Getting Acquainted with the Squad

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(Tell me in the comments how many of you fell for the trick above XD)


Key: f/c= favorite color, h/c= hair color, h/l= hair length, e/c= eye color, s/c= skin color, m/n=male name, L/n= last name

A young boy of a/g, was just about to join a squad in the moon demon company. He showed great potential went he gained his cursed weapon, a bow that could change into a scythe.(I was stuck between both weapons so enjoy your double weapon) The kid managed to gain the weapon within a new record, not to mention his skills in fighting and knowledge made him top of his class.

He walked within the demon company hq looking for Guren. Guren would be the one to introduce him to his squad. But what really upset him was the fact the only squad he could be placed in, already had five people.

He approached Guren's office and knocked on the door. A raven haired male answered within a few seconds. It was Guren.

"Oh good, you're here, m/n." He walked in as well as invited the boy to follow. Inside were five people. His squad. A young kid with brown hair came up to the kid.

"Hi, my names Yoichi. Are you our new squad member?" The kid shook his head yes.

"My name is m/n l/n." The kid answer. His e/c eyes shined with determination to impress his new squad. Suddenly, pale arms wrapped around m/n's neck and effectively startling the kid. A purplenette appear from behind m/n.

"The names Shinoa." She said with her brown eyes glistened with mischief. Another girl with blonde hair started to scold her for picking on the new kid. Then the blonde introduced herself.

"I'm Mitsuba." She smiled kindly at m/n but the h/t (Hair type Ex: Brunette, ect) boy's attention was drawn to two other boys, a raven and a pinkette. Mitsuba cleared her throat which gained the attention of the previously arguing boys.

"Oh. I'm Shiho and this dork here is Yuichiro." Yuichiro made a sound of complaint at being called a dork then came forward to greet their squad's new addition.

"So now that the six of you have been acquainted, I'm going to send all of you on a mission to learn of each other's strength and weaknesses. And Yu, try not to rush into it like always." Guren told the squad and everyone, including m/n, laughed at Yu being singled out for being reckless.

Already, m/n gets to go on a mission with his new friends. But he was not sure how this mission would turn out.


Sorry its so short. I promise i will make the next chapter longer. But currently im sick and my head hurts. So im sorry for the short chapter.

Krul Tepes X Male Human ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now