Demons and Revelations

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 / Ok so hope you all are still with me. Again sorry if the last chapter was at all choppy. This chapter, however, will be a wee bit darker; the beginning anyways. As you all know that have been following the story from the beginning, I have completely strayed from Loki's traditional evil and snake-like behavior in favor of a more loving, and empathetic Loki. This chapter though, his demons catch up with him... enjoy

Raven: Regular

Loki: Bold

ESP: Italic

It has been six months. Six months since the events that led me to Midgard that warm summer night. Six months since I met and fell in love with my beautiful Raven. Six months since it all began.

A lot has happened. More than I can hope to remember. So many beautiful memories; fun memories; happy memories. Yet as I lay in Raven's bed, staring at the ceiling, feeling the warmth from the heater enveloping us, I am reminded of the terrible truths that still lurk in the shadows; poised ready to do their worst. It has also been six months since Tim's violent rampage and since John informed us of the dismissal of his charges at the hands of his ruthless aunt. Although, thankfully, we have not heard from him nor seen him, that doesn't change the fact that at any moment he could attempt to make good on his promise to harm her again.

Despite all that has gone on here, it has still been six months since Thor brought news of Odin and the Jotun attack on Asgard. It has been most troubling for me that Thor had yet to return. Not only did that mean father has not awoken yet, but it could yield worse things. Did the Jotuns attack again knowing Odin was neutralized? Had something happened to him? To Thor? Any number of horrible scenarios go through my head and clash and collide like Bilgesnipe. I will not tell her, but there have been many nights since Thor's visit, that I have found myself unable to sleep. I awake in the middle of many a night thinking I can just whisk her away with me to Asgard and see what has been going on. The realization that I cannot, pains me even more, making it completely impossible to fall back asleep. It also pains me knowing that at any moment, I would have been able to move about between Asgard and Midgard as I pleased, but now, cannot. Thankfully, I am in a happy place, but it doesn't dismiss my longing to know what has transpired in Asgard in my absence. I have to try to focus on what I have control over. What's going on here and now is all I can be held accountable for.

I quell my thoughts for a moment and turn to look at Raven, who is sleeping peacefully with her back to me. The dim light from the moon shines on her bare shoulders revealing her perfectly tanned complexion. By the gods I love her so much. I never thought I would be able to fall in love again. After feeling the heartbreak of losing Lina, I never thought it would be this easy. Then it occurs to me; Lina. My dear Lina. I loved her so much. Yet, still, I was able to let Raven in so quickly. It has always been said that all the magic in the universe cannot come close to the effects love can have on one's being; that when you find it, you are powerless to stop it. Still, even having fallen in love with Raven, I still think of her. Where was she sent? Is she ok? Did she meet someone too? Again, a hundred thoughts go through my head. I wish I could at least know just a little information about how she is; but how? Thor told me Odin swore Heimdall to secrecy. *Sigh* I must come to accept that there is no way of knowing. I look over at the blue-lit clock on Raven's nightstand; 4:30 am. My mind is way too restless to try to go back to sleep at this point. I phase out of the bed into the kitchen as not to wake up Raven. I walk over to the living room to the fireplace. The smoldering embers from last night still glowing a dull orange-red. I open the glass door and throw 2 pieces of wood into it and move the poker about to get the fire started again. As I stare at the fire trying to kick-start itself, I am reminded of the grander fireplaces in the palace. The one in my chambers was particularly large. Then it hits me like a punch to my subconscious. I am reminded of my false home. The room that was said to be mine for so very long, belonged, in fact, to a cold heartless monster; the very same I had been raised to hate and fear. NO! I will not allow myself to relive that painful memory.

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