The Attack On Anonymous

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Hey guys, im finally back to updating.

After a long day of showing his team where they'd be staying, m/n sat in his old room, reading an old fantasy book he found about a year ago. His e/c eyes glistened with tears. M/n had been trying to read for the last hour, however his thoughts dwelled on his brother.

A knock on the door caught his attention.

"Come in Rokuro." The door opened to reveal his vampire friend.

"How'd you know it was me?" Rokuro asked with a smile on his face.

"I didnt."

Rokuro's red eyes widened. "By the way, you have some explaining to do. What happened to your neck?"

M/n stayed silent. He shouldve known Rokuro would ask.

"Didnt think i would notice?"

"It was Krul. She figured that if i couldnt talk, i wouldnt be able to relay any messages back to the Moon Demon Company. You know how she is. If Ferid was in charge of me then i'd probably be missing a few limbs."

Rokuro laughed softly. He knew what m/n said is true.

"How are you holding up?" The vampire asked his human companion.

"I dont know." Came a barely audible reply.

"You thoughts dwell on Ryou, dont they?"


A simple reply, but it was enough to know that m/n was hurting. Rokuro was about to start up another conversation, however he was interrupted by a loud boom.

Immediately, the two Anonymous soldiers ran out of the room and down the hall towards the explosion. When they arrived at the lab, they were greeted with a large hole in the wall with vampire after vampire swarming inside.

Immediately, m/n drew his bow (now my memory is a bit foggy since i havent gone back to check, but im pretty sure it was a dual weapon: bow and scythe) he aimed and fired upon the vampires, making them turn to ash.

Rokuro followed suit and drew his own sword and attacked his own kind. Other members of Anonymous unsheathed their own weapons and charged at the enemy.

M/n had slain at least ten vampires until finally Yuichiro entered the damaged lab room as well. M/n instructed the group to attack the vamps and cover him. The h/c haired male ran straight for a vile that had fallen on the ground. Project V's factor.

As soon as he picked up the item, he placed it safely inside of his jacket's inner pocket and resumed his fighting against the intruders.

"You're not gonna attack Anonymous and get away with it, you vampire fool!" M/n yelled at the vamp that went to attack him. He dodged easily. The broken glass under his feet clattered on the ground.

M/n drew his bow string back and right as the vampire turn around, the arrow was pressed against his chest and fired into him. Activating the curse, the vampire died.

"Well well well. Now i get to see the great m/n in action." And all to familiar voice spoke from behind him.

M/n turned around and faced her. His e/c eyes met blood red.

"Its good to see you Krul."


Alright, i know its short, but its going to turn into a two parter.

Besides, im tired. I failed most of my exams because most of the shit i had to give an answer for was something i had barely learned. And then here comes retakes and what else?! A book project for english. I CANT GET A BREAK FROM SCHOOL UNTIL FINALLY, SNOW SHOWED UP.

Alright i feel better now, had to get it out of my system. I hope i didnt bore you with my ranting XD

Krul Tepes X Male Human ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now