Chapter Five

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The girls seemed to be more riled up this morning than usual. Clara and I stood in our usual spot talking about our weekends. I was in the middle of telling her about the dinner my dad took me to and how Levi and I were trapped in a broom closet, when the boys walked through the door.

My eyes spotted Andrea looking out of place in her uniform. Her eyes met mine and widened. She turned to Levi and he glanced at me with a mischievous smile.

"I've overstayed my welcome." I uttered moving around Clara. "I'll be in our classroom."

I left her on the stairs and went to class. Sliding into my seat, I stared outside until I felt Clara sit next to me.

"What was that about?"

I glanced at her. "Nothing."

"Did lover boy lay the moves on you Friday night?"

I frowned and shook my head. "I worry about what goes on in your head."

She snorted in response. "I'll find out."

We were quiet until our very flustered teacher walked in. Pushing Levi from my mind, I pulled my hair into a low ponytail and listened to the man teaching.

By the time my free period rolled by, I was dreading it. What if questions flooded my mind, making it hard to form coherent sentences. I entered the library and went to my usual spot. Pulling my sketchbook and headphones from my bag, I started my music before letting my mind roam free.

Slowly, the page was filled with doodles from Friday mixed with my current thoughts. A girl sat in the middle of it all, a teddy bear in her lap and a frown on her lips.

I smiled a bit then jumped when someone sat next to me. I closed my sketchbook and looked up. Levi stared at me confused. Sighing, I pulled and earbud from my ear. "What do you want?"

"To see what you were drawing, doodle bug." He pulled his seat closer, cologne assaulting my nose. It should be a crime for a guy to smell so good. He smiled and glanced at my hand.

I scrunched my nose. Doodle bug. Ew. "Please stop. That's the worst nickname ever."

He grinned. "I know. Just a quick glimpse, sweetheart. That's all I'm asking for."

I stared at him, biting my lip. I'm not going to fall for his good looks and charm. "No."

He looked disappointed and guilt flooded my heart. Can't believe I'm doing this, I thought. Opening my sketchbook, I flipped to the dresses I was designing.


He looked over and muttered his compliments. "What's this one for?"

"It's my mother's. It's not finished." I said

He hummed. "I don't think I've ever met your mom."

"Of course not." I stated, staring at the dress. "She died when I was five."

He didn't say anything and I was grateful. "It's beautiful. But I think you should finish it."

"It was never mine to finish." I said

He flipped the page and I was glad he didn't continue. We sat in silence as he skimmed the dresses. I stared outside, watching the scenery dance in the breeze.

"Is that supposed to be you?"

I tore my eyes away from the window. He was staring at me with those gorgeous steel gray eyes. I glanced at the drawing. "I don't know. I was just drawing."

"I think she'd look prettier smiling." Levi said staring at me. He looked away and glanced down at the book. "Think you could draw me or am I too handsome to be put on paper?"

I laughed and looked away. He made me feel things I didn't even know I could feel.  I tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Handsome? Is that what you think you are?"

"You don't think so?" He smiled, running a hand through his brown locks.

"No. Not really." I lied, hoping he didn't catch me. The guy was more than handsome and he knew it. I wasn't going to inflate his ego.

He stopped laughing, eyes wide. "You think I'm ugly?"

"Well to some, you seem like a sight for sore eyes." I bit back a smile. "But to me you're just unsightly."

He grinned boyishly. "I think you're lying, sweetheart. Do you honestly think I'm ugly? I thought we had some type of attraction."

I placed a hand on his shoulder and pushed him away. "I didn't want you to feel bad, Casanova."

He stared at me in disbelief.

When the bell rang, I left him in his seat. I met Clara in the cafeteria and we got lunch. The rain didn't look like it was letting up anytime soon, which meant that Clara and I were stuck inside.

Staring outside, I sighed and picked at my food. The look of disbelief on Levi's face made me smile. He really wasn't used to not getting his way.

"And what's got you smiling?"

I looked up. "Nothing."

"Is it lover boy?"

I narrowed my eyes. "He's not lover boy and he never will be, Clara."

"Rae, you know damn well that he's stubborn as a mule. He'll get you to fall for him." She said

And I wished it wasn't true.

We ate in silence before Clara kicked me from under the table, eyes wide.

"I didn't know you came here too."

I looked up and saw Andrea, Levi beside her. He met my gaze and I looked at his cousin. "You never asked."

"That's true."

I rested my elbows on the table and looked at them. "What do I owe this visit, Casanova?"

"What makes you think I wanted something from you?" He asked, eyes lit in amusement

"I, uh, wanted to sit with you." Andrea said nervously. Poor girl. "But I was nervous and made Levi follow me."

I glanced at Levi again, his skin hinting pink. "Is that so? Have a seat. We don't bite."

She turned to her cousin. "Thanks Le."

He ruffled her hair, sparing me one last glance before leaving.

"So are you and Levi dating?" She asked

I glanced at her. "What makes you think that?"

"He speaks fondly of you so I was curious." She shrugged "But I mean based on what I just saw, the two of you will be together for a long time."

Clara laughed. "I like her. What's your name?"

"Andrea." She said "I'm Levi's cousin. I'll probably be here all year. My parents are fed up with me for being a troublemaker."

I sighed. "Great, two Clara's."

Both girls shared a look then continued laughing. This was going to be a very long school year.

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