Chapter Eight

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I'm sorry this update is late. I've been really busy this weekend

Raelyn Delilah Stevenson," growled an angry Clara. My nerves were getting the best of me and I stared at her with panicked eyes. Her brown eyes were glaring hard at me, as if trying to kill me.

Shaking my head, I looked at the poster behind her. "I can't do it."

"You are going to stop worrying and we are going to enjoy ourselves." She said dragging me towards the stands, where we'd meet Andrea. "Plus, lover boy told you he wants you there. Don't want to disappoint him do you?"

I regret telling her anything. Greeting Andrea, she moved her stuff and motioned for us to sit. I saw the boys warming up and spotted Levi leading them. He looked good in his soccer attire.

"Let's kick some ass, Levi." Andrea yelled drawing his attention. Our eyes met and he winked.

I sighed and looked at the opposing team. They looked like a junior varsity team compared to the boys on Levi's team.

"I heard this was their last home game of the season." Andrea said "I hope they win."

Secretly, I did too.

Levi walked over after their warm ups ended and ruffled Andrea's hair. He greeted Clara then looked at me. "No good luck charm?"

"What were you hoping for? A kiss?"

He grinned. "That'd be wonderful."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Get out of here."

"You mentioned a kiss and now I'm interested." He said lowly

Incredulous, I stared at him. "You're not serious, are you?"

He nodded. "We win the game, I want a kiss."

"Anderson!" His coach called

"Later, sweetheart."

I stared at his retreating back and scolded myself for not choosing my words carefully. Sitting with the girls, I prayed they lost whilst feeling anxious about Levi's words.

Maybe I shouldn't worry so hard about it, I thought nibbling on my bottom lip. Tuning in to the game, I watched the boys run back and forth on the field. The opposing team was terrible. They had so many calls and penalties that I wanted to throttle them. Even the captain seemed to suck horribly at the sport.

Sighing, I mentally prepared myself for kissing Levi. I'd better get a whole months supply of Skittles for this. I'd hate to have to kiss him for nothing. Glancing at the scoreboard, I cringed inwardly. Five to thirteen. Make that a two months supply of Skittles.

I was happy when the game was over. Andrea said her goodbyes to me and Clara before going to wait on her cousin. Clara and I went to my car and I drove us to my house. Oh, thank God, I thought in relief. We got ready for Don's party, debating on what to do with our hair. Mostly mine since it usually never did what I wanted it to. I let Clara straighten it then put waves in it before I started on my makeup.

"Look at you," Clara whistled "If I were into girls, I'd do you in an instant."

I laughed and looked at my reflection in the full body mirror. My hair fell in soft waves down my back, curling at the tips. My eyes were highlighted by the eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara I wore and my lips were a dark red. It was my favorite lipstick and I rarely ever wore it. My jeans were skintight, showing off my curves and legs, and my top showed just enough cleavage.

Clara gasped and ushered me out of the house. According to her, we needed to be fashionably late. Seeing how this was my first party in the past year, I let her do whatever. Finding a parking spot in a less crowded area of the street, I parked and put my phone in my bra. Horrible spot, but I really didn't care.

We walked arm in arm to the entrance then entered the house, music vibrating through my body. Clara and I maneuvered our way through the throng of sweaty teens to the kitchen, the guys occupying the space.

"Well goddamn, ladies." Scott exclaimed, eyes wide. "Rae, you look ravishing as ever."

I smiled. "Thanks."

Don thanked us for coming and nudged a flabbergasted Colin. I met Levi's heated stare and felt myself melt. How could one look make me feel so flustered? It was unfair.

"Are you okay with being the driver tonight?" Clara asked

I knew she'd do this. "Yeah. Just don't complain about your hangover in the morning. I'll kick you out."

"For all I know, you might not even make it home." She winked and I rolled my eyes. "Alright boys, where's the good stuff?"

I snickered as the boys scrambled to get her a drink, not noticing Levi move closer to me. He tugged me out of the kitchen and into the vacant backyard.

"You look nice, Rae." He smiled

The cold bit into my bare shoulders and I attempted to warm myself up. Warmth enveloped me and I looked down to see Levi's jacket draped over my shoulders.

"As gorgeous as you are, sweetheart," he caressed my cheek, "I don't need you getting sick."

I slipped my arms through the sleeves, secretly inhaling his scent. "Thank you."

He smiled and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear. "You still owe me, sweetheart. I didn't like how you left me."

"Owe you? I don't remember owing you anything." I said innocently, allowing him to wrap his arms around my waist. Placing my arms around his neck, I held his gaze.

His eyes filled with multiple emotions, highlighted from the lights behind us. My fingers slipped into his silky hair and he sighed. "What are you doing to me, Rae?" His voice was deep. Husky. Filled with need. Or was it something else?

My body reacted to him in a way I didn't like. I hated the way my body reacted to him. Whenever he was near, I felt like a silly school girl in love. Was I in love with him? No. Attracted to him? Hell yes. Levi was ridiculously handsome and the fact that he wasn't like the rest of the boys at Corbin, was even more alluring.

"I don't know," I responded lowly, placing my hands on his chest. Pushing him away, I tried to put some distance between us. "But we should get back inside. I'd like to-"

His lips cut me off. Stunned, I stood frozen in his embrace. His lips were soft and the kiss gentle. Levi's kissing me. Levi fucking Anderson is kissing me, was my only thought. Closing my eyes, I kissed him back. Our lips moved in a synchronized manner, molding together in perfection. Our tongues met in a feverish passion and I felt myself getting drunk off of this one kiss. When he pulled back, I stared at him wide eyed. That really happened...

"Rae," he said softly

I took a step back. Not answering him, I ran inside and found my best friend drunk out the wazoo. She was dancing with a guy from the soccer team, but ditched him when she saw me. Dragging me to the dance floor, she made me dance with her. I gave in and danced with her for the sake of pleasing her.

I had successfully avoided Levi for the remainder of the night before driving a very drunk Clara to my house. Getting her to my room wasn't a problem, but letting myself fall asleep was a problem. Stupid Levi. I was awake before Clara the next morning and decided to use the time she was asleep to shower and get some thinking done. I needed to clear my head and painting would help.

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