Chapter Seventeen

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Five years later...

Rolling over, I caught sight of the handsome man I called my fiancé standing shirtless near the closet. As if knowing I was watching him, he turned around.

"I was trying not to wake you." He walked over to me and pecked my lips. "Morning Rae."

"Where are you going so early?" I sat up and pushed my hair out of my face. He usually woke after me.

He caressed my cheek. "I promised dad I'd visit the newer facilities today."

"Tell him I said hi."

"I will. Go back to bed, sweetheart."

Watching Levi get ready, I felt content that we had such a stable relationship. After we graduated from high school, we went to separate colleges. He took over his father's businesses while I ended up majoring in business and entrepreneurship with a minor in fine art.

"You'll be there in time for grand opening, right?" I asked

He nodded. "Wouldn't miss it for the world."

After Levi left, I fell asleep again. Waking to sunlight streaming into the room, I got out of bed and checked the time. I had a few hours to get ready. I dried my hair then went to eat breakfast. Returning to the room, I pulled out a sleeveless salmon sheath dress and a cream blazer. After getting dressed, I stared at my reflection in the mirror, smiling at the sight of the ring glistening on my finger.

When I left the house, I drove into the city. Parking near my destination, I walked around the corner then into the space I rented.

"We're not open yet." The dark haired girl moving boxes said

"I know." I spoke

She turned around and her eyes widened. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay." I smiled and moved further into the open space. The beige walls were covered in my artwork that I thought was worthy enough for people to look at and photographs that I've taken over the years. I've been saving up enough money to buy the small store front and turn it into something worthwhile. I may not have been a Picasso or a Michelangelo, but I was pretty darn close.

After the grand opening, I watched my friends and and the other visitors mingle and walk around. A small smile graced my lips as I watched everyone observe my artwork and comment.

Arms wrapped around my waist and I looked over my shoulder to see Levi looking around. He looked down and smiled. "You did wonderful, sweetheart."

"I couldn't have done this without your help."

"I know," he joked lightheartedly

Laughing, I reached up and kissed him. "Thank you."

He smiled at me then looked away at the blinding flash. A grin stretched across his lips and he looked at me. "Andrea's here."

I looked at his cousin and smiled, happy that she could actually make it. Stepping out of Levi's arms, I wrapped mine around his cousin. "You made it."

"Of course." She responded "I had to make sure you were successful so I wouldn't beat you."

Playfully, I rolled my eyes. "I'm always successful."

"I know." She said "I saw Clara. We're going to have to catch up while I'm back."


I greeted Scott then walked away with Andrea. Clara stood next to her boyfriend of two years and smiled at us.

"Look who finally returned home." I said

Clara wrapped her arms around Andrea and hugged her tightly. Andrea had been in India for school, getting the option to stay there for the rest of her sophomore year of college. Having her home, completed our family. I missed her with an aching passion.

We spent the rest of the evening talking about her move back to the states. After all the other guests left, I glanced around at my friends and smiled at the sight of my family being complete. They were my friends and my family, always there for each other when we needed it.

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