Final Chapter

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IM BACK BITCHES XD. It has finally happened, the final chapter is here! Also it has nearly been a year since I've seen the anime, so I forgot how some of the characters are. Let's hope I get them as accurate as I can.

The green arrow raced through the air, and finally made contact, but not with the intended target. Ferid had switched positions and the arrow pierced Krul.

M/n had slightly seen this coming, so he didn't activate the curse just to be safe.

M/n ran forward changing the chimera weapon into its Scythe form, using its blade to cut and push Ferid as far away as possible. M/n knelt down next to Krul as she ripped the arrow out.

"Are you alright?" M/n asked, very worried. "I'm sorry that hit you."

She laughed softly. "Oh please, I know you knew he was gonna do that, that's why you didn't activate that curse."

M/n smiled. "Yeah. Although I hoped he wouldn't have noticed." M/n scanned the battle field, looking for the two vampires and single human fighting Crowley. Once spotted, m/n caught sight of a certain blonde haired vampire in the fight as well.

'At least they have back up.' M/n thought. He helped Krul to her feet, seeing how she had recovered quickly. Ferid stood in front of them, smiling that damn smile of his. 'I swear I am going to be the one that decapitates him!'

"I have an idea. Follow my lead." M/n told Krul. A smirk grew on her face, she was gonna enjoy killing Ferid.

M/n walked slowly towards Ferid, giving a small hand signal to Krul to stay put. M/n dragged his weapon on the ground, making a metallic sound come from the blade. His face was blank, devoid of any emotion.

Ferid stepped slowly forward, that smile of his never once leaving his face. Once m/n and Ferid were a good ten feet away, m/n stopped walking and Ferid followed his lead.

"I wonder what the livestock has planned. Could it be..." He trailed off as if he was thinking. Krul appeared behind him and made a grab for his neck. "...this?" He finished as he grabbed her arm. Her smirk never once fading, but Ferid's smile did once he felt a stinging pain in his back.

He turned his head, m/n stood behind him as the human raised the Scythe and made a strike for his head. The blade made contact and Ferid's head landed on the ground and rolled a bit until it turned to ash from m/n activating the curse.

M/n looked to Krul as the two smiled at each other. Just as m/n was gonna turn around to see how the four others were doing, his neck was grabbed and he was roughly thrown to the ground.

Crowley stood above him, raising his hand to strike.

He froze in place once a hand appeared from his chest. Krul stood behind him. M/n recovered quickly and reached for his scythe, having dropped it from the rough treatment the red-haired vampire had inflicted.

Once he had a good hold, he swung and cut through Crowley's middle. And just like Ferid, he turned to ash.

M/n looked around, and he found Rokuro, Ryou, and Yuichiro limping. Mika was injured too, but he attempted to hide it better than the others.

Krul helped her human up and walked over to the four.

"Ryou?" M/n called out to his older brother. M/n let go of Krul so he could approach his brother. Ryou seemed to flinch, unsure what m/n was about to do. M/n quickly wrapped his arms around his brother. Ryou slowly returned the hug.

Once the two separated, m/n turned back to Krul and pulled her in by her waist. They smirk at each other as m/n closed the space between them. M/n was about to deepen it until a wolf whistle cut him off. He didn't separate from Krul, but he did lift a finger and flipped Rokuro off.

The four chuckled at m/n's actions. M/n pulled back as Krul as held something up for him. It was the glass vile with the formula in it.

"Let's try and fix this world." She told him. M/n smiled brightly and leaned to her ear.

"We will do it together too." He whispered to her.

The six looked around, all the fighting had stopped. M/n let go of Krul so she could command her vampires on what to do.

The road to recovery would be long, and not many would agree to vampires and humans living together. M/n knew that he and Krul, together, would be able to convince them otherwise.


Yay, I finished it :D

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