Chapter Four

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The rest of the week passed quickly. My nerves were getting the best of me as I paced my bedroom. Levi would be here any minute and I was having a mini panic attack. I sat on my bed and took deep breaths to calm my racing heart. If Clara were here she'd tease me about it for days.

I glanced in the mirror once more and stared at my reflection. I was dressed in the black crop top and ripped skinny jeans Clara and I agreed on. On my feet was a pair of black Vans that I rarely wore. Glancing at my face, I tried not to bite my lip. My lips were coated with my favorite lip balm and my eyes outlined by the mascara I wore.

My phone rang, Levi's name appearing on the screen. Calming my nerves, I answered it.

"I'm outside." He said

I picked up my bag. "I'm coming out." I hung up as I walked out of my room. Stopping at the front door, I left a note for my dad. I picked up my denim jacket and left the house, locking the door behind me.

Levi's navy blue Range Rover sat on the curb, engine idling. I walked over to it and got inside.

"I think I'm in love with your car," I said pulling the seatbelt across my chest, one hand touching the dashboard.

"You'd better not be. I intend to keep this car for as long as possible." He said

I snorted. "Boys and their cars."

The rest of the ride was full of idle chatter. I was trying to keep my guard up. We stopped at a diner and ate before going to the amusement park in the next town over. Levi paid for everything and surprised me by holding my hand as we ventured through the park.

Levi kept me close to his side, which was making my heart do summersaults. I didn't know why my body was responding this way. It wasn't like me.

"What ride do you want to go on first?"

I glanced around before leading him to a ride called The Whip. "Come on."

We scanned the bracelets on our wrists and waited for the previous ride to stop. When we got on the ride, we found a car and got inside.

"Do you mind if we join you?"

"No. Go ahead." Levi said

I smiled at them and waited for the attendant to check our car. Once the ride started, I felt my hair whipping around my face. Levi's arm was draped over my shoulders and I let out a surprised squeak as the ride whipped us around the first corner.

After the ride ended, we wandered around the park. Jumping from ride to ride, I couldn't help but notice how much of a gentleman Levi really was. Clara was really right about him. He was different. Or maybe he was a great actor.

"Cotton candy?"

I nodded.

"Which one?"

I bit my lip. "Blue."

The vendor handed me the blue colored spun sugar and Levi handed him a five. Offering Levi a piece, he chuckled and ran his thumb over my bottom lip. My heart lurched and beat loud in my ears as I watched him place his thumb in his mouth.

"It's good." He winked

I snapped out of it. "Cotton candy is always good."

"Not always." He said slyly

I stuffed another piece of the fluffy goodness in my mouth and let it melt over my tongue. Not knowing what came over me, I placed a piece at his mouth. He glanced down at me and accepted it. Placing my thumb at my lips, I licked off the rest. He stared at my mouth and I licked my lips, watching his Adam's apple bob.

After the cotton candy incident, everything was awkward. We went on a few more rides before walking through the arcade section.

"Think you can try your luck?" I asked as we walked past a brightly lit booth.

Levi looked down at me. "Are you saying my skills suck?"

I looked away, hiding my smirk. "If the shoe fits."

Scoffing, Levi shed his jacket and placed it on my shoulders. The warmth from his jacket warmed my body and his scent clouded my senses. He handed the guy tending the booth a five and, in return, the guy placed three balls in front of him.

Levi looked at me and winked before throwing the ball with ease. In one shot, he knocked down all the bottles.

I stared at him with wide eyes as he returned.

He held up the medium sized light purple colored stuffed animal and waved it in my face. "Jealous?"

I crossed my arms and glared at him. "No. I'm an artist, not an athlete."

He laughed. "You're too cute. That was cute."

I blushed and started to give him his jacket. He stopped me and placed the stuffed animal in my hands.

"You look cold."

Smiling, I slid my arms through the sleeves. "You just might not get it back then."

He laughed. "Oh, I will."

"Let's get on the Ferris wheel before we leave." Giving him no choice, I dragged him to the ride and stood in line.

On our way to his car, I shrugged off his jacket and walked with it the rest of the way. The ride back was silent. My house was dark when he stopped at the curb. Dad's not home.

I turned to face him, smiling a bit. "Thanks. I had fun."

"I'm glad." He said "Does this mean I can ask you out again?"

"Maybe." I laughed then kissed his cheek. "Night Levi."

Getting out of his car, I walked to the front door and pulled out my keys. Turning back, I waved at him before entering the house. Leaning against the door, I looked down at the teddy bear in my arms.

I pulled out my phone and opened my messages. She had texted me nonstop, asking me about everything. Answering her texts with a phone call, she yelled at me for abandoning her. We made plans to meet for lunch tomorrow before I hung up.

Changing into my pajamas, I washed my face then climbed under my blanket. Today was fun and maybe, just maybe, I'd go on a second date with Levi.

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