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I grabbed my sports bag, which held my water bottle, my precious food items, a towel, deodorant and a few other things, and waited for bus which would take the cheerleaders and the football team to Ridgewood high school.

This is the high school to beat. Ridgewood has been fighting against Eastwood since the two schools came into existence. The team is on edge, as was clear by the somber looks the football team had on their faces. This is also my first cheerleading event. Both the cheerleaders and the football players hop onto the bus and as the bus ride starts, both the football players and the cheerleaders start singing random songs. Turns out, cheerleaders suck at singing.

As we arrive at the school, the bus is filled with silence as the school comes into view. Everyone is so nervous. It's the game against our greatest enemy. However, is not just the competition of the football game, it's a competition between the cheer squads.

We walk onto the field together, but split up later. The boys huddle together in a circle, along with their football coach. We formed a circle of our own, and Jessica, the captain took the lead.

"Remember the routine. That's the most important thing. And don't embarrass me. My boyfriend is playing." She comments, and I roll my eyes. She laughs. "I'm joking. Scream your hearts out there. Show them what we are worth. They are our enemy. The boys play as hard as we scream. Let's do it. But I'm also not joking about my boyfriend playing. Seriously. It would be embarrassing if we weren't up to scratch."

Her boyfriend, also known as Mathew Hill. My brother's best friend, who also happens to be the guy I used to have a crush on. When Matthew and my brother became best friends, I was also tossed deep into the friend zone. No one wants to date their best friend's sister. However, I also want it to stay that way. Matthew's tongue has explored Jessica's mouth too many times for my liking thank you. That means that if I happen to kiss him, I will be indirectly kissing Jessica too. The thought sent shivers down my spine. Gross.

"Let's do it!" Jessica shouts in affirmation. "Alright. Let's break." She orders, and we all put hands into the center of the circle.

"Go... Go... Go... Eastwood high!!! Go! Go! Go!" We all shout together in chorus, and when we shout the last word, we toss our hands into the air. My eyes catch the cheerleaders of the other team do the same thing. I roll my eyes. Copy cats.

The whistle blows, and Matthew get the ball first, and flings it behind him, and the game starts. So, we too start our game.

"What What What!!! Throw that ball! Throw it! You can do it! Let us see what you caaaannnnn do!" We scream in chorus while doing the routine. I mess it up a little, but the routine comes back  into my memory, and I finish it correctly.

When the clock finally reaches half time, most of our voices seem to be gone and my legs are aching. Damn I am unfit. I don't care though. This is my first ever game on the field, and after watching many, many games from the bleachers, now, I'm actually on the field for once.

I mingle a bit with a few of the cheerleaders until the game continues again. 5 minutes before the game was going to begin again I grab my sports bag and my water bottle. I put it to my lips and as I was about to take a sip, a the voice sounded, which made my heart sink.

"Is that the sibling of THE Steven Daniels? Welcome to Ridgewood High!" I stiffen, and spin around to see the familiar gorgeous blonde haired boy with hazelnut brown eyes.

"Cameron." I say seriously, and he looks disappointed, but I smile, "Miss me?" I ask, looking into my brother's former best friend's eyes, who also one of my brother's biggest competitors. Cameron moved schools from Eastwood High to Ridgewood, and my brother was upset and angry that he had left without an explanation. They haven't talked to each other in ages.

"Of course I did Lissa. I have missed my girl terribly." He smiles, talking to me in his same old familiar snarky voice.

"Your girl?" I ask and raise my eyebrow.

"Why of course gorgeous. My girl." He replies, flashing his white teeth, causing another eyeroll.

"Clueless. Totally clueless. Funny, Gorgeous, I am not yours anymore." I tell him, putting him back into the friend zone.

"How's your brother?" He asks, smirking. "I didn't see him on the field. Is he in hiding?" I shake my head in disgust, but he still smiles innocently.

"Wait, you don't know do you?" I ask and Cameron turns to me.

"What don't I know?" He asks, tilting his head in confusion.

"You have your 'sources' find out for yourself." I say. I'm not sure I can tell him without crying, and I certainly will not cry in front of him. I walked away, leaving him with many unanswered questions. He calls out after me, but the whistle blows signifying half time is over.

The game continues and we tie with Ridgewood. After the game, my mother drops me off at the hospital where I will visit my brother again. I walk to his room. I sigh as my eyes catch my brother on the bed, who is still hooked onto all these tubes which made me want to squirm. I walk up to the side of his bed and sit down next to him.

"I don't know if you can hear me, but I wanted to tell you something." I start and look at him. Silence follows, and I sigh softly. I take his hand in mine.

"I joined the cheerleading team Steven. Only for you Stevie. We can be on the field together, like you always wanted. I tried out on Friday and I got in! It was our first game today." I continued smiling and looking at him. I could only imagine his reply, yet still, silence follows. I take a drop breath and continue on.

"We missed you at the game today. We tied with Ridgewood. I wish you were there to show them whose boss. You could've been there to kick Cameron's butt! I mean the whole of Eastwood High is missing you. Our cheer routines went well. I think that I finally have got into the hang of this whole cheerleading thing."

I have the feeling that he understood. Holding his hand, I am sure I feel a little squeeze, unless that is just a fragment of my imagination.

The doctor appears in the doorway and motions for me that my time has come to an end. I nod.

"I have to go now Steven. I love you. Please wake up soon."
I beg him. I lean over and kiss him on the forehead. I walk to the door, but stop and look back at my brother lying in his bed, one last time and then I slip away quietly.

The Last Cheer (Book 1 of the Cheer series)Where stories live. Discover now