Chapter One

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There's a game tonight," my best friend, Clara, reminded, grinning like a Cheshire Cat. Her box braids swayed as we walked up the stairs, almost hitting another student when she turned around. She stopped and stared at the front entrance. "We should go."

I followed her gaze and stared at the boys walking through the front entrance in disdain. It was always so unsettling to see them being worshiped by fellow students. "I can't. Work today."

Corbin Academy used to be an all boys school, but around ten years ago they became co-ed. The school was possibly one of the best in the state. Students were allowed to major in something, such as the fine arts or a sport. Some might call it a specialized high school, but others thought of it as a place for snot nosed, spoiled children of the wealthy.

There were many traditions that were unique to Corbin. One of those traditions that stayed over the years were the leaders of the student body. They were the sons of wealthy and prominent people and they attracted attention whenever they went.

Clara sighed, obviously disappointed. "I forgot about that. Do you think Dan would want to join me? Never mind. He's probably still mad at me from yesterday."

Looking at my friend, I cocked a brow. "Yesterday?"

She bit her lip then ran up the remaining steps. Curiosity was going to kill me. I flipped my hair over my shoulder as I followed after the ebony toned girl.

I found her in front our first period class, talking to a lingering group of freshmen girls. The girls turned and their eyes widened. In what, I don't know.

"I told you I was right." The blonde said to her friend

The brunette stared at me, mute.

I gave them a small smile. "Morning girls." Maneuvering around them, I entered the classroom. I heard them squeal after I entered my classroom and chuckled.

I wasn't anything special. I was just an art student trying to make it through their senior year. I was always honest and tried to be nice to everyone I encountered. It wasn't like I was the most popular student here. My grades were pretty decent and my artwork wasn't anywhere close to Michelangelo or Picasso.

Taking a seat, I rested my chin in my hand as I gazed outside. The period went by quickly and before I knew it, I was walking to my second period class. The morning was always so peaceful. It was something I enjoyed.

The morning was peaceful, but the afternoon was fun. Half the time. I shut my locker then started for the cafeteria. Entering the cafeteria, I froze at the sight of girls lined up at the bottom of the mini staircase. There were probably only seven stairs leading to the grand cafeteria, hardly a staircase at all.

They frowned and huffed at the sight of me. I know, I thought, I'm disappointed to see you too. I started down the stairs as the doors opened. The boys entered the room and I rolled my eyes.

A hand around my wrist stopped me from moving. Looking back, I met the blue eyed gaze of Scott Woods.

Scott Woods was a total poster boy, one you would see modeling for Hollister or Abercrombie and Fitch. His golden blonde hair was always styled messily, falling across his crystal clear, ocean blue eyes. He stood at a height of five foot eleven with a swimmers build.

He smirked. "Rae Stevenson. A pleasant surprise. You here for my autograph as well?"

Is he serious? Why would I ever want his signature? He's not even famous. "Let go."

"How about I get closer?" He pulled me to his chest and tilted my head upwards. He had wrapped his arm around my waist firmly keeping me in place. "You know, you have a very nice body. I wouldn't mind taking you home a few times. Show you exactly what I'd do to you."

My eyes widened at his words. Shocked, I couldn't find my voice. He's so perverted it's disgusting. And this is who these girls admire?

"Leave her alone, Scott." Levi Anderson walked towards us and extended his hand for me to take.

Levi Anderson was the leader of their little posse. He was probably the hottest one out of all four of them. Not to mention the most mysterious. He was well built from playing sports and had the most alluring gray-blue eyes I've ever seen. His brown locks were usually pushed away from his forehead. His gait was one full of confidence and power, something the girls found attractive.

Scott let go and Levi helped me down the rest of the stairs. "Are you alright, Raelyn?"

My name rolling off his tongue sounded as blissful. I glanced at Scott once more, dusting myself off. "I'm fine."

Don and Colin the last two members spoke to Scott in hushed tones, ushering him away from Levi and I. Colin Summers and Donald "Don" Turner were basketball players. Both boys were taller than Scott at exactly six feet. Colin was in tune with his Russian roots, accent and everything. His dark hair was shaved down to a buzzcut and his blue eyes were full of amusement. Don's brown hair sat in a mop of curls on his head, brown eyes hidden underneath his bangs.

Levi's gray-blue eyes swept over me. Looking for something. "I'm sorry about him."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Are you his conscious? He has a mouth of his own. He can apologize himself, Levi." I turned on my heel and met Clara by the lunch line.

She handed me a sandwich and a bottle of water. "You and Scott looked pretty cozy there."

"He's a pervert." I followed her to our seat outside. "I swear, their parents didn't teach them any manners."

"That's pretty harsh." She teased

I scoffed. "It's the truth." Sitting down on the bench, I opened my bottle of water and took a sip.

"But what's up with Levi? I saw what he did." She broke the silence. "I've never seen him do anything like that. But as your best friend, I have the right to say this. You and Levi are pretty hot together."

I turned to her, bewildered. "What? Please refrain from using my name in the same sentence as Levi's." Especially since we weren't as acquainted as I thought we were.

She laughed, hard.

I stared at her as she laughed. "I hope you're having fun."

She nodded and I rolled my eyes. When lunch was over, I walked to my locker then to the art building. Clara was part of the swim team so I wouldn't see her until after school or possibly tomorrow. Entering my classroom, I saw the girls had singled me out.

I sighed and cleaned my station. These girls needed to grow up. As if I'd want anything to do Levi and his friends. In my state of fury, I gasped as I felt a stinging pain in my hand. Placing the trashcan on the floor, I looked at my hand. Blood was dripping from a large gash in my palm.

"Oh my god, Rae."

They passed me tissues and I left the room. My hand throbbed as I made my way to the nurse. After she cleaned my hand and wrapped it, I left her office. Walking past the field, I spotted Levi jogging around the track, shirtless. I wasn't going to lie. The boy was gorgeous.

No, get back to class Rae. I went to class and saw my desk clean. I thanked the girls and tried to hide my bandaged hand. I hated people seeing me hurt. I hated sympathy with a passion. Sympathy never truly helped anyone.

After school ended, I sent a quick text to Clara as I left the campus. Getting on the bus, I found an empty seat and took it. Work should be a lot less stressful than school was today.

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