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"Monday has arrived again! Students we have come to that time of year where we see students taking out their dancing shoes, and getting ready for our school dance. October has arrived! So are going to have homecoming soon! Our seniors will decorate the gym! This is not senior graduation prom, this is a school dance where everyone is invited!" The principal announces, and the school roars in excitement.

"I can't wait Alli! I wonder who I will go with." I whisper to Allison, nudging her slightly to get her attention. She turns to me excitedly.


Soon, preparations for homecoming start almost immediately. It almost a week away. It has been a lot of fun to prepare for, and we started soon after the announcement. However, I do not think any of us one of us expected how much work would have to be done. There is so much organization that goes into these types of events.

"Melissa, do you have the disco ball?" I am asked by someone, probably Jessica, as being the head cheerleader, she has this become head of the decorations and organizations committee.

"Yes. Help!" I shout, carting the huge disco ball, but struggling with its weight. I manage to peek around the disco ball, and spot Matthew who is running up to me.

"I will take that!" He says, trying to grab the ball from my hold. I quickly change my mind and hold tightly onto it. I won't let the arrogant jerk take the ball from me. I will outlast till the end! Matthew keeps trying to grab the disco ball but I shake my head. Matthew, always trying to be the gentleman, but failing miserably at it. I roll my eyes.

"Only joking! Female power!" I shout, and run quickly across the gym, carrying the heavy disco ball. I figure that the quicker I get there, the fast I get to put the ball down. Why exactly did I not accept? Oh yeah. Girl power!

I hand the disco ball over to Jessica, as I finally reach her, and she smiles in thanks. Jessica and I have become better acquaintances because of the cheerleading practices, she actually is quite sweet. Allison and I are officially in the cheerleading "it circle". We sit with them at break, and they actually talk to me. I have also realized that a lot of them do not live up to the tropical cheerleader mean girl stereotype, and many of them are actually really sweet and each have different talents of their own.

Jessica and I have been put in charge of decorating the gym. I have no idea how I managed to get the job, but luckily, there are a few other cheerleaders who were also tasked with helping us, but all they mainly do is sit around and do nothing, leaving only Jessica and I to do the whole thing.

Jessica hands the disco ball over to a group of boys, all of ten who are holding large pieces of rope. They put the ball on the rope, and pull upwards, and the ball lifts up to the ceiling of the gym.

"Little more to the right!" Jessica orders, and the boys obey, and the disco ball swings to the right, "No! A little more left!" She continues to say, "No back. Back!!" She shouts and the boys sigh. She looks up at the ball and nods. "And...Perfect! Hurray! Nice guys!" She screams to the football team putting up the disco ball. I shake my head in sympathy.

With the disco ball up, I take the time to actually admire the hall. The theme for homecoming this year is "Under the Night Sky", so huge star decorations span the room, and a few hang from the roof. Large planet props also hang from the ceiling, making the gym look something like a model of our solar system. We also have two space rockets, with the NASA logo on them, as well as a few satellites which fill the empty spaces of the gym. A huge rocket stands in the center of the gym, and scattered around it are a few stars, as well as a few astronaut costumes, put onto clothing models. How we got most of our props, I have no idea. The gym looks extremely festive, and I can't wait for the night.

I imagine myself dancing with someone, underneath the fake night sky. I smile as I imagine being whisked around this very gym in the arms of some inaginary gorgeous guy. I shake my head. Screw movies for giving us such high expectations with men and guys. All they are are fantasies. Being in a relationship is a lot of work. I learnt that from Cameron. I don't like to remember it, because it just makes me sad, but I dated my brother's best friend. He broke up with me when he moved schools. We were going so strong, and he broke my heart when he told me he had to focus on his new school. The reason is completely ridiculous, but he left me, and now, I am quite fine being single. Don't get me wrong, I would like a homecoming date, but nothing more serious than that.

A crash sounds from behind me, interrupting my thoughts. I quickly spin around and look in horror as the disco ball has fallen from the ceiling. I run over to examine the damage. The small mirrors from the ball are shattered and are scattered everywhere. The ball looks damaged beyond repair, as the ball is dented seriously in one of the sides, and a lot of the mirror covering of the ball has fallen off and shattered on the floor. Luckily, the floor looks alright. I lean down and pick up the broken disco ball, being careful not to cut my hands.

"I can take it Melissa." Matthew offers, and takes the broken ball from me. So much for girl power.

"Well this just sucks. The disco ball would've looked I cool." I mourn and I grab a broom from a random person who hands it to me.

"It's now worries Melissa." Jessica starts, "We didn't really need a disco ball anyway. I saw a really big polystyrene yellow sun in the art classroom, so we can use that instead." Jessica suggests with a smile. "I'll carry on sweeping. You go find the sun." She says I nodded and I walk to exit the gym.

I easily find the art room, and as I walk in, I am almost shocked by how many decorations there are which still need to be put up. I dodge the different decorations, being careful not to break anymore.

I walk down one of the isles of shelves, and turn to walk down the next one and almost yelp in surprise. Matthew, and another cheerleader, who looks shockingly like Jessica's best friends, are making out heavily. It's disgusting to look at, especially because of the fact that Matthew is still Jessica's boyfriend. I'm pretty sure that's some serious cheating going on there.

Matthew Hill has now dropped positions in my book to a third degree jerk. There is a first degree, where people who might say nasty things sit, then there is a second degree, where people who are two faced and belittle others, and finally, there is the third degree jerk. This particular title is only for guys who are complete morons. Matthew is a player and an arrogant douche bag who has to stoop so low to cheat on his girlfriend. That's dirty and twisted, especially when you have to make out with each other in an art room. I really do hope my brother isn't like this. If he is anything like Matthew, his butt is going to kicked.

The Last Cheer (Book 1 of the Cheer series)Where stories live. Discover now