Chapter Sixteen

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So you're not talking to him?" Clara asked

I nodded as I restocked the shelves. I had told her everything that happened between Levi and I because, well, we're best friends and we share everything. As of today, it's been two weeks since I last spoke to Levi. Two weeks of me trying to sort out my feelings. "I'm trying, Clara. I just don't know how I'm going to talk to him."

"Just text him and see where it goes. It can't be that bad." She said then held out her hand. "Pass me your phone."

I looked at her then at the box of color pencils I had to put on display. Sighing, I passed her my phone and she unlocked it. I heard her say done and my heart skipped a beat. "What did you do?"

"I may or may not have sent lover boy a text saying hello." She said

I stared at my phone. "What if he doesn't answer?"

"He will and you'll thank me later, Rae. Right now, I need to get going before my parents disown me. I'll text you later, okay?"

I nodded. "Later Clara."

My best friend left and I glanced down at my phone. Sliding it in my pocket, I continued to work on shelving products. We had an hour till closing and I was barely finished.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I froze. Ignoring it, I focused on getting my job done. Curiosity got the best of me and I pulled my phone from my pocket. Unlocking my phone, I tapped on my messages and I bit my lip. All he did was say hi and it had my heart racing.

I texted Clara and told her that he replied. She urged me to reply and to keep it as casual as possible. I texted Levi back then put my phone away. When I finished placing the last crayon box on the shelf, I pulled my phone out and hesitated on answering Levi's text. Deciding against it, I slid my phone back into my pocket.

When my shift ended, I walked to my car then went home. My father had a late shift tonight so I was alone when I entered the house. Sighing, I walked upstairs to my room and got ready for bed. My feelings were so out of it, it made my head and heart hurt. I didn't like this feeling.

Entering school the next morning, I felt like crap. I barely got any sleep and my hair looked crazier than a birds nest. When Clara saw me, she cringed and looked me over. After helping me out, I looked somewhat decent. I knew Andrea and Clara were mad at me for not talking to Levi, but they never said anything.

I glanced at the pack of Skittles in Clara's hand then looked away. I knew she was shocked that I didn't take it. I was shocked myself. I didn't know what was wrong with me and I hated it. I felt weak and useless. Walking away from my friends, I went to my classroom.

The day seemed to drag on, passing painfully slow. Lunch felt too long and and my heart hurt too much. Opening the cabinets in the art room, I tried to force my feelings aside.

There was a knock on the door and the noise level dropped until you could hear a pin drop. I looked up and saw Scott dressed in his baseball attire.

He scratched his neck and looked at me. "I need to speak to you for a second, Rae."

I placed things down and told Heather that she was in charge until I returned. Following Scott from the room, I wondered what he wanted to talk about. Levi most likely.

"You need to talk to him." Scott said "He's so out of it, Rae. Hell, coach is threatening to take away his position from him. I've never seen him so tortured, Rae."

I looked away, blinking away unshed tears.

"This was all my fault so don't blame him. Blame me. If it weren't for me, there would've never been a bet. So I'm sorry." Scott said "But right now, he needs you before he loses all his cool."

"Where is he?"

Scott's eyes widened. "You'll do it? Thanks Rae."

He grabbed my hand and lead me out of the building. When we walked towards the field, I wondered why we were walking towards the locker room.

Scott left me in the hallway and I mustered up my courage to knock on the door before entering. Levi looked at me with surprised eyes. Eyes that I missed gazing into.

"Hey Casanova." I said

He stood then slowly walked towards me. When he was directly in front of me, he wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm sorry," We spoke at the same time

He gently caressed my cheek. "I'm so sorry, Rae. It's my fault. I shouldn't have agreed to the bet."

"It's not your fault entirely." I looked at his chest, feeling the fabric of his uniform shirt underneath my finger tips. "I probably shouldn't have distanced this far away from you. If I had just been more understanding... You're not to blame entirely, okay?"

He was quiet for a while, making me believe that I had said something wrong. Before I could say anything else, he captured my lips with his and I sighed against his lips. I missed him. I truly did.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his body. Tangling my fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck, I gave a gentle tug. It wasn't like the kisses before. This one was more passionate. It spoke louder than any other actions we had shared. It was more of a promise than anything else.

Pulling away for air, I gazed up at him.

"I've wanted to do that for the past two weeks." He admitted, making me blush. He caressed my cheek and smiled gently at me.

"You know... I think I said this before, but I can't stay mad at you." I gazed into his alluring eyes as I confessed "I wasn't mad. At first I was, but then I just felt all these emotions that caused me to feel so lonely. That made question everything. I don't think I could ever stay mad at you, Levi."

He gave me a small smile. "Good because I couldn't deal with you being mad at me. I'll make it up to you. I promise, Rae."

"Well you have a lot of making up to do." I said lowly

He bent down, lips hovering over mine. "I know, sweetheart." He placed his lips over mine again and the world melted away. It was only the two of us in our own little world.

There was a loud knock on the door and reluctantly, he pulled away from me. He cleared his throat and called out for the person to enter as I tried to hide my flustered features.

Scott stood in the doorway, grinning hard. "I take it you two made up?"

"Of course." Levi responded for us. Us. Never thought in a million years would I think I'd be in a relationship with Levi of all people.

We walked out of the locker room and he stopped me before I could leave. Pulling me to his chest, he stared down at me.

"Wait for me after school?"

I nodded.

He smiled and pecked my lips, a few wolf whistles ringing out.

I blushed and left him to practice. My classmates looked at me as I entered the room, everyone curious. I sat in my seat and tried to regain whatever focus I had before I made up with Levi.

When the bell rang, I was one of the last people out of the room. I had caught sight of Levi as soon as I exited the building. A smile spread across his lips and I playfully rolled my eyes. He pulled me to him and placed his lips on mine.

"Kissing me should be banned." I teased "You might develop an addiction."

He chuckled. "A healthy addiction."

I laughed and he snaked his arm around my waist. "Come on."

Andrea and Clara stared at us with wide eyes as we walked towards them.

"Are you back together? Like for good?" Andrea asked excitedly

I nodded as Levi said 'yes'. The girls squealed and attacked me, their arms wrapped tightly around my body.

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