Chapter Six

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The cafeteria was quiet as I entered the next day. Looking around, I spotted why. Levi and the guys didn't arrive yet so I guess it was likely for them to pick on Andrea, but what I saw upset me.

I grabbed the girls hand and her dark brown eyes widened. In shock or fear, I couldn't tell. Probably both.

"Raelyn," she gasped

I stared at her, anger radiating off me in waves. "Is this how we welcome new students? Should I tell the dean what you've been doing?"

"I-I'm sorry." She stuttered, which angered me more. How dare she act this pathetically weak? "I-it won't happen again. I promise."

I dropped her hand and turned her to face Andrea. "This is who you should be apologizing to. Not me." I bent down to her ear, lowering my voice to a whisper. "I find out you've been bothering her again... As a matter of fact, you better hope I never find out."

"Yes, Rae." She squeaked

She apologized to Andrea then burst into tears at the sight of Levi and his friends watching the scene. She ran out of the cafeteria and I turned to Andrea.

"Are you okay?" I pushed her hair from her face, tucking some of it behind her ears. She nodded and I pulled my handkerchief from my sweater pocket. I wiped her tears away and gave her a small smile. "Don't let them get to you. They're just jealous."

"Thank you." She whispered

Clara and I lead her to our table. I hated being the mean girl. The person threatening others wasn't me and I hated it. I hated people trying to overpower others. It disgusted me. As long as I kept my thoughts to myself and my voice low, I could tolerate the stupidity of others.

When the bell rang, Andrea followed Clara to the sports building and I started for the art building. The feeling of my phone buzzing twice made me pull it out. Levi's name was on the screen and I unlocked it, questioning his text. I bit my lip, thinking about how I should respond. Sighing, I entered the art building and walked up the flight of stairs to my classroom. The girls were setting up the room when I walked through the door.

"Everyone take your seats please."

I followed instructions and set up my desk.

"These are my last two trouble makers. Make good use of them, Dar."

I looked up and saw Don looking around, Levi beside him. They looked as if being here was the last place they wanted to be.

"Are you sitting in on our class?"

Heller, the boys coach, shrugged then nodded.

"Rae, would you mind opening the cupboards for me?"

I pulled out the set of keys she'd given me and moved towards the back of the room. Unlocking the cabinets containing most of the art supplies, I let the others get whatever they needed before taking my supplies. Our classroom was probably the biggest of all the classrooms. We had nothing like some space that could be occupied.

Waiting for Don be put into a pose, I pulled out my phone and sent Levi a text. His face turning a bright shade of pink when his phone chimed, screaming that he had a text message. His coach gave him a disapproving look and he turned the sound off. I couldn't hide my amusement as he glared at me.

After school ended, I found Levi waiting for me outside. Ignoring my better judgement, I slipped under his umbrella and hitched my bag higher on my shoulder. We drew the attention of the other students as we walked away from the art building.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

I snickered, remembering his phones text tone. "No, but it was funny. What kind of ringtone was that anyway?"

"Andrea." He sighed dejectedly. "I let her borrow my phone earlier."

"She really is a troublemaker then." I glanced at him. "Now, tell me Casanova. Are you asking me out again?"

He chuckled. "Of course, sweetheart. I want you to come to my game Friday. There's an after party at Don's afterwards."

I bit my lip and spotted Clara waiting for me. "I'll think about it."

"Babe, I'd better see you at my game." His voice dropped an octave, making his voice huskier. Sexier. His voice shouldn't be making me feel all these emotions. "If I don't, you won't hear the end of it."

Pushing my hair out of my face, I glanced up at him. "What would you do? Follow me around? Don't stoop so low, Casanova. It's not like you."

I pushed away from him and walked over to my flabbergasted best friend. Tucked under her umbrella, we made a dash for my car.

"What the hell was that?" Clara exclaimed as we entered my car. "I swear, the two of you better get together and stay together for a long time."

I flipped the windshield wipers on and gave her a sideways glance. "You're loosing it. My house or yours?"

"We have relatives over." She groaned "Yours."

I drove to my house and we found that my dad had been home. For how long, I couldn't tell. He had been here long enough to cook for me though. I reheated what was in the pan and stared at my best friend.

"What were you talking about anyway?" She asked, brown orbs meeting mine

"He invited me to his soccer game Friday." I kept my nonchalant attitude as I mixed the ingredients around.

She muttered something under her breath and I glanced at her. "You looked pretty comfortable with him under that umbrella."

I rolled my eyes and dished out the reheated food. "Nothing's going on between us."

"Stop denying it." She said

I placed a plate of stir fry in front of her and one in front of me. "There's nothing to deny."

"You're shitting me." She looked at me disappointed. "You know damn well that there is some unspoken romance going on between you two. Everyone noticed it since the first time the two of you met freshman year."

I glanced at her. "Freshman year? That long, really?"

She nodded. "I mean, do you know how many times I've caught Levi staring at you? It's like you're the only girl that he finds attractive. Just do us a favor and date him. Even if it's for a day."

"Clara, I'm not going to date him to please everyone else."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Date him for yourself. I'd really like to see the two of you as cutest couple in the yearbook."

I snorted. "Sure."

We lapsed into a long silence as we ate. The awkwardness passed and we were able to hang out for a while before she had to leave. Her words haunted me for the rest of the night and I wanted nothing more than to prove her wrong.

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