What do you want?

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As soon as the h/c came to, he looked around the room for any source of light. His arms were tight behind his back with the feel of freezing metal interlocking them. The male was sitting up in a chair and through the darkness, M/n thought he could make out a metal door. (OMG THESE MOSQUITOES ARE SO FRICKING ANNOYING!!!!!!!!! ITS SO HARD TO TYPE WHEN YOU'RE CONSTANTLY BEING BITTEN!!!!!)

The door suddenly, and none too gently, flew open. Light spilled into the room quickly causing m/n to close his eyes at the sudden glow that burned them. In walked two people, m/n noticed when his eyes had finally adjusted. It looked to be a male and female. One who looked familiar and the other not so much.

One of them was a h/c haired male with red eyes and s/c skin. He was pretty tall, a lot taller than the woman. M/n turned his e/c gaze to her. She had pink hair and red eyes with pale skin. She was wearing a pink/black/white dress while the other wore the usual vampire uniform.

"Who are you?" M/n questioned with no hint of fear in his voice. The girl spoke up.

"I'm Krul Tepes, your new queen." To which m/n responded:

"Yeah and i'm M/n, your new Santa Clause." The pinkette glared harshly at m/n and almost looked as if she would lash out at him for his joke, but the male stopped her by placing a calming hand on her shoulder. M/n gestured with his head towards the male asking for a name silently.

"You know who i am. Your brother, Ryou." M/n looked slightly surprised yet at the same time, not at all. In a way, it reminded him of how cliche this scene was. His captor coming in to greet him with his beloved standing next to them. Nothing new.

"By the way, you'll be staying with the vampires now. Well, technically with me so i can keep an eye on you. I know who you are, General M/n L/n, legendary vampire slayer, who will soon be 'legendary human slayer.'" M/n's e/c eyes widened at what he had to become, or he could just not listen to what she told him to do. They couldn't do anything to hurt him, and honestly, he lost his care for his brother Ryou.

And not because his older brother was a vampire, but merely because the man had left him in the streets during a vampire invasion.

M/n remembered it clearly though he did lie about a few pieces when he told his backstory to his teammates.

"What are you gonna do? Bite me? That wont make me fight for you. I'll die before that happens." M/n stated in defiance.

"Well if i do turn you, you will technically be dead." She stated with a smirk, twisting m/n's words against him. The other just looked at Krul with a deadpan stare, almost ready to stop caring. The chair he was sitting on actually had some sharp edges so if he angled his wrist right, he could cut them. But then what?

What would happen to his squad?

When M/n thought about it, where he was now, could benefit him and his fellow soldiers.

But what would his friends think when he returns and reveals what he's learned. He might ending up having to give away the information Guren had told him secretly to keep. His team knew him as a newbie. Guren knew him as a General. Oh man.

He made up his mind. M/n would stay to gather information, then he would escape. No matter what, he couldn't let his feelings for his team get in the way. He cant get attached. Not after his last squad.

Now would be the time to play the part. "Alright, i'll do as you ask on one condition." Krul looked at him in thought of what this condition would be. "You cant turn me into a vampire. The one thing i want, is to remain mortal." Krul remained silent, thinking over his request.

"Deal, but if you so much as try to escape or betray us, i'll have you slaughtered on the spot." Perfect, M/n thought, just as planned. He mentally smiled as he physically nodded his head in understanding.

You may have captured me Krul, but i wont go down so easily. Now i will come out of hiding, and in the end, i will be the one to end this Vampire Reign.


0.0 OMG this new information is so shocking.

Yeah i had to make reader-san seem more manly and actually you are. Congrats on being a legendary vampire slayer XD

Krul Tepes X Male Human ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now