but before I got to far away I heard him say "What did she say to you?". I messed up my track of scent so they of course couldn't track me. I sigh as I came back to the camp. I instantly became irritated I just hate being here it's so stupid! I sat on a fallen tree and just waited that's all I could do was wait.

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