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Krul ran from the room with the vampire at her heals, leaving m/n on his own. M/n struggled against his bonds, trying to break free.

'What the hell were you thinking, Yu!?'

He asked to no one in particular.

Using his hands, m/n did his best to start untying the rope the best he could. Only failing and leaving his wrists with a rope burn. Knowing it was futile, m/n stopped struggling, and hung his head in defeat. The whole point of him of joining Yuichiro's team, was for m/n to be able to watch over him.

But now that idiot put himself in greater danger than he was supposed to be. 'Some General i am.' M/n thought sadly.

The running of a pair of footsteps started to approach Krul's room at a fast speed. They stopped right in front of the door as said door flew open. Revealing Ryuu and Mikaela. M/n looked at them confused as they rushed over to him.

Mika worked on untying m/n as Ryuu handed him his demon weapon as soon as he was free.

"Hurry, Yuichiro isnt going to win this battle." Mika told him as all three took off with the two vamps leading the way.

After running for what felt like forever, the three stopped to find the team surrounded by mostly nobles. M/n ran forward and jumped on one of the vamps's back, only to land right in front of them. Giving a silent order to his demon to transform into the scythe form.

M/n stood ready, glaring at the vampires. Even if he couldnt talk, his e/c eyes gave off a fire that screamed death if only one vamp were to come any closer.

"M/n!?!" Yu called to him. M/n looked back and smirked. Giving a thumbs up, m/n rushed towards the enemy. About to prove how strong he trully was.

The nobles that were there, rushed forward to meet m/n and kill him. Only to stop by Krul's voice giving a command. "Dont kill him. Just knock him out!" She shouted irritably.

And so, the vampires attacked again. M/n dodged every one of their attacks, working on tiring them out. He called once more to his demon, and mentally asked for her to get ready to expel any demonic power to kill these bloodsuckers in one hit.

Once m/n deemed they were all in line, he gave the demon the signal. One quick slash of the scythe left most of the vampires dead. Considering the fact the curse was active all while attacking.

M/n looked back towards his team and nodded. It was time to go. Immediately, the team started to run. Yuichiro glancing to Mika, his eyes nearly begging for the blonde to go with them. M/n did the same but looked to his brother, Ryuu. His own blue eyes questioning if his brother would follow.

The two stayed. Mika's face looked almost conflicted while Ryuu's looked sad. M/n clicked his tongue in annoyance. Of course Ryuu wouldnt follow him.

With that, the six humans left. Krul remained screaming for m/n to come back. A hint of sadness in her voice. But m/n ignored her.

By the time they reached the surface, m/n shielded his eyes from the blinding light. He has, after all, been underground for two weeks.

"Come on, m/n. Lets get you to the infirmary." Kimizuki gently told m/n as he lead the h/c haired male away from the opening. They walked silently down the hill, walking slowly as m/n wanted to see if Ryuu would change his mind.

"I didnt know you could do that." Yoichi brought up the fight suddenly. M/n looked to Shinoa, knowing the girl knew who he was. She nodded, understanding what he wanted from her.

"He's a General of the Moon Demon Company." She paused, letting the information sink in. The team looked at her, shocked. "He was actually sent to this team to keep an eye on Yuichiro. But im guessing things changed when the vampires took him."

M/n nodded, confirming what she said. "So did you learn anything about the vampires?" Yuichiro asked softly, trying to ignore the fact he just found out he had another babysitter.

M/n nodded and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a map and handed it to Yu.

The raven opened the map and gaped at what was inside. "When did you managed to get this?!" Mitsuba demanded. M/n smirked, his eyes showing mischief. 'I have my ways.' He wanted to so badly say.

By the time they reached the infirmary, a nurse took m/n into a room so she could examine him for any serious injuries.

M/n sat on the bed with his mouth wide open as the nurse glanced in. Once she was done, she peered down to his neck and examined the scar that started to form. The stitches that were placed in when the cut was made, were all messed up and covered in dry blood.

The nurse immediately started to remove it, considering the stitches were no longer needed.

"Now i dont want you talking until i say your throat is healed up." She warned the General that sat right in front of her.

'I wont.' He smiled at her. With that, she left him to get some rest. M/n layed down on the bed. Staring out his window, m/n silently wished to still be with Krul. Even if she was a jerk.

But out of everyone, she seemed to understand his pain the most.


Alright now i have to tell you something that i had placed in my other book (akame ga kill x male reader). It was a message to tell you guys how updates were going to be revealed.

You can preview the message by going to my profile and into my conversations. There i will tell the plan of what i will update next weekend or if there is going to be an update at all.

Krul Tepes X Male Human ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now