Family Values

201 1 0

Bold: Loki

Regular: Raven

Italic: ESP

I am dating a god. Wow that sounds pretty epic in my head. I feel at this point I can't hold Loki any tighter. I am so shaken by what has just transpired I can't bring myself to get up or even move for that matter. I don't want to. His hold is like a cradle. I feel like nothing can ever go wrong as long as his arms are around me. Just then I hear the door open upstairs.

"Raven, Loki, you guys home?" it's Alice.

"Yea we're here," I reply as Loki stands up and helps me up, his arm still around my side.

"Hey did you guys see where that cop car and ambulance came from, I saw them turn out of our road," she asks as she puts her stuff down on the kitchen counter. I look up at Loki as he looks back at me, then we both just look at Alice; blank-faced, "Um what happened?" she asks concerned.

"Tim showed up. He knew we went to the apartment, but after the fact. He had a gun and shot up the place," I say a bit shaken.

"What the fuck, Raven, are you serious?!" she says shocked.

Loki holds out his hand to put it on Alice's wrist, "Let me show you Alice," she holds out her wrist and he holds it. Alice's expressions say it all.

"Jesus, Loki, you're like a superhero or sumtin. I mean, he shot you in the face and nothing happened! And you beat the crap out of them. Shit! Raven, I can't believe he pulled out a freakin gun! Wow! I just can't wrap my brain around that," Alice's hands are on her forehead pulling her skin back as she runs them back through her hair and shakes her head in disbelief.

"I STILL can't believe it happened! I mean a freakin gun?! Was he really that pissed that he had to pull out a gun, I mean, James pulling out a knife was one thing, oh my God I just can't even think right now," I am still so shaken that it is becoming increasingly difficult to even form a sentence.

Loki spins me into his chest and holds me, "You're safe now, that's all that matters. It's over," his voice could convince me of anything at this point.

"So Alice, I think it's time we go to the police station and get restraining orders against Tim, I am fed up with him and his shit. One of these days he is going to show up and Loki won't be here to protect us," I say as she nods to me.

"Ok, let's go now, get it over with, sooner we file, sooner it goes into effect," she says as she picks her purse back up off the counter.

I look up at Loki, "You're coming too right?"

"Of course darling," he replies as he kisses my forehead.

I walk into my room and grab my clutch and my keys and we all head upstairs and out to my car. Alice climbs into the back seat and lets out a grunt.

"I hate sitting in the back seat," she says not entirely annoyed.

"Well I can't very well have Loki sit in the back, he is 6'2" after all," I giggle.

Loki turns around and inspects the head room in the back, "Yes that looks like it wouldn't be too accommodating for me," he says as he smiles back to me.

"Yea, yea, yea your Royal Tallness," she replies as she bows her head mockingly, but jokingly. We all start laughing. I start the car and Katy Perry's "ET" starts playing off my Ipod. I feel Alice tap my shoulder, "Fitting song huh?" she says as she motions to Loki. I laugh.

"Yea I guess, too funny!"

We head into the city, downtown, to the police station. I pull into a spot and park. We all get out and head on in.

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