Hel Hath No Fury

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/ / Oh yea! So how would you feel if you woke up and your crazy ex-lover was on top of you? Well, Loki doesn't have the luxury of being happy about the notion... So I know alot has been brought to light in the last chapter, some new characters/mentions, hope you're hanging in there. Much will be brought to light in this chapter ... wait and see -V / /

Bold: Loki

Regular: Raven

Italic: Lina

(...): ESP

I all but flip over backwards off the bed trying to come to terms with the sight of Lina in my bed; whom has since phased off the bed and is pressed, back up against the dresser. I rub my eyes again as to insure that this is not a hallucination; it's not. Here she is standing in my chambers, staring, not at me, but through me; it is most uncomfortable.

"What are you doing here?" I snarl.

She furrows her brow and smirks; most likely at the tone I've used to address her, "My love, is this how you are to treat me after all this time we've been apart? I must say I was not expecting such a cold welcome,"

"Last I heard, you were a prisoner of Karnilla, seeing as no one else could subdue you after you're little, episode," I reply squinting.

She chuckles, odd, "Prisoner eh? I suppose one could call it that. What of you, what have I missed from my dearest Loki?" she says as she runs her fingers along my dresser, trying to be coy.

"A lot has gone on since we've last seen each other," I say as I straighten out my shirt and make my way solemnly to the balcony.

"Oh, is that so? Like what? Do tell, love," she replies as she follows me.

"Well for starters, I had no idea you would take the news of my banishment the way that you did," I say to her; looking at her through only my peripheral.

She lowers her head, not in shame, but with a smirk, "Oh, you heard about that did you? Yes, well, I couldn't very well allow my pain of losing you go unnoticed, now could I?"

I snap 'round and stare dead into her eyes, "So that was your reasoning, was it? You wanted the attention! Why? Why did you need to create a spectacle of yourself at my expense?"

"Your expense? How is this about you? I was the one that was heartbroken," she huffs.

"And I wasn't?! How can you even suggest that?! Of course I was devastated! But you didn't see me causing destruction across the Nine Realms! And yes, it is about me, since I've been back, it has been proven to be impossible to convince anyone that I had no knowledge that you were crazy," I scream.

"Funny, you don't seem upset. And, your troubles with your needing to prove yourself, are not my problem. If you loved me, you would be defending me, not trying to PROVE I'm crazy!" she taunts.

"Speak for yourself! I find your utter lack of empathy towards the whole situation to be most unsettling! If YOU loved ME, you would not have behaved that way, plain and simple!" I turn back round and stare into space.

"I believe I was justified! I love you and I felt the way I did because of it! They had no right to treat me the way they did afterwards," she shouts, waving her arms about.

I turn again, this time grabbing her shoulders, "Lina, you broke into the palace, broke into my chambers, locked the door and proceeded to have a meltdown, how, is that, JUSTIFIED!?"

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