Chapter Ten

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Levi and I entered the cafeteria together, the noise level dropping significantly. Levi didn't really seemed bothered by it so I tried not to care. In reality, it bugged me to see how many people cared about what Levi was doing. Privacy wasn't something he had in this school.

When I woke up in the library, Levi was still next to me. Instead of playing with my hair, he was reading a book. It was hottest thing I've ever witnessed, especially because the sun was casting a glow across his handsome face.

"I wonder what they're looking at now?" Levi muttered, sounding bored.

I glanced at him, entering the circle. "It could be the fact that we entered together or how you won't leave my side."

"I didn't think you were this snarky?" He thanked the chef for his food then glanced at me.

Quirking a brow, I laughed to myself as we wandered through the Circle. "You don't know half of it. I barely know why Clara puts up with me half the time."

He chuckled and handed the lunch lady a ten. She blushed and quickly moved to clean the counter down. Levi affected everyone. Young and old.

"You paid for me?"

He looked down at me. "Is there something wrong with that?"

"It's surprising, that's all." I meant it. People were always busy trying to kiss up to me to be on my good graces. Those that had seen my angry side, were the ones that feared me the most. I genuinely hoped Levi never saw me like that, but it was inevitable. It'd happen someday.

Levi paying for me felt completely different. It felt oddly intimate and, although we weren't dating, it felt like it.

He looked at me. "Surprising? I'm surprised you're still single."

"I like my boys mature. Something the boys here aren't." I gave a small smile before walking away. Joining the girls at our table, I refused to looked at their faces.

"Alright, spill."

"They're fucking," Andrea concluded, causing me to choke on my lunch. "It's pretty obvious by the way they're always disappearing and reappearing. Not to mention the flustered looks."

"I am not sleeping with your cousin." I stated, blushing.

"Our Raelyn, here, has never been in a relationship so she's completely pure." Clara told Andrea, who's eyes widened.

She stared at me. "What?"

I narrowed my eyes at Clara. "Are we really discussing this here?"

"I mean you won't talk about it anywhere else." Clara said

I sighed and placed my head in my hands.

"You can always come with me to my house," Andrea spoke up "Levi won't be there until later tonight. I heard he had an away game today."

I glanced at her, ready to deny her offer. Clara beat me to it, agreeing that I'd drive them there after school. She gave me a look telling me that I had no say in this.

I regret telling them anything.

After school ended, I found myself delaying all my actions. I really didn't want to be caught dead in their house. Meeting up with my friends, I unlocked my car and they clambered inside. When we arrived at the house, I felt as if I were trespassing on forbidden grounds. Bitting my lip, I followed Andrea inside.


"Hi Uncle P."

Levi's father wiped his glasses with a navy blue glass cleaner, eyes bright. He slipped his glasses on and smiled at me. "It's always so nice to see you, Rae."

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