The first mission

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(I don't remember what point of view i was writing in so i'm writing in 3rd)

The new team were on their way to the target. There was going to be a small group of vampires there. It was perfect for m/n to learn about his team. Speaking of his team, Yuichiro and Mistuba were currently fighting.

The whole team was riding in a stray car m/n was able to hot wire. But that only made the two team members fighting worse.

Finally, m/n could see the target approaching and signaled the others. They all got ready to jump out at the count of three. When they reached three, they all jumped out and barrel rolled then landed on their feet. (Like a boss)

Immediately the vampires attacked. M/n was too busy fighting his own battle, slaying the blood suckers left and right. One vamp tried to bite him only for m/n to turn his cursed weapon on it. THe vamp disappear in a cloud of ash.

M/n was about to head over to Yuichiro since he appeared to be surrounded but that soon changed when a noble appeared and grabbed his neck. Holding the h/t (this will mean hair type ex: brunette, blonde, raven, etc.) in the air. M/n struggled to break free, only for the noble to tighten his grip.

The noble's arm was cut off and released m/n. Yuichiro had finished battling the vampires and was now carrying m/n away from the noble.

Once the raven set him down, he looked back at the noble. He had hair almost white and blood red eyes. A cunning smirk settled on his face. M/n gulped. This one did not look like a good sign. And the noble was not alone.

Behind him was a least twenty more vampires ready for battle. One of them stepped forward in a way that showed she was in charge. The vampire had pink hair, pale skin, and blood red eyes. She on the other hand, didn't have a cruel smirk but a look in her eyes saying she had an ulterior motive.

"Grab as many of the live-stalk as you can." She ordered. The vampires attempted to grabbed the six person team. Many were easily defeated.

The roar of a shouts filled the air. Back up was here. It was Guren's squad who had arrived. Yuichiro helped m/n stand then left to continue fighting, alone. (like always) M/n prepared his double weapon in scythe form for attack.

Shooting forward, he attacked the first three vampires in range and killing them instantly. Another one appeared. Staring at m/n like he knew him. M/n tried to attack the vampire but instead the vamp hit him on the shoulder, knocking him out. The pink haired vampire walked over and ordered a vampire to come take m/n back to the city.

She would have succeeded but Guren was there to stop it. He killed one vamp and went after another but never let the unconscious boy leave his sights. The pinkette however, saw how her numbers were dwindling. She called the vamps back and took whatever humans they knocked out with them.

Some of the soldiers tried to rescue their kidnapped comrades but the vampires were already gone.

Yuichiro and his team ran to m/n still body. They checked his breathing. He was fine but still unconscious. Kimizuki came over and picked the h/t up and they all made the long journey back.

With more bad news than good.


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