Look The Devil In The Eye

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/ / Soo, yea, Raven's found herself in yet another bad situation huh? Don't worry, I'm a firm believer in Karma .... SOo thanks guys for sticking it out through my 2 month+ long hiatus while I helped my parents with their estate sale and had a bunch of other crap going on.... Alas, we're back ... enjoy  -V / /

Bold: Loki

(2 hours prior to Raven's attack)

I awake suddenly to the sound of my heart beating fast. It feels as though it's clawing it's way out of my chest. The anxiety of trying to come to terms with last night has completely overwhelmed my normally tamed heartbeat. I groan as I slowly roll over where my eyes are met with the early morning light. I feel as though I am in a fog; a heavy fog. Bits and pieces of last night start to make their ways through to my consciousness. Then it all seems to hit me at once as I lean up suddenly in my bed; Lina was a spy for Karnilla! Not only that but she used me in every possible way. She betrayed her people, she betrayed this kingdom, but worst of all, she betrayed me. Oh Lina, why? Why?! Why should I care why? That woman has caused more problems then I care to name. 

I try to set aside my anger for a while as I make my way to the wash room; gods know I need a bath. As I slide into the ornate silver tub filled with warm water, I am reminded of my Raven. I am reminded of that fiery night of passion between us; the night I made her mine. A warm sly smile draws across my face as I relive it in my head. My skin tingles in response to the hot water as I completely submerge myself; finally, silence.

A few moments pass and I am jolted back to reality by a knocking at my doors, which I can hear through the water "I'll be right there!" I yell as my head breaches the tub.

I grab my robe from the wall and walk to the door; it's Frigga.

"Mother, come in, come in," I say to her.

"I hope I wasn't disturbing you Loki," she replies.

"Not at all I was just getting out of the tub. Please excuse me while I put some clothes on,"

"Odin told me about what happened last night," she says solemnly as I dress behind the curtains.

"I'm sure he did. I'm sure everyone knows after my little, tantrum. Did you know of this prior?" I ask curiously.

"No Loki, your father made no mention of it before last night. I am truly sorry my son," She says with her head in her hand as I come from around the curtains.

"Yes, well, it seems the God of Mischief was beaten at his own game," I chuckle as I sit down next to her on the bed.

"Oh I'm sure you wish it was that simple, my son," she says placing her hand on my back.

"I cannot begin to describe how right you are mother. I just, I cannot understand what would drive a person to be that apathetic, that cruel, that deceitful, and still manage to pretend to love someone," I say shaking my head.

"Loki, there will always be things in our lives that we do not understand. At this point, the only consolation I can offer is that no one was hurt by all this," she says softly.

"Volstagg and Sif were," I reply sternly meeting her eyes with mine.

"Yes, but they survived-"

I cut her off slightly as I stand up flailing my arms, "It does not matter! I should have seen this! I should have, felt it, sensed it, SOMETHING! I was so blinded by love that I probably missed any signs that would have otherwise been obvious to me! It's not like me! And because of my infatuation, my father and 2 of my best friends were almost killed, not to mention any other Asgardians, had they made it into the city! I'm responsible!" 

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