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(This chapter might be short since i am really tired and i have been getting very little sleep. Probably not normal to get 5 to 6 hours of sleep XD)

M/n opened his eyes slowly. The light of the room hurt his eyes, almost like he was looking at the sun. His entire body hurt. The events of what occurred before he blacked out started to come back to him. The fight, the pinkette vampire, the strange vampire who looked at him funny, and the fact he was knocked out by the vampires and not killed.

So many questions ran through his head. But he was brought back from his thoughts as the door opened from the hospital room he was in. Voices started to fill the room. M/n counted at least six or seven.

However, he did just wake up and all he wanted to do was sleep some more.

"M/n." A voice called. It sounded gentle but that could have been the fact that he was still half asleep.

"M/n!" The voice began to get louder but m/n made no move.

"M/N, I know you're awake!" The voice was right next to him now, and he finally decided to peek his eyes open again, only to be blinded by the same darn stinkin light.

"Turn off the light." He croaked out. The light that he could see through his closed eyes suddenly dimmed. He opened his e/c eyes once more. His vision was at first blurry but soon started to focus.

Six people in the room. His squad and Guren. M/n groaned as he tried to sit up. Shinoa was right by his side telling him to slow down. She helped m/n get comfortable sitting up against the back of the bed.

"You know, your condition actually isn't that bad." Guren commented, grabbing m/n's attention.

"what do you mean?" He asked, his voice still a little weak.

"Well, others who were knocked out are almost all still out cold. Not to mention when some of them woke up, they started to act a little violent. We ended up having to strap them down." Yuichiro informed him.

"However, their violent actions are believe to be caused by pain. Are you in any pain?" Kimizuki asked m/n, his voice laced with concern.

"Yeah. Feels like a truck fell on top of me." M/n smiled, despite his aching body. Everyone else seemed to smile with him since he still manage to have a positive outlook.

"What happened back there?" M/n looked to each of them for an answer. Mitsuba answered him.

"Well, we don't actually know why the vampires were knocking out the soldiers and taking them. We believe that they might be looking for more soldiers."

"Are you saying that they're going to use those turned new found blood lust to turn them into the perfect soldiers?" M/n looked back to Mitsuba, expecting her to answer, but Guren cut her off.

"Yes, however, we should discuss this later. You need to rest for now." And with that, they left, bidding m/n goodbye as they exited.

Now alone, m/n started to close his eyes again. The light was still off, making the room dark since it was currently night. The light from the hallway on the other side of the door as well as the moon, provided to only light.

Like a lullaby, the soft light's glow and the dark room helped lull the kid to sleep.

Unaware of the red glowing eyes watching him from outside his window.


Sorry it's short. Again, im tired and its nearly 11 o'clock for me.

Hopefully you like this chapter anyway :)

Krul Tepes X Male Human ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now