Twenty Nine

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My eyes shot open.

"Sam!" I shouted. He was on top of me and he is licking my face. I ruffled his head.

Yawning, I looked at the clock, 5:59. I slumped out of bed, moaning.

I walked next door. I, being the stupid person I am forgot to knock. Oh well. I nearly melted at the scene before me. Scarlet was on top of Steven fast asleep and Steven was too. I gripped my phone and snapped a pic.

I then hit the play button for music. Hello by Adele started to play. Okay, I know it could be lame, but Steven hates the song. It is really funny to watch his reaction. I don't mind the song, but it gets on my nerves sometimes.

Steven moaned. I giggled and ran into my room. I put on my cheerleader uniform, tied a ribbon into my hair and put on my white converse.


As the school came into view, Steven and I were smiling, and I had serious butterflies. I don't know why. Maybe the fact that we were driving in my uncle's Ferrari! We have to make the ultimate grande entrance, so we had asked my uncle to pick us up. Technically, I asked my uncle, Steven just went along with it. My uncle and Steven and I are quite close and he was very happy to comply.

As we drove to the front of the school, the students had made formed some sort of a tunnel for us. It really isn't everyday that someone arrives at school in a Ferrari.

They were standing looking wide eyed at the car, but had made a path to the door. I stepped out the car first. So did Steven. He walked around the car and we linked arms.

"Bye Uncle Tony! Thanks!" I shouted.

We walked up the stairs. "Is that.." Someone shouted, "STEVEN?" Someone else shouted.

"Yo man!" Steven did a hand shake to the jock.

"Sup Lissa." He said.

"Sup." I replied.

Steven raised an eyebrow. We carried on walking inside. We greeted more people. I spotted Jess by her locker. I saw her smile at me. Her mouth hung open when she saw Steven.

She ran up and gave me a hug.

"I didn't expect you to be here." She said to Steven, "welcome back, Stranger."

He laughed. "Good to see you too Jess. I hear that you are one of my sister's best friends now."

"Yup!" She said wrapped her arms around me.

She then joined us. I eyed Allison, who came up to Steven and gave him a bear hug.

"Look who it is!" She exclaimed. Steven gave her a hug. "Why didn't you tell me?" Allison smacked my arm.

"Missed you Alli. Well done on the cheerleader position. I always knew you had a loud side to you." He said. We all laughed. She rolled her eyes.
Allison joined the group and we walked through the corridors, never looking back. People were looking at us. After all, we must have looked like some sort of action movie, and guess who there hero's are. Us.

This isn't Stevens story. It's mine. It how I became popular, and made friends that will be with me for a lifetime. Life couldn't be more perfect. Steven is better, he will play on the football team sometime in the near future again. As it's captain once more. It will be the last year of high school next year, and then its varsity. I have my Cameron back.

However, most importantly, I have learnt that life has its ups and downs. All we need to do is have a little faith and never stop hoping. Hope is never useless. And sometimes, all you need is a little bit of shouting and fighting.

While this chapter of my life might be ending, the story is only beginning.

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