Alcohol and Extraterrestrials

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Chapter 1: Alcohol and Extraterrestrials

"Grab me another beer, would ya?" Tim grunted as he shifted on his Rolling Stones blanket.

Although, in retrospect it was more like an itchy straw rug at this point since it was so old. I semi-reluctantly grabbed another cold Budwiser can from the cooler next to me and handed it to him. He cracked it, took a gulp and burped, without so much as a thank you. You're welcome, I thought. I should be having fun right now, we both should, but I can't bring myself to smile amongst the sounds of beer slurping and the subsequent burps that followed. The only good thing about right now was laying back down on the blanket to look up at the stars in between "refills". It is so peaceful here, except for the plethera of crickets in the background. I lose myself for a moment in the sheer beauty of the night sky. The wilderness looks so inviting, even in this light. Up here it's almost easy to forget the hustle and bustle of the city.

Some time has passed and I come to. It's midnight, and Tim is, not surprisingly, blacked out drunk, as always. I scowl at his face in the low light of the campfire, my eyes like the embers, shooting flames at him subliminally. God willing if they would just light him on fire, well not completely engulfed, just enough to wake him up and watch him flail ridiculously to try to put it out. I smile to myself at the thought. He promised he wouldn't drink so much this time, and me being the dumbass I am, I believed him. Then again, I guess, it is half my fault since I bought the beer. I only did that because I thought we could both get drunk and have some fun together, but that, like everything else about this weekend, has gone to shit. Why do I put up with this? I shake my head to myself. I could never figure out why. It probably has something to do with the fact that my father was an alcoholic and that I am just so conditioned to being around this nonsense, that it is just second nature to me.

His prickly, unshaven, face does him no justice as drool spills from his half-cocked mouth amidst the smell of hot dogs and beer. I pull myself up off the blanket and pack up what was left of the food and put it away. No sense in wasting good food to the ants. Like clockwork, as soon as I stand up, I have to pee. I retire to the bushes at the edge of the site. I go to squat when all of a sudden, the whole sky lit up, almost like someone hit the lights. The sky was lit clear as day. Immediately following the light, was what sounded like a loud boom, like a sonic boom almost. And all of a sudden, in the field down a ways from the site, a stream of light hit the ground and then another boom, this one was lower, almost like a dull thud. There was dust everywhere. At this point, I was so enveloped by what was happening around me, I peed all over my legs and feet.

"Shit! Urgh, really?!" I yell.

I frantically try to dry myself off the best I can. I pull up my pants and run back to the site. I go to wake Tim, when I realize, he's still out cold. Jesus, that fucker could probably sleep through an Atom Bomb. I second guess my decision to try to wake him up to come with me to investigate. I better leave him there, he'll only be a burden. I go into the tent, to my purse, and grab my knife, ya know, just in case. Yea like what am I going to do with this puny thing, but for all I know it's just a boring meteorite or a satellite. In either case, I'd better bring it.

I run through the field towards the crash site with the dim light of our campfire behind me giving me a little courage. There was a lot of dust and debris everywhere surrounding the embankment. I grabbed my knife from off of my pants, flipped out the blade, and gripped it with white knuckles, like my life depended on it. I squint as I make my way through the dust, trying to see what was in front of me.

"It's probably just a satellite, Raven, or some steaming piece of space junk, or maybe a Russian spy satellite." I giggle to myself.

All of a sudden, the dust cleared. Laying in the crater was, not a satellite, not a meteorite, not space junk, but a man! I look around to make sure I am still alone, as I walk closer to him. What the fuck is going on. Knife still drawn, I walk around to his feet so I could get a good look at the whole picture. He was white, I guess, with black medium length hair. He was wearing a faded green short sleeve shirt, black pants, and black boots. I walked up his side so I could get a better look at his face. Jesus! He was, despite the unbelieveability of the situation, ridiculously handsome. I raise my eyebrows in surprise at the "hot 'alien'" laying in front of me. I slap my face. Ow! Nope, I'm not dreaming. Hmm, what should I do? Call the cops? Yea, right, and say what, 'Oh hey officer, yea this man just fell from the sky and landed next to my campsite,' and he'll reply with, 'Wow, really?! That's the 3rd one today, It's raining men' Yea right, they'd lock me in a loony bin and throw away the key. I would have better luck trying to convince them I saw big foot. I shake my head and smile at myself.

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