Welcome to Anonymous

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Hey guys, sorry it took so long, but i just got back from a week long trip. So that is why no updates came last week. Anyways, im back at my house with my computer and i'll shall get to writing.

M/n sighed. How could he have allowed his team to talk him into this. You see, they were currently on a freight plane heading back to Anonymous headquarters. His team was buckled in near him so they could chat quietly.

"M/n?" Shinoa called softly. M/n looked over to her, signalling for her to continue. "Why do you hate vampires so much if you fight for the equality between them?" Her words got everyone's attention.

"I may fight for that, but not everyone agrees. Over the years, Anonymous was once called the Equality of Human and Vampire, or EHV. But humans and vampires didnt like the idea at all. My... father... the head of the moon demon company, gave me permission to make this group. So humans would secretly fight against it without my father knowing. The vampires merely attacked us without warning. Not caring they were in the middle of a human facility."

M/n finished, making sure to leave a very important piece of info out. He knew they'd ask later when they found out, but it'll be worth seeing their shocked faces.

"So what really happened between you and your brother?" Yoichi asked softly, knowing he was stepping into dangerous territory.

M/n looked down and turned his face away, trying to hide his emotions.

"What ive told you is true, so why do you want to know the rest of it?"

Yoichi continued, "It's obvious that you werent unconscious."

"Yes thats true."

"So what?" Yuichiro interrupted. "Why cant we know."

"Cause i said so and for the last time, since im a higher ranking officer, im ordering you to stop pressing the matter." M/n glared at them harshly. Yuichiro's green eyes widened, shocked since m/n has never snapped at them before. "Besides, we'll be arriving soon, so sleep."

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time skip ~~~~~~~~~~~~

M/n lead the way as they walked through the halls. The walls were white with a black floor, shining with a fresh coat of polish. There were windows on their left which gave view to a green courtyard. Probably the first green they've seen in four maybe five years.

"Where did you get the plants?" Kimizuki asked.

"We grow them here. Not all of us are soldiers. Many of us are scientists. We found some nearly dried up seeds a while back and we managed to find a way to grow them, despite the dying ground they've been planted into." M/n answered. Kimizuki looked at him, surprised.

"So you helped them adapt to this harsh environment?"

"Yeah. Anyways, we're here." M/n reached into his pocket and pulled out a card. It seemed to be an ID card since it had m/n's face and name on it. "You know, i hate to brag, but we back at he main operations headquarters get higher tech than you guys. Its mainly because we manufacture all of your supplies as well as our own." M/n placed his ID into a slot which turned green as the metal door slid open automatically.

Inside is what looked to a lab. With viles filled with a liquid and even a chalkboard with notes on it. People also littered the lab, all wearing coats or uniforms. None of the group really expected this, but there even seemed to be vampires wearing human uniforms.

Suddenly some tall male ran towards them and grabbed m/n into a hug. The male pulled away and started shaking m/n asking (yelling) questions like, "WHY HAVENT YOU CALLED US?!"

"Sorry Rokuro, but i was busy. Anyways meet my team. Guys this is Rokuro, my second in command." Everyone's eyes widened at the fact of m/n's second in charge was a vampire. Rokuro was about half a head taller than m/n. His skin was tan with red eyes and dark brown hair.

"WHY DO YOU NOT TELL US EVERYTHING?!?!" They all screamed at m/n. M/n and Rokuro both burst out laughing.

"M/n do you really tell them nothing?" Rokuro spoke up over their laughter.

"I tell them some things but i wanted you to be a surprise." M/n explained. He smiled slightly to his team then motioned them to follow as he lead the way into the lab.
"This right here, is the very factor we needed. This factor right here, will allow us to make blood for vampires." M/n held up a vile of a blue liquid label 'Project V.'

"Oh yeah, the vamps back in Japan would give anything for this vile. 'Why?', you may be asking. Its because they want a reason to be better than humans. But we're all convinced here that we are the same. If m/n brought you here, im guessing he's asking for help on protecting this factor." Rokuro told them.

M/n suddenly spoke up, talking only to Yuichiro despite everyone listening. "Yuichiro. This factor, can help us bring your brother back."

"But what of your's?"

"I dont know if im ready to face him. For now, we'll stay here. I need to get to work cloning this factor. Then we'll add it to the blood. Maybe then humanity and vampires have a chance." M/n stated sadly. "I am asking you guys to help us. If this fight continues, neither side will win."

"We're all risking our lives to be here. So we hope you'll do the same." Rokuro said as he walked away towards the others who were working. M/n motioned again for them to follow.

"Come on, we should get you guys your own room so you have a place to stay."

~~~~ Krul's P.O.V ~~~~

"My Queen," Ferid spoke up behind her. "We found m/n, and here's with Anonymous."

"Ready the vampires. I'll get m/n. You get the factor and destroy Anonymous, for good."


Well how does it feel to see Anonymous' headquarters.

And yay, Krul will be appearing in the next chapter!

Hoped you guys like the update!

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