The Attack Anonymous Part 2

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M/n stared at the vampire queen in front of him. "I feel honored that you have graced us with your presence, Krul."

The pinkette stared at him with a wicked smile on her face. The clashing of swords and other weapons filled the air as the two stood amongst the wreckage. M/n's eyes softened, as if he was merely staring at an old friend rather than an enemy.

Suddenly, m/n leapt forward and ready his bow once more. Krul herself had even brought a sword and as m/n released the arrow, she sliced through it. But this didnt stop m/n as he grabbed the queen and pushed them both through a hole in the lab's wall.

They both landed on the lush green grass in the center of Anonymous. M/n grunted as he roughly landed near Krul, who seemed almost unfazed by the fall.

She stood as m/n followed suit. She knew what he was doing. He wanted to get the two of them alone. Away from the others to talk.

"Go ahead then." She told him with her voice slightly raised.

"Krul, please dont make me do this. I dont want to fight you, and i know you feel the same."

"You livestock have had enough freedom, i must take back what is mine." She countered. M/n narrowed his eyes.

"Is that you talking? Or you status?" Krul froze and looked the human dead in the eye. "What is it really that you want from me? Not from the humans you call livestock, but me. Why didnt you kill me when you captured me?"

"Wouldnt you like to know. I captured you for my own personal use, but you should already know that." M/n stayed silent for a bit, not at all buying what she said. Sure, she was telling the truth about her own personal use, but m/n wasnt ignorant. He knew there was a deeper meaning.


Krul's red eyes widened.

"There is a deeper meaning. I know there is, and i know that you know i share the same feelings. So here, take it." M/n took out the vile and tossed it towards Krul. "You make the decision. But know this..."

M/n paused. Knowing if he said this, there would be no turning back. But did he truly care? He knew the answer. Not one bit. All he wanted was her.

"...I love you. If you dont understand your feelings, then fine. Do what you want with the vile. And when you know the answer, you know where to find me." When m/n finished his speech, he ran straight back towards the building. It took Krul a moment as she thought about his words, and soon she followed him to call her forces back.

The vampires who followed her here left at her signal. Now that they were gone, it was time for Anonymous to clean up their once white and pristine lab. The number of members left were few, it was obvious Anonymous wouldnt make another battle if they were challenged any time soon. But somehow m/n knew there wouldnt be a next time.

Rokuro approached his friend. M/n stared at the mess. Part of him was glad his brother wasnt there.

"You know what we have to do right?" The vampire asked. M/n nodded. It was time to abandon the place. The project was completed and only need to be injected into a host now. There was no place for Anonymous. "Where's the vile?"

"With Krul." Rokuro's red eyes widened. He was about to demand an answer until m/n continued. "Trust me, my friend. It may be a small chance, but i have a feeling Krul wont do anything to destroy that vile."

"What are you talking about?" M/n and Rokuro both turned at the sound of a new voice. Yuichiro and the others approached. "You gave it to her?!" Yuchiro stepped forward and towered over m/n short body.

"Trust me on this. Thats all i ask."

Conflict raged through the raven's green eyes, but none the less he nodded.

"Now we wait." And silently, m/n himself was conflicted. He hoped the next time he saw the queen, it would be on peaceful terms.


YAY i finally updated!!!

Sorry it took so long, had no inspiration.

In case you havent figured it out. This is not going to be anything like the anime. I had originally planned to make it similar to the anime, but the book seemed to have taken its own direction.

Also another thing, i do believe this book will be finished real soon. Probably only a few more chapters and that its.


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