Thoughts And Answers

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Mn laid in the infirmary, tired out of his mind. So much had happened and now Krul got him thinking about her 24/7. He almost felt as if he could change the outcome of the war in some way. M/n felt too attached to Krul to hurt her.

But he was certain she didnt feel the same. After he's released from the infirmary, everything will go back to the way it was.

The blank walls around him reminded him so much of Krul's room.

M/n shook his head. He took the blanket that covered him off and started walking slowly to the door. His room was rather dark, especially since the lights were off. Opening the door, the light from the hallway filtered in.

People walked down the hallway either going to help someone, on break, or they were a patient like him.

Continuing on, he walked down to the waiting room. Earlier that day, he got a message from his team to meet them there are what was now 6:00 pm.

Opening the door, he was tackled into a hug. Yoichi clutched tightly to his shirt. Crying how he wasnt able to see m/n due to all the battles since they got m/n back about one and a half weeks ago.

"Yoichi calm down. Im alright. Anyway, i need to ask you all something." M/n directing his attention to the entire team. "What in GOD'S name were you thinking?!" M/n yelled, clearly not pleased with the fact his friends put their lives in danger just to save him from the vampires.

"What do you mean, what were we thinking? We were trying to save you!" Yuichiro argued back. He had already been informed on who you really were, but he still decided to talk back like this.

"Yuichiro. Do you know why i was assigned to your team?" M/n asked with such seriousness, it shut Yuichiro's mouth. "My job was to keep you out of harm's way. Away from the vampires. And you could have jeopardized the mission."

"Yeah well what would you have wanted me to do?! Just let them have you?! Clearly a General is more important than me!" Oh he did not know how wrong he was. But m/n was under strict orders not to tell him.

M/n remained silent, deciding to let Yuichiro think he's won the fight.

"So what did you guys want to talk about?" M/n asked quietly.

"We want to know why you really joined the team." Kimizuki spoke up. "Its clear its about Yuichiro, but why?"

"That's classified. But honestly i wanted to stay with the vampires." Everyone in the room looked at m/n, shocked. M/n only chuckled and continued with what he was going to say. "That's because i was trying to learn something from them. I can let you into something thats kept secret from the whole human and vampire race, except for a select few."

(Obviously the information that is said next is not true. It is just for this story. Thank you)

"And what might that be?" Mitsuba questioned harshly.

"There is a secret division of Moon Demon Company. We call ourselves Anonymous. We try to figure out ways to bring the two species together so hopefully this pointless fight will end." M/n explained. Yuichiro stepped forward and began arguing with the General.

"Those bloodsuckers deserve to die for what they did!! They killed them."

"So that means every one of them is the same. We've convinced many vampires to join us. In fact, we have scientists working on a way to create a type of blood formula to substitute for real blood. Only it'll satisfy them longer than normal."

"Has it actually worked?!" Shinoa spoke up, amazed with what was going on under everyone's noses. "Does Guren know this?"

"The blood hasnt worked yet, and yes he knows. Only the higher ups of any company or army actually know of this. Well the ones who agree. And im at the top of this division. But when i heard of Yuichiro, i had to see for myself." It was clear that the last sentence about Yuichiro was a lie however it was greatly hidden and it seemed like none of them even found out.

The truth was out. They now knew about Anonymous.

"You do realize this cant be told to anyone right?" They all nodded. "Thank you."

"So were you trying to get the queen to join?" Yoichi asked softly from his spot next to m/n.

"Not really. I mean, she may, but..." M/n sighed. He had to be careful on what he says. "Maybe some day."

M/n clamped his hand over his throat. He was still healing. And after so any words, it started to ache once more. Yoichi immediately left to get a doctor.

As he returned, a nurse walked calmly besides him with a cup full of a think steaming liquid.

"Drink this." She ordered him. "It help with the pain."

M/n did just that, swallowing the liquid little by little. His throat still ached when he finished but not as much. The warm thick liquid slid smoothly down his throat in a comforting way.

He had the medicine before. He wasnt allowed to have too much because he'd get sick from overdose, but it would coat his throat in its substance making it easier to swallow.

M/n nodded as a thanks and she returned it with a letter. He looked at her quizzically.

"Its from your second in command."

M/n opened it and started reading the contents.

"I wont be here for much longer." He told the others.

"What do you mean?" Mitsuba asked. M/n looked down sadly.

"They need my help back at headquarters. Im leaving soon. And its possible i may not be coming back." M/n responded quietly. He looked softly at the others. They all looked heartbroken. "Im sorry."

M/n was running out of time. Time with his team, and time with Krul. So many thoughts ran through his head. He wasnt sure what to do.

He could decline them, but he had a responsibility.


So its obvious Anonymous isnt real in the actual script. But im making this because one, this is my story. And two, they will be playing an important part in your relationship with Krul.

So i hoped you guys loved this update.

Oh and happy Halloween.

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