Chapter Twelve

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Walking into the hospitals main entrance, I greeted the security guards on my way to the elevator. They waved back as I disappeared around the corner. The elevator arrived almost immediately. Slipping inside, I saw Levi staring at the top of the elevator. I walked towards him and stood next to him.

"Casanova," I said

Levi chuckled. "What are you doing here?"

"Visiting my father." I replied "I wanted to drop some stuff off."

He was quiet for a while. "You must be so lonely."

I looked at the floor. "Of course. What kid wouldn't be when their only living parent is barely home? That's why I started working. To avoid being alone."

The doors opened and an elderly couple entered, giving us bright smiles. The man touched the button for the cafeteria and put an arm around his wife's waist. The woman laughed at something he said and rested her head on his shoulder. How cute.

On the next floor, a group of doctors entered the elevator.

"Mr. Anderson," they greeted him before returning to their own conversation

Once the elevator stopped on our floor, Levi escorted me out, taking the bags that were in my hands and I heard the remaining doctors murmuring to themselves about him.

"You didn't have to do this." I said

"I want to, Rae."

We walked towards my father's office, in silence. He stopped me before we reached my father.

"You're not alone, Rae." He said "You have me and the girls."

I thanked him and he knocked on my father's office door. We entered the room and my father smiled. He looked so exhausted. Physically and mentally drained. His hair was uncombed and his always shaved face had a thick coat of black hair.

I walked over to my dad and let him wrap his arms around me. He kissed my forehead before looking at the boy with me.

"Levi," dad started, "How are you?"

"I'm fine, sir." Levi placed the bag I was carrying on the center table and looked at me. "Later Raelyn."

I watched him leave then turned to my dad. "I bought you food and clothes," I said to avoid hearing my dad question me about my relationship with Levi.

"What did my lovely daughter bring me today?" He let go of me to peek inside the bag.

"I was experimenting with Thai recipes." I informed

He looked at me. "It's okay. Thank you."

We sat in his office for a while longer, talking. He entered the bathroom and I heard the shower running. I pulled out the food and placed it on the table, folding the bag. A knock sounded at the door and I told whoever it was to come in. Levi's dad entered the room with his son and I greeted him with a warm smile.

"Ah, Rae. Always a pleasure." He wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug and I laughed. "Visiting your dad?"

I nodded. "He's grooming himself."

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