Chapter Three

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Clara's loud squeal attracted the attention of people close to us. She ducked her head and chuckled. "I can't believe he asked you out?"

I cringed and glanced at the shirt in my hands. "Just tell the world, why don't you."

"Sorry." She put down the shirt she was looking at. "Listen, Levi isn't like the rest of the guys in Corbin. He's way more mature and alluring, which is a total turn on."

I put the shirt back. "I know he's different, Clara. It's just... I never expected him to actually take interest in me."

"Listen babe," she started, "If a guy like Levi asks you out, say yes. You're not marrying the guy. It's one date and if it leads to more then follow your heart."

I stared at her. "Thanks, but when did you become an advice column?"

"Just now." She winked and we walked out of H&M. "How'd he ask? Was he smooth with it as in the me-you-Friday or lemme get your number? Or was it more like he was a little shy?"

I looked at her and laughed. My best friend was crazy, but I had to love her regardless.

She looked at her watch while asking about how he asked. Rolling my eyes I told her and she smiled deviously. "So let's look for outfits. I think you should wear that black sweater you just got."

"The crop top?"

"Yeah. Now it's pants."

We wandered the mall until Clara's dad called told her that she had to come home. I dropped her off then drove myself home. I found my dad in the kitchen cooking and stared at him.

My dad was the head surgeon at the hospital he worked in so it was rare to see him home. He worked crazy hours. Sometimes he wasn't home for days. Bonding time with my father was my favorite time. He normally had the weekends off which was when we had our father-daughter time.

After dinner, I went to my room and started my homework. I paused in the middle of my calculus homework and nibbled on my pencils eraser. Maybe Levi was just pulling my leg and didn't mean what he said. Groaning, I cleared my head and finished my homework. Boys can wait, Rae.

— ❧ —

I met Clara in her usual spot and she squinted at me as if I were a specimen under a microscope. A large grin spread across her bright red lips.

"Is that makeup?"

I turned away, looking at the entrance. "No."

"I guess you don't want this bag of Skittles." She sighed

I glared at her and snatched the bag from her hand. "I might be wearing a little concealer and mascara."

She squealed and nearly knocked the candy from my hand. "I knew it. My baby's growing up!"

I laughed and rolled my eyes. "You're crazy."

My gaze turned to the entrance as the waiting girls screamed. The boys entered in their usual order: Colin, Don, Scott then Levi.

"Lover boy arrived." Clara teased, nudging my arm.

I glanced at her and sighed. She was lucky she was my best friend or else I'd never talk to her again. "He's not lover boy."

"Yet," she added happily

I scoffed. "Never."

"Never say never, babe." Clara said

My first three periods ticked by slowly. I believed that it was my nerves. Never have I ever been nervous about talking to a boy. But then again, Levi wasn't like the rest of the boys here at Corbin Academy. Clara was right, I guess I should say yes to him.

When the bell for fourth rang, I took a detour to the bathroom to calm my nerves.

"Morning Rae," a group of sophomores called as I exited the bathroom. Smiling, I waved at them.

Stopping in front of the library doors, I bit my lip. This is stupid, I thought and entered the massive room. I took my time walking towards the history section. I walked to the tables beside it and sat down, taking out my homework packet from calculus.

Someone sank into the seat next to mine and I caught a whiff of their expensive cologne. It smelt of sandalwood, vanilla and something else, which oddly relaxed me.

"I thought you forgot about me." Levi said

I peeked at him from the corner of my eye. "You didn't give me much of a choice."

He chuckled. "You could always say no, but I've been told I was very stubborn. I always get what I want."

Returning to my homework, I huffed. "I could always file a restraining order."

"Sweetheart, who would believe you?" He said "I come from a very influential family."

I bit my lip. He was right. His family was really influential, owning half our town and a few major hospitals around the world, but he'd be abusing his family's influence. "I'd find ways."

He took the pencil from my hand and put it on the table. Our eyes met and I felt my heart stop. He smiled softly, making me distracted. "Why can't you just say yes?"

"Because I don't like drama." I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear and turned to face him. "If I did say yes, what would you want from me? I hate people who try to gain something from someone else. It's tiring."

He stared at me. "I don't want anything, but for you to say yes."

Smooth. I'd give him that. "Why?" I wasn't stupid. All boys had a motive, whether they wanted to admit it or not.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." His voice darkened, underlying a secret he was hiding. How interesting. "Just give me a chance, Rae. Please? One date is all I'm asking."

I studied him. He seemed so sincere, but then again he could be acting. "One date. That's it."

He grinned. "Thanks Rae."

I watched him pull out his phone and unlock it. He handed it over and I added my number to his contacts.

I slipped my stuff in my bag then stood, bending at his ear. "If you're using me, it won't turn out looking pretty for you. Don't play games with me, Levi. You'll regret it."

Walking out of the library, I opened the bag of Skittles and munched on them angrily. Clara never said I couldn't threaten him a bit.

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