Chapter Nine

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The feeling of dread was overpowering as I walked into school Monday morning. After a weekend away from Levi, I had to enter the one place that we could bump into each other at any given moment. My heart and mind were on overload and no amount of Skittles could calm me down. I refused to stand with Clara on the stairs and chose to sit in the classroom, drawing as if it were going to help me.

I didn't want to see Levi anytime soon. My free period was spent helping my math teacher grade tests from his other classes. During lunch, I distractedly walked with Andrea and Clara to the lunch line. I knew they knew something was wrong with me, but they didn't bring it up.

"Alright, what's wrong with you?" Clara asked

I stared at her, bitting my lip. "Nothing."

"Don't lie to me, Rae. Tell me what's wrong. You've been out of it since Saturday." She said "Did something happen at the party?"


A hand wrapped around my wrist and and I looked up, meeting Levi's impassive face. He dragged me away from my friends and out of the cafeteria. I fought him, but it was no use. The boy was stronger than me.

Standing in a vacant hallway, Levi stared at me. His eyes said the words he didn't say. He was angry and confused. Hurt, possibly.

"Why are you avoiding me?" He asked

I looked at his tie and thought carefully about my answer.

"Is it about Friday?"

Finding my voice, I refused to look him. I was afraid to look at him. If I did, I'd turn into jello and let him in. I didn't want that. "Why'd you do it?"

He touched my cheek, caressing gently. "Because you owed me and the only thought on my mind was seeing if your lips were as soft as they look."

He's smooth. Really smooth. I'd give him that. "Because I owed you? Is there something else?"

"I told you I can't tell you yet." He said

I studied him. Why was he so mysterious? Why did that make him all the more attractive? I crossed my arms and got ready to walk away. "Why not?"

He opened his mouth to speak, but froze. I followed his gaze to see a girl recording us on her phone.

Levi left me to snatch the phone from her hands. "Do you purposely eavesdrop on other people's conversations for fun? What were you going to do with this? Show this to your friends?"

He was angry and I didn't want the girl to get hurt. I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him away from the blonde haired girl.

"She's not going to do anything, Levi." I stared at the underclassman, my eyes telling her what would happen if she crossed me. "She's going to unlock her phone so I can delete the video. Isn't that right?"

Her eyes were wide as she nodded and unlocked her phone. She passed it to me and I deleted the video from her phone. I returned her the phone after I made sure the video was completely deleted from it.

"I find out you've spoken about what you've witnessed and it won't be pretty, Bethany." I spoke calmly

She nodded. "M-my lips are s-sealed."

"Good girl," I gave her an approving smile. "Run along."

She ran down the hall, towards the cafeteria.

"That was sexy." Levi muttered

With a sigh, I looked at him. "Are we done?"

"I'm picking you up at five." He told me, no room for discussion. "I'd like to talk without interruptions."

Crossing my arms again, I snorted. "Why should I listen?"

He bent down, lips attaching to mine. My eyes widened. He pulled away and licked his lips. "You taste like candy. I'll see you later, sweetheart."

I watched him walk down the hall, disappearing around the corner. His lips were soft and nice. Touching mine, I wondered what mine felt like to him. Gathering my wits, I went back to the cafeteria.

Clara and Andrea didn't say anything as I ate my lunch. I was grateful for that. After the bell rang, I went to my locker before going to the art building. I needed a distraction. Why the hell did he have to kiss me? In my classroom, I put my stuff down before setting up my table.

"What the hell is going on between you and Levi?" Clara demanded, drawing the attention of a few of our fellow classmates.

I glanced at her and quirked a brow. "What are you talking about?"

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." She glared at me. I didn't get why she was so mad. There wasn't anything going on between Levi and I. "I want you to be completely honest with me, Raelyn."

I cringed inwardly at my full name being used. She was definitely mad at me. I glanced around the room before looking at my angry best friend. Standing, I dragged her out of the crowded classroom, away from nosy peers. I looked around before telling her about Levi's kiss.

Her eyes widened. "But where were you last night?"

"Helping my boss get the store in order for reopening." I replied "Levi was supposed to meet me, but he had to reschedule."

Her brows furrowed. "Meet Levi? About what?"

"No clue," I shrugged

We stared at each other for a while, a grin growing on her lips. She teased me about the kiss and I rolled my eyes. We went back to class and I nodded to our teacher. She smiled at me and I went to my desk.

The morning passed by rather quickly. Quietly. I entered the library and, to my relief, found it empty. I slipped my earbuds in and pressed play on my favorite playlist. As music filled my ears, I sat in my usual seat and put my head down. Closing my eyes, I wanted nothing more for my conscious to make me disappear.

A hand brushed my hair from my face causing me to open my eyes. Meeting Levi's gaze, I sighed and went to pause my music. He stopped me and motioned for me to go to sleep. Biting my lip, I put my head down and closed my eyes again. Levi playing in my hair until I fell asleep.

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