Chapter 9 (Meeting part of the Pack)

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Vanessa's pov
I put on some perfume than walked downstairs. Alice screamed when she saw me, I looked up at her. "What?" I asked Everyone looked up at me. "You look fabulous!" She said squealing. "Haha thank you." I said smiling. "Carlisle when will she meet the pack?" Bella asked I looked at her. "Pack? I wanna meet them!" I said sitting on the arm rest of the chair. "Yeah, Emmett take her over there." Carlisle said Emmett looked at him like he had two heads. I started laughing, "Tell Edward to take her!" Emmett said "Why am I always brought into things!" Edward groaned I have laughed more. "Edward just take me. Emmett you come too." I said They groaned as they got up. "Bella your going to get on my back today, Edward you going to hold my purse." I said tossing my purse to him, Emmett caught it. He put it over his shoulder and walked out the front door I laughed. I grabbed Bella's thigh and her right arm, I swung her into my back. She squeak at the sudden contact, I laughed and got outside. "Edward, let's race." I said "You got-" I stopped him by yelling. "GO!" I took running through the forest. Bella laughed as I jumped from tree to tree. I smelled Emmett. I dropped from the tree and took off running again. I saw Emmett i almost ran into him. I jumped over him and landed in the river, but I saw a gigantic wolf come out of nowhere. It growled at me, I set Bella down. But I grabbed Bella and threw up at Edward, who caught her. I hissed "Vanessa don't." Edward said I looked back at the wolf, he lunged at me. He got me in the water, I struggled to get from under the water. I kicked him off, he flew into a tree. I got up and looked at my now wet outfit. "Are you serious? I actually looked cute! And look what you did!" I said running up to him, but I was hit again. This time they hit me so hard I flew over the freaking water fall that was like 30 feet away. I screamed as I fell, was I scared fuck yeah. My body smack against the ground with and unusual thud. I didn't try to land on my feet I was falling to fast. I laid in there for quite a while, long enough for Edward, Emmett, a two shirtless boys to get me. My eyes were closed, I probably looked dead. "Edward is she okay?" I heard Bella ask. I cleared my thoughts so he didn't hear anything. "I don't know Bella I can't hear her thoughts." He said "I swear to you both if she dead which she probably isn't but if she is I'm kicking your ass." Emmett said I heard their heart beats quicken. Wet dog..wolves? "What happened here?" I heard deep voice ask, oh shit! He's there alpha I'm about to get my ass whooped. "Paul attacked her, she threw him off than went at him again so I kinda threw her off the cliff? Maybe possible..." The boy said explaining. "Hey...Vanessa...Are you dead?" Bella asked while pushing me lightly with her small hand. I shot up at her while grabbing her hand. "RRRAAAAAWWWRRR!" I yelled she screamed backing away. I laughed my butt off "Bella you should of seen your face." I said snickering. "So your not dead?" One of the boys asked "I wish, nah just kidding if I was human I would be all types of dead but since I'm a vampire no I'm pretty much walking dead, that kinda did hurt though. Emmett can you check my back for me?" I asked lifting up my shirt while turning my back to him. "Woooow." He said "What? I asked looking at him I looked at my stomach and than my back. I had tons of cracks in me. "Damn..I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to like get hurt or anything just protecting my brother." The guy said I pulled my shirt down. They were on the other side of the there like boundary's or something? "We have a treaty we stay on our side, they stay on theirs. I occasionally take Bella over there." Edward said "Well thank you for breaking my back, I'm Vanessa." I said waving. "I'm Embry that's Paul and our alpha Sam." Embry said introducing everyone. "I'm taking that you, Paul attacked me? Well it was nice meeting you all, I have to go home now and fix my back." I said it actually hurt to walk. "Guys I can't walk." I said looking at Emmett and Edward. "I'm not carrying you." Emmett said "I would punch but I can't." I said "Emmett come on..please?" I said "Sorry my arms are broken." He said than he was gone. "Asshole!" I yell after him "I will take Bella back than bring Carlisle and someone else. Don't leave our side please? We don't want you hurt more than you already are." He said picking up Bella. "But-" I started to say he stopped me. "Don't go over on their side...understand?" He said sternly "Yes I understand." I said sitting down on a rock. "I'll be back." He said I waved him off. "Bring me some clothes too!" I said a couple seconds after he left. I took my hair out shaking it out. I than put it back up into a bun. I noticed the 3 watching me, I walked over to the river slowly. Paul phased and walked in front of me but on his side. I reached into the water and splashed it on my face. I than cleaned my arms "Vanessa?" I heard Embry ask, I looked up at him. "Yes?" I said drying my face with my shirt. "Be any chance was your mom Victoria?" He asked "Embry.." Sam said My eyes flicked to Sam. "He's fine..yeah she was and if she caused you any trouble she won't anymore, because she's dead. But I am nothing like her, she was cold and heartless she just stopped learning how to love and care for people after her mate died." I said sadly They looked at me. "She was a great mother once, she just lost it. Went coo-coo after dad died, but than James fixed that. She was happy again than Edward killed him, he killed them both. If it wasn't for Edward and the Cullen's, innocent human life would have been lost, and I hate to see innocent lives taken." I said walking along the river them following listening closely. "Why? If you don't mind me asking." Sam said I shrugged I let out a unnecessary sigh. I stopped walking and looked at them. "Because I was once one a them, and I had my life taken from me. I would do anything to get it back but all I can do is protect them." I said Sam looked at me, which a look of curiosity and hope? "Vanessa? There you are, we brought you clothes and a ride home." Edward said walking over to me. I smiled as I saw Carlisle and Aiden. "Thank you." I said taking the clothes. "Can I check you?" Carlisle asked looking at me. "Sure!" I said I pulled off my shirt, handing it to Aiden. "Vanessa." Aiden said I looked around and saw the boys were looking at my boobs well Embry and now unshifted Paul was, Edward was giving them a killer glare. Sam left just before I took my shirt off. "Oh haha sorry." I said quickly grabbed my new shirt and pulling it half way over my body. "Who picked this out?" I asked looking at Aiden "Alice did." He said not looking at me. I whistled at him, his eyes flickered to me than away. I groaned "Vanessa stop moving." Carlisle said as he touched the cracks on my stomach. I stopped moving, Carlisle stood up. "You should be fine, You wouldn't be hurt if you watched that smart mouth of yours." He said looking at me. "I do not have a smart mouth! I-" I was about to rant. "Oh...I see." I said shutting up Carlisle laughed. " I have to go to work now.." He said he hugged me lightly which I returned. He kissed my head "Don't move around to much." He said pulling away. "You got it doc." I said he laughed, than I waved to the boys. "Bye guys." I said than walked into the forest. I changed into my new outfit, Aiden stopped and waited for me. "Are you mad?" I asked pulling on my shoe, he grabbed my foot and tied the shoe. "No." He said than tied the other. "Yes you are." I said he rolled his eyes. "I am not." He said I huffed. "Why? I'm only yours." I said hugging him. He wrapped his arms around me "I know." He said I smiled "Are you better now?" I asked "Yeah I'm better." He added pulling away. We walked back to the house hand in hand.

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