Chapter Eleven

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Why am I here?" I crossed my arms and stared at my friends with narrowed eyes. They exchanged a look before Clara spoke.

"To support the boys." She smiled

I rolled my eyes as I watched the boys stock up on water. Sighing, I turned to my friends and jumped at the hands on my hips.

"Glad to see you ladies made it." Levi smiled brightly

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Andrea said "It's your final game."

Levi rested his head against mine and held me close to his body. "You'd better not miss it."

"And we even bought your girlfriend," Clara added slyly

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Not his girlfriend."

"But... that's what it looks like."

I scoffed. "Don't get ahead of yourselves. Levi hands off." Levi ignored me and spoke to his cousin instead.

"We're going to buy snacks, we'll be right back." Clara said

I watched them disappear around the corner then turned to Levi. Before I could say anything, his lips were on mine. I grabbed his jersey and pulled him closer despite my mind telling me to push him away. Having him close was doing dangerous things to me.


Sighing, Levi pulled away from me and looked over his shoulder.

"We're out in five."

"I'm coming." Levi retorted before looking down at me. "We win this game, I'm taking you out on a date. Okay?"

I nodded and he smiled, pecking my lips once more. Watching him join his teammate, I knew I had to do something about my growing feelings for him. Sighing, I went to find my friends. They were still on the long line for snacks. Joining them, I ran a hand through my hair.

"Why are your lips so swollen?" Clara pointed out

I blushed and silently cursed Levi. They squealed and I rolled my eyes. They got their snacks then dragged me to our seats.

"What's this about? Did you lip lock?"

"Of course they did, Andy. There's no way her lips would be so swollen." Clara said "Was it good? I bet it was."

I licked my lips, still tasting Levi on them. Tuning into the game, I watched Levi shake hands with another boy. A coin was tossed before Levi returned to his teammates. Watching the boys run back and forth on the field, I prayed Levi's team won.

Halfway through the first half of the game, I saw one guy say something to Levi and knew that Levi was going to go bonkers. Keeping a close eye on Levi, I watched the same guy trip him.

"What's wrong with Levi?" Clara muttered

"The captain of the other team is targeting Levi." I stated

"That's not good." Andrea said "If you provoke Levi enough, he'll erupt."

I bit my lip and continued to watch the game. As if in slow motion, I watched Levi fall and the entire field went silent. It took him a moment to push off the grass and dust himself off before glancing at his opponent. He said something that made the other guy throw a punch. Levi placed a hand on his lips before walking off the field, towards the refs and his coach.

Soon after, everyone ran to their respective sides and I glanced at my friends.

"Well, the other guy's out." Clara uttered "I wonder what Levi said to make that guy punch him."

Andrea shrugged.

After the game, the girls and I waited on Levi to exit the locker room. An arm slung across my shoulders and I looked up, cringing at his busted lip.

"Wow," commented Clara, "That's rather swollen."

I snickered at her bluntness then turned to face Levi again.

"Let's go. I want some pizza."

"You always want something to eat." Andrea called from ahead "We're going to the bathroom. Back in five minutes tops."

I watched my friends disappear and faced Levi. His gray eyes were focused on me as I gathered my thoughts. "No ice pack?"

"I was hoping you'd kiss it." He winked

A laugh escaped my lips as I flipped my hair over my shoulder. "Kiss it? I'm not kissing your lip. Have you not looked in the mirror?"

"Anderson," a male voice called

Levi's playful eyes turned into one of stone. Cold. He stood straighter and I looked at the guy walking over to us. "What?"

"I wanted to apologize." He said "I set a bad example for the rest of my teammates."

Levi didn't answer and the guy looked at me. He smiled and reached for my hand.

"I'm Raul. Nice to meet you."

Levi grabbed his wrist, stopping the other boy from touching me. "Leave my girlfriend alone, Ramirez."

My heart swelled at the word girlfriend. I knew we weren't dating but it still felt nice either way. I ignored my feelings and thoughts and placed a hand on Levi's arm. The gray eyed boy looked at me and pulled away from the other boy.

"Let's go, Levi."

Levi watched the guy a few more seconds before allowing me to lead him away. A surprised gasp left my lips at the hard sting on my rear. If looks could kill, Raul would be dead. Placing my hands on Levi's chest, I held him back from killing Raul.

Levi glanced down at me and sighed. His body sagged and he moved away. "Let's go, babe."

I pulled my phone out and texted Clara, telling her I was outside. I had to jog to to keep up with Levi's long angry strides and I was still behind him.

Clara and Andrea met us outside and I quickly led them to my car. After dropping the girls home, I went home to find the house empty. Dad was always busy. Going up to my room, I changed my clothes then went to paint.

My feelings were all over the place and I hated it. I hated having no control over my emotions. Ever since my mom died, I had to grow up pretty much by myself. My father was just starting out at the hospital and was working long hours unlike my mother who was a teacher. Growing up wasn't easy. My father was rarely ever home so I was usually on my own. I was used to being on my own until Clara came around. Clara was my only friend for years. Still is. I don't think our friendship will ever be tarnished.

No, don't think it will.

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