Love Knows Best

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M/n ran through the battle field. Dodging or attacking, then killing any vampires in his way. Krul was leading the attack again. In the past, she never really got involved with the battles personally until m/n gave her the vile. She'd even bring his brother along quite often as well. He would stand by her, watching his younger brother fight vampire after vampire, trying to get his way to Krul.

After the vile was given to Krul, all vampires within Anonymous had joined the Moon Demon Company and assigned a human to help them with blood. The soldiers had no choice since m/n gave the order and he was after all, a General.

So now here he was fighting non stop. His count on the vampires he's killed has been increasing at a rapid rate. Their ashes scattered on the ground and finally, m/n had a clear path to where Krul was standing on a bus laying on its side. Ryou was next to her, looking almost like he just wanted to run towards m/n and tell him he was sorry. Even though m/n was quite a distance from them, he could see regret cloud his brother's red eyes.

"Krul." M/n said softly. She smiled sadistically, jumping off the bus and landing about a few meters away from m/n. They stared at each other for a long while. The sun setting made it seem like the sky was painted with blood. Making the General and Vampire Queen look red as well.

M/n slowly walked forward and Krul followed his lead. When they stood face to face, m/n could see longing in Krul's eyes.

"How much longer are you gonna make me wait?" M/n asked her quietly. She leaned forward, rising to stand on her toes, and was about to connect their lips until an all too familiar voice interrupted.

"My, my. Naughty livestock shouldn't be kissing the queen now should they." M/n turned and glared harshly at Ferid.

"Now what do you want?" The human questioned. Krul also seemed to look pissed as she was interrupted.

Ferid stayed quiet as he smiled. He was waiting for something. M/n stealthily moved his hands to behind his back, making himself stand like a General should with his body straight, giving off a strong aura.

He was, however, merely getting ready to attack Ferid should he come any closer. Ferid ran forward as m/n prepared to strike and kill him. However, what he didnt expect was for him to kick Krul away from him, then using his strength, Ferid practically threw m/n across the battle field. He landed about twenty meters away.

M/n stood up slowly, shaking from the pain. Blood dripped from his mouth as he felt a hand hold him up. Surprised, m/n looked back to be greeted by the sight of his brother, Ryou, Rokuro, and not very surprisingly, Yuichiro. Even though m/n gave him a strict order to stay away.

"T-thanks." Ryou nodded as Rokuro and Yuichiro grinned. "Do me a favor. Knowing Ferid, Crowley cant be far away. If he interferes, take him down for me."

"Yeah, we can take him." Rokuro said confidently. M/n turned his gaze back to Ferid and saw him walking towards Krul. Immediately, m/n pushed Ryou off of him and raced toward the vampire.

"DON'T YOU DARE!!" M/n intercepted Ferid before he could attempt to attack Krul. M/n glanced back at Krul as she struggled to get up. M/n turned back around and almost didnt dodge before Ferid could grab him by the neck. Ferid kicked m/n's feet out from under him, causing the General to crash to the ground. The progenitor made an attempt to stab the male on the ground, only for him to be kicked away by Krul.

Her eyes seemed to glow red with rage. M/n stood up with much difficulty, swaying slightly.

M/n leaned over to her ear and whispered:

"Let's take him out, together."

Krul looked at him and smiled. It was by far, the first genuine smile she had given him in a long time. Knowing she agreed, the two readied themselves. Krul had pulled out a sword from the sheath (i believe thats what it is called) around her waist. M/n summoned his weapons in scythe form.

The pair rushed for Ferid as the bastard smiled creepily at them. Ferid's own sword made a swing for Krul's head, only for her to block by grabbing the blade. M/n swung the scythe and nearly made contact before a certain red-haired vampire stopped him. M/n didnt have to fight for long as Ryou, Rokuro, and Yuichiro attacked him.

With his focus back on Ferid, M/n shifted the scythe into a bow. He pulled back the string as two green arrows appeared. He aimed them at Ferid and fired.


I think now is a good time to cut the chapter off.


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