Play Nice

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M/n sat in Krul Tepes own room. She barely came in unless she had to do something. Which left m/n alone quite often. However, his brother, Ryuu, would come in to bring him food so he wouldnt starve. M/n had given up on glaring at his brother and would accept his company every so often.

But, when Krul would enter the room, m/n would merely start planning her death by his hands in his head. Then whispering it as if to taunt her. She would just ignore him. Very few times had they started a conversation. When they did, they would sometimes talk like old friends. Sharing the horrors in their lives.

M/n even told her how he became a General.

Right now, it was late at night, and he knew Krul would enter soon. She always did every two nights just to have a small chat about what she would do with m/n.

It had officially been two weeks since m/n told Guren what would go down, and his throat was healing. Now he could make a few words but it all usually came out as scratchy groans. But it was like Krul already knew what he was thinking.

The opening of a door caught his attention and he opened his e/c eyes to see Krul walking in. He stared at her, his eyes reading 'What are we talking about tonight?' No malice in his deep pools of e/c.

"I came to talk about turning you into a vampire. Would you agree to this?" M/n turned his head away, showing he didnt want to drink blood and live an eternity, only to become a demon when he didnt drink enough.

"C-- I -e unt--d?" Krul had a hard time figuring out what he said until he looked at his bindings. His words now clear. 'Can i be untied?'

"If you promise not to try anything. Which i doubt without your weapon." She replied. M/n nodded slowly. She approached him from the front and leaned down, removing the ropes that held him down.

Immediately, m/n grabbed her throat. His grip wasnt tight at all. Krul smirked at him. She knew he wanted her to back up now. Thats why he didnt attempt to strangle her. She did as he silently requested.

M/n stood up, havent using his legs in two weeks making his steps a little wobbly.

"You know, m/n, I wouldnt do anything to hurt you." Deadpanning, m/n pointed down at his neck. Krul chuckled, "Sorry, i had to make sure when i tested your loyalty, you werent gonna reveal anything. However you did. Ferid saw everything."

'Why do you even keep Ferid around.' M/n's eyes asked Krul. She knew m/n didnt trust Ferid. Thinking he was gonna try killing Krul. Krul soon confronted him about it, claiming how 'charming' it was that he cared for her safety.

You merely blushed and tried denying everything.

"Why wouldnt i? Even if he is a pain." She answered him. M/n smirked and walked towards her. Now standing right in front of her. "Even if you dont want it, you would make a good vampire."

"N-." She chuckled. Now becoming serious.

"I know you are trying to find a way to bring the vampires down. Even if it was just you here. But dont you think they wouldve tried getting you out before you told Guren this?" M/n's eyes narrowed, knowing what she was getting at. And knowing, she was partially right.

However, if a human was taking by vampires, they were usually profound MIA. So no one would really know if they were alive. Besides, what sane person would wander into a vampire den?

'This is what i signed up for, Krul. I know the consequences.' His eyes read. Krul sighed.

"Whatever you say. But keep that in mind. You humans should be protecting yourselves because of us vampires. Yet they abandoned you here." Krul reasoned. 'You'll do the same when i dont please you the way you want me too.' He tried telling her with his eyes again.

Luckily she understood.

"Dont be so sure."

"Wh-?" M/n voice croaked out.

"I think you know already. You just dont want to know. Now i need you to go back to the chair. Someone's coming."

M/n followed her instructions. Sat back down and let Krul retie him. As soon as she was done, she backed up as some vampire rushed into the room.

"My queen. Moon demon company are here." She looked at him furious.

'They're here?!' M/n wanted to smile but he wasnt too sure. This place was filled with vampires.

"HOW MANY!" she yelled at the younger, weaker vamp.

"Five. Its Yuichiro Hyakuya and im guessing his team!"

'Yuichiro you idiot!'


Alright, the new chapter is up. And i want to thank/give a shout out to the wattpad user who helped me


Thank you!

Krul Tepes X Male Human ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now