Nocturnal Excursions

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Raven: Normal

Loki: Bold

ESP: Italic

I oblige her without hesitation. I let her leg down and reach out to place my hands on her hips. I am about to phase into her room when I stop.

"What's wrong Loki?" Raven says with broken breaths.

"I was going to teleport to the bedroom, but I'd rather guide you there myself, physically," I reply caressing her cheek. It's more real this way. Not only for her but for me as well. Magic can be a useful tool in any situation, however it has no place when it comes to intimacy. Raven leans down next to my hip and turns the water off. She runs her hands back over her face wiping away as much water as she can. All the while she is smiling the most delicate smile at me. She in no way seems uncomfortable or scared of what may come. I open the shower door and grab a towel off the rack and hold out my hand for her to help her out. She steps out slowly and I wrap the towel around her and kiss her neck softly as she lowly hums. She wraps it round and secures it between her breasts. I grab my towel and wrap it around my waist and secure it. Gently, I take her hand and lead her out of the bathroom into the bedroom. She closes and locks the door. The only light present is from the full moon outside peeking in through the open window at the top of the room. There is a gentle breeze that moves the trees in such a way that the shadows, once again, dance off her delicate shoulders and reflect off her wet hair. The rush of crisp summer air makes its way into the room, brushing across Raven, giving her goosebumps as she rubs her shoulders and shudders. She walks over to the end of the bed and steps onto it backwards and kneels in the middle sitting on her legs. I crawl up as well and kneel in front of her. I am staring at a goddess, MY goddess. For this god, there is no better feeling.

I take her hand in mine, "Raven, you truly are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid these eyes on," I whisper to her.

"Really, you've been around for a long time," she says with a coy smile.

I gently place my other hand on her cheek, smile and gaze deep into her emerald eyes, "With out a single doubt in my mind. You are truly breath-taking," I respond. No sooner as I finish my sentence, she grabs the back of my head and kisses me hard. Her mouth wide open and electric. I pull back for a moment.

"Are you sure this is what you want my dear?" I ask holding her hands with my lips pressed to them.

She softens her eyes, "Yes Loki,"

"Then I will make you mine," I reply.

I undo the towel from around her chest, freeing her soft breasts, and toss it to the floor. I remove mine from my waist as well and toss it. I lean towards her and kiss her softly. She reaches behind and places her hands on my back holding me tight. I leave her lips in longing as I move down to the edge of her jawline and down to the nape of her neck. She lets out a slight gasp as I roll my lips across the base of her neck and make my way across her shoulder. My hands placed on the tops of her arms kneading at her soft skin with each movement of my mouth. The sound of her staggared breathing sending me deeper under her spell. She pulls back a bit and start to kiss the corner of my jawline. Her soft lips dancing across my skin. She gets to my earlobe and bites it softly. By the gods what a sensation. Instantly, I feel cold chills run down my spine and feel my hairs stand at attention across my body. A moan escapes my agape mouth.

"Do you like that my god," she whispers deviously into my ear as she continues to knead my lobe with her teeth.

Just hearing her voice is driving me mad, "Oh yes my sweet goddess," I hear her chuckle a soft laugh as she resumes kissing my earlobe before moving on to my neck.

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