Fake ID's and Hissing At Shoes

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*During this chapter I will again switch Points Of View between Raven & Loki. Raven will be regular font and Loki will be bold.*

A few hours pass, as I've been sitting on the couch watching TV waiting for someone to come home. It is 5 pm. The door opens at the top of the stairs.

"Hey it's me," says Alice. Oh thank the Gods it's not Tim again. Although I doubt very much that it would have been.

"Hello Alice," I answer back as she reaches the bottom of the stairs. "How was your day?" She puts her purse in her room.

"Very busy, urgh I'm so glad I'm home. I see you remember how to use the TV," she says with a smile as she points to it.

"Oh yes, I've been watching it all day," I reply with a smile. "So Alice, something happened today that I have to tell you about."

Her face blanks, "What do you mean? Bad? What happened Loki?" She asks sternly but not too aggravated.

"Well for starters, there are the some things about me I must explain. I have powers that I need to tell you about. First, I can communicate using my mind,"

Her eyes widen, "Woah did you just talk in my head?!" she asks mouth agape.

"Yes Alice, but that is not all. I can also teleport," I teleport from in front of the couch, to her doorway and back.

"Wow that's pretty cool, what else," she has a half smile on her face at this point.

"This last ability is the important one. I can shape-shift into anyone," I phase into her.

She takes a step back mouth agape again, "Holy shit! Wow! That's freaky! So, ok, now, what does this have to do with what happened today?" She asks as she walks to the fridge and pulls out a brown glass bottle with a blue label on it and opens the cap.

"Well, you see, Tim showed up a few hours ago," her eyes widen as she takes a sip from the bottle.

"What!? Seriously?! What happened?!"

"As soon as I heard him at the top of the stairs, I knew that if he had seen me, things would get really bad for Raven, because I knew if I had told him I was someone you knew, theres no way he would believe me," she nods. "I phased into you thinking that would be the best thing to do." I explain.

"Ok, so then what happened?" she asks as she comes over to the couch and sits.

"Well needless to say, he was very drunk and belligerent running around the apartment looking for Raven. He didn't believe me that she wasn't here. He threatened me so I called him a coward. That's when things got bad. He swung at me so I grabbed his fist and incapacitated him. I screamed at him that Raven was done with him and he was to never come back. He then spit in my face. So I took his arm and wrapped it around his neck and choked him until he relented in agreeing to never come back here, or so he says. However, Alice, the last thing he said before he left was, 'You're going to regret that, bitch.' I fear for your safety Alice. I am sorry I took your form but it seemed like the best idea at the time. I had no idea he would attack me, I mean you," I look over at her and she seems unphased.

"Well Loki, thanks for turning me into a little ass kicker," she says as she chuckles slightly, "Trust me I have nothing to worry about, I always carry a knife and pepper spray so if he tries anything, I'll kill him. He won't get a second chance. Raven has always tried to downplay Tim's physical capabilities but I always knew he was a violent drunk. She always had a very lousy poker face," she says as she waves her hand at her face.

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