Strange Blonde Vampire

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Finally, after a total of two weeks, m/n was released from the infirmary. Honestly, he wanted to stay in and sleep some more. But the doctors insisted that he get up and start stretching his muscles. And what better way to do that, is to go to war. *Sigh.

M/n sat next to Yuichiro as he and his team headed off to intercept the vampires in Shinjuku. And it wasn't the first the vamps attacked that city. To m/n, he would've thought they'd give it up on that city.

Upon arrival, m/n unsheathed his dual weapon and followed his friends into the battle. Each of them protecting each other from an attack they couldn't prepare for. That was, until an area they were all standing on, cracked. In the end, the team was split up. Yuichiro, Shinoa, and m/n were on one side; Mitsuba, Kimizuki, and Yoichi were on the other.

It would take awhile for them to get over the wall that separated the group. The best they could do, was leave in their own directions to find a way out.

Yuichiro, Shinoa, and M/n walked for what seemed like forever. Shinoa decided to break the silence.

"So, m/n, what's it feel like to finally be out of the hospital?" She asked, a mischievous smirk settled on her face. M/n knew what she was implying.

"I take you're the one who had me sent straight back into battle." M/n stated, icily.

"No." M/n looked at her, confused. "It was Guren."

Immediately, m/n let out a loud groan, causing Shinoa to let out a small giggle. Yuichiro also laughed at how Guren loved to make m/n hate him more by teasing him and making him do things he hates. Like that time he made m/n drink his least favorite soda. Which soon led to m/n trying to dump the remaining soda down Guren's shirt.

Finally, a light appeared. All three moon demon company soldiers thought it was the light of day.




But they were so wrong.

It was the underground vampire base. Not the one they also stayed at, but an abandoned one. Either way, it was still a Vampire den. There was no doubt that there might be a few hungry vampires waiting for them to get down there.

The three proceeded in caution. Yuichiro seemed to flinch at every sound, ready to attack if anything tried to come out and hurt his team/friends. (I typed fries instead of friends XD)

Instead, they found a blonde vampire kneeling on the ground, not that far away. Yuichiro ran towards him. M/n thought he was going to kill the vamp, until Yu stopped and kneeled down next to the vampire. M/n and Shinoa approached the cautiously. M/n didn't know his vampire, but Shinoa was more worried that the blonde might attack M/n, only because he never say the h/c haired male before.

M/n looked at the vampire with curious e/c eyes. The vampire looked up and glared straight into m/n own gentle ones.

"Mika? What happened?" Yuichiro asked. Shinoa also kneeled next to Mika, trying to see if she could help. M/n remained where he was, not sure what to do.

"M/n. It's okay. This is my childhood friends Mikaela." Yuichiro informed him. Mikaela looked back up at m/n with slightly gentler eyes.

"Who is he?" Mikaela asked. M/n came forward and sat down in front of Mika.

"He's our new team member. His name is m/n l/n" Shinoa told him.

"M/n?" Mika asked, like he heard his name before. "I've heard a vampire say something about a human named m/n that he once knew."

"Do you know his name? Did he have black hair and red eyes with pale skin?" M/n asked almost frantically. Mika nodded and questioned something else with the same topic.

"Do you know him?"

"No, but he was the one who knocked me out a few weeks ago." M/n paused, waiting for Mikaela or the others to say something, but he got nothing. "Do you know his name, Mikaela?"

"His named is Ryou."

M/n's e/c eyes widened in complete shock. He almost felt like he wanted to faint.

It was Ryou.

He was back.

M/n's big brother Ryou was alive.


Betcha weren't expecting that. Anyway, I hope this chapter makes you happy since i hadn't updated in awhile. Sorry, but i will be updating again now.

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