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After the battle was over, m/n and his team, who finally managed to find each other, headed back to base. What was Ryou doing with the Vampires. It wasn't like him. Ever since the vamps attacked a few years ago, he hated them more than anything and actually nearly killed a vampire with a kitchen knife when one tried to snag you as kids.

However, he would have succeeded but as far as m/n was concerned, only the cursed gear could kill them.

M/n sat in the hospital, getting checked over by doctors since he had just returned from a dangerous mission. Especially since he was recently injured (more like knocked out).

After they left, m/n remained with his eyes casted down to the floor. He was shocked.

Yuichiro came in and sat next to his new friend/teammate, trying to make him feel better.

"How're you feeling?" Yu asked, placing a soothing hand on his shoulder.

"Shocked. Betrayed. Suicidal." Yu looked at m/n with complete shock as the h/c haired boy said that last word.

"Well, im sure your brother would love to see you again." Yu tried to change the subject to something more thoughtful even though he kept the topic on Ryou. M/n thought otherwise.

"Why? He let me believe he was dead all these years. I dont think he cares for me anymore." M/n knew he was wrong. His problems were indeed tough, but somewhere in his heart, m/n wondered if his brother missed him as much as he missed Ryou.

"Who knows. Maybe he didn't want you to see him as a vampire." M/n looked up to stare at Yu.

"You think that?" He asked in disbelief, hoping what he said was true.

"Of course."

~~~~~~~~~~~~ meanwhile ~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Get him for me." A shadowy figure said icily. A lone figure stood in front of the female who commanded the other.

"Of course my queen, but i must ask, who will be the victim." Through the darkness, the male in the room could see a small smirk settled on the female's face.

"Just the little h/t (Raven, brunette, blonde, albino) boy who escaped us the other day. I knew i recognized him from somewhere. He will be a strong addition to our new vampire army."

The lone male gulped nervously but complied and left.

~~~~~~~ back to you ~~~~~~~

Finally the whole team was here, giving m/n sympathetic looks after Yuichiro had told them about Ryou.

Yoichi sat on the bed next to m/n and grabbed his hand. M/n looked at him quickly and shot the green eyed brunette a thankful smile.

"Can we change the subject?" M/n asked weakly.

"Sure." Kimizuki told him softly.

"So do you all know Mikaela?" They all nodded. "Who is he exactly?" Yuichiro, knowing Mika most, spoke up.

"He and I went to the same orphanage. We grew up together. There were many kids so it wasn't just us. One day the Vampires came and took us to the underground. We had to give them our blood but then i learned that Mika had been offering his blood to Ferid. When we tried to escape with a map he stole, Ferid found us and killed our family. Mika almost died to, but im sure it was Krul who turned him into a vampire."

M/n nodded in understanding. Then decided to explain his story after he gained the courage. His friends waited patiently for M/n to explain.

"Ryou and I grew up without our parents. We weren't exactly orphans, i mean they left once and never came back but we were definitely street rats. Ryou would always protect us and find food as i stayed hidden in a small hideout we decided to make into a home. When Ryou went out, the vampires attacked. I was found and nearly brought along with them but Ryou headed back for me and attacked the vampire with his knife. After that i blacked out and when i came to, i never saw him again."

Mitsuba was about to ask something when the window were broken and a figure jumped in. He was wearing the vampire uniform.

Everyone drew their weapons including m/n.

But instead of attacking, the figure knocked m/n out and before anyone could react, it was gone.

M/n with it.


Hope you guys like the new chapter. XD

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