Chapter Fifteen

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Entering school the next morning, I spotted Rae and Clara walking up the stairs. I met her gaze and she looked away almost immediately. Clara nudged her and she accepted something from her friends hand.

Rae's hair was still straight from yesterday and I smiled inwardly at the memory of our date. I was planning on asking her to be my girlfriend, but couldn't figure out when or how to ask her.

"Later Levi." Andrea said walking towards her friends. She ran up the stairs and hugged both Rae and Clara then all three girls disappeared upstairs.

My cousin made amazing friends. Considering the fact that I'd been crushing on Rae since freshman year and only just started talking to her. Come to think of it, I had a crush on her since the first time I saw her visit her dad at work. Sighing, I walked through the crowd of people.

My feelings for Rae were stronger now that I actually knew her. She wasn't just some random girl that I'd screw and leave afterwards. I wanted a relationship with her. She was different from all the other girls we went to school with. She was so undeniably different and she reminded me of it every time we were together.

I needed to get my emotions under control before I ruined something great with her.

The bell rang and I headed to my first class. I was going to be late but my teacher wasn't always punctual. Entering the classroom, I noticed that everyone was in their seats and that my teacher was at her desk. She looked at me as I walked to my seat, but said nothing.

The rest of the morning passed by rather quickly. I met the guys in our usual spot and sat down by the window.

"So what's going on between you and Rae?" Scott asked

I looked at my best friend as he sat down next to me. "What are you talking about?"

"The bet. Remember?" He crossed his arms, staring at me. "You two are practically dating now. Are you going to tell her that the only reason you're interested in her was because of a bet? She'd be pretty upset don't you think?"

I stared at him. "It was all your idea to bet on how quickly she'd fall for me. I honestly never want her–"

I caught sight of Rae in the doorway, hurt. As she stared at me with those gorgeous brown eyes of hers, I slowly got to my feet.

"Rae, let me explain."

She looked so incredibly heart broken standing there. "Explain what? That our whole relationship was because of a bet? What'd you win? Bragging rights? Money? To think you'd ever stoop so low."

My heart clenched in my chest to see that she was on the verge of tears. "That's not how it is."

I pulled her from the room and lead her to the roof. She wrapped her arms around herself and she refused to meet my gaze. She's going to hate me. I couldn't let her walk out of my life, not when she didn't know how much she meant to me.

"You deserve the right to know the truth." I started

"There's a truth to all of this?"

Sighing, I started talking. "The bet... it was something stupid they made. I mean, I had this crush on you and they thought it'd be fun to make a bet about it. To get me to act on my feelings. To get over you. But then I started getting to know you and things went downhill." I was rambling but I didn't care. As long as she knew the truth. "Long story short, my feelings got in the way and told Collin and Don I was calling off the bet. Scott was the last one to find out. Today actually."

She was silent for a while and my heart palpitated. I needed her in my life more than anything. I'd be a fool to let her go.

"That doesn't change the fact that you bet on me. On us." She spoke slowly, voice nearly a whisper. "That's just low, Levi. Even for you. I thought you were better than that. Guess I was wrong. You're just like everyone else."

"I'm not, sweetheart. I promise. Just let me prove it." I pleaded. I'd beg if it meant a chance that she'd forgive me. I wasn't letting her leave my life after three years of gaining courage.

Her brown orbs met mine and I felt as like the worst person in the world. She stared at me, unmoving. "Are you telling the honest truth?"

"Of course. I can't lie to you." I replied "You know I can't lie to you, Rae."

She walked over to me and punched my shoulder. "I want to be mad at you, but I can't and it frustrates me. Why didn't you want to tell me?"

"I just couldn't get myself to form those words. I'm sorry." I placed my hands on her  hips and attempted to pull her in for a hug.

She pulled away and crossed her arms. "I just need time to think, Levi. As much as I like you, I think we should rethink things." She gave me a look that made my heart break before walking off.

Colin found me on the roof, looking over school grounds. He joined me and was silent for a while, as if enjoying the fresh air. "You okay?"

"I ruined it." I concluded "She doesn't want anything to do with me."

He stood next to me, enjoying the cool autumn breeze. "Give her some time. Let her cool off. Girls aren't like us. They use their heart and brain to make decisions for them. They have to think everything through before taking any actions."

I refused to answer. The guy had three older sisters so perhaps he was right. I needed to give Rae some time to herself to think things through. If she wanted to take me back, then she would. If not, then I seriously screwed up the best thing that's ever happened to me.

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